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This is what my tank looked like in September last year.


I had just started and it wasn't much. Over the months that followed, many additions were made and many lives were lost.

I had even come to the point where I wanted to quit. Thankfully it hasn't come to that and my tank looks like this now.


I don't have that many inhabitants but the survivors here are doing great.


3 Hermits

1 Fire Clown

1 Clarki Clown

1 large anemone

1 small anemone

2 Watchman Gobies

5 Featherduster worms ( and loads of tiny ones all over the place. Possibly breeding? )

Corals.. I've got

1 bubble coral > it's kinda pinkish

1 hammer coral

3 Hairy Green Mushrooms (gotten from Sisreefer)

some cool star polyps. I see them getting longer and longer every month.

an assortment of random mushrooms

1 piece of moonrock (I honestly don't know what it is called)

FOWLR Tank : Decom

Invert Tank: Decom

Current Tank: 2 ft with 2ft sump, 2 pyjama Cardinals, 1 Watchman Goby, 8 sand gobies, common saltwater shrimps, 3 turbo snails. 1 super green paly

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  • SRC Member

Based on yr rockscape...you may need to use epoxy to secure yr corals in future....good to hear that you did not give up...i also made some blunders and faced with diatoms and red hair algae last time...demoralising...

You may want to visit Golden Octopus to hunt for nice corals to add into yr tank...haha...looking forward to your updates. :eyebrow:

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Thanks for the comments everyone...

I made the mistake of purchasing 3 large pieces of Liverock to start with rather than many smaller ones. It was only after adding all those smaller pieces of rock did the tank become stable. Right now not much intention on adding anything new. I'm planning on getting more small hermit crabs though. Been having a hard time finding them.

If anyone has any suggestions for the hermits, do let me know.

I've got a small wave maker at the back that's keeping away the dead spots but I need another to create some surface flow. soon soon.

FOWLR Tank : Decom

Invert Tank: Decom

Current Tank: 2 ft with 2ft sump, 2 pyjama Cardinals, 1 Watchman Goby, 8 sand gobies, common saltwater shrimps, 3 turbo snails. 1 super green paly

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Ambystoma82, That white thead thing is actually the white tape that was there to secure the piping. The hermits had a go at it.

FOWLR Tank : Decom

Invert Tank: Decom

Current Tank: 2 ft with 2ft sump, 2 pyjama Cardinals, 1 Watchman Goby, 8 sand gobies, common saltwater shrimps, 3 turbo snails. 1 super green paly

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  • SRC Member

Not to say that the rest of the tank is less interesting than the liverocks, but you've got some seriously beautiful liverocks, especially the large flat piece in the centre!

Very nice set up, hope to see more of your tank soon :D

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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yes they are.. you wouldnt believe the amount of money I paid for the initial 3 pieces.

FOWLR Tank : Decom

Invert Tank: Decom

Current Tank: 2 ft with 2ft sump, 2 pyjama Cardinals, 1 Watchman Goby, 8 sand gobies, common saltwater shrimps, 3 turbo snails. 1 super green paly

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  • SRC Member

I like your new rockscape bro! nice! especially the hollow part at the bottom.

Potential to be a beautiful tank...get nice corals for your tank.

Once you get the hang of it, you can upgrade yr stuffs and go into SPS...your top part very ideal to place SPS or zoas.

I'm gonna camp here...keep the updates flowing man... :eyebrow:

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Thanks AhSeng.

My tank is going to be mainly of Invertebrates.

Update soon with livestock.

FOWLR Tank : Decom

Invert Tank: Decom

Current Tank: 2 ft with 2ft sump, 2 pyjama Cardinals, 1 Watchman Goby, 8 sand gobies, common saltwater shrimps, 3 turbo snails. 1 super green paly

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