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Need Help and Advice- DIY Sump System


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I intend to DIY an overflow system for a 2x2x1.5feet tank. Went to Alantic tank maker today and was stuck with questions. Need to know what will be the recommended diameter of the inflow pipe from the overflow chamber becuase I need to adv the tank maker to drill the hole. At the same time, any one can share or adv a good design, like what will be the design for the pipe in the overflow chamber, inflow and return piping design coz i intend to DIY the piping system. Btw, I'm a newbie and wanted to setup a FOWLR tank. Thank you!

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Should i get a 1.5" (is't too small) pipe for inlet to sump and 1" pipe for return? Ok for a 2ft tank? Can someone advice?

First determine what pump you intend to use and then accommodate your piping towards your return pump.

For a 2ft tank, you can run with a eheim 1260 which will turnover 2400l/hr. If this is the pump, the overflow have to be 32mm and the return have to be 25mm minimum. Also ensure your overflow width to be not less than 10 inches.

Another point to note is try to get DIN standard pipes as they will save you to hassle in a long run.

HTH ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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First determine what pump you intend to use and then accommodate your piping towards your return pump.

For a 2ft tank, you can run with a eheim 1260 which will turnover 2400l/hr. If this is the pump, the overflow have to be 32mm and the return have to be 25mm minimum. Also ensure your overflow width to be not less than 10 inches.

Another point to note is try to get DIN standard pipes as they will save you to hassle in a long run.

HTH ;)

Thank you very much for ur reply. Indeed good info for me as I'm heading no where to get such info in the past few days....

I will be getting an Ehiem 1250 (1200l/h), will it be under powered? shall i then downsize the pipe to 25mm overflow and 20mm return? Sorry, what do u mean by overflow width not less than 10 inches? Can elaborate cos i'm new to this. For the DIN standpipe, have to DIY rite?

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Thank you very much for ur reply. Indeed good info for me as I'm heading no where to get such info in the past few days....

I will be getting an Ehiem 1250 (1200l/h), will it be under powered? shall i then downsize the pipe to 25mm overflow and 20mm return? Sorry, what do u mean by overflow width not less than 10 inches? Can elaborate cos i'm new to this. For the DIN standpipe, have to DIY rite?

A typical 2 x 1 x 1 ft tank holds about 55 litres of water so technically speaking you will have about 20x your tank volume with 1250 which is quite decent. There are however some who will push up to 40x their tank volume. Personally, I will still choose 32mm for your overflow as for the return, it is best to go according to your pump which now suggest a 20mm pipe.

Yup, stand pipe or durso have to DIY but its no rocket science. ;)

You obviously will have either a internal / external overflow box (weir), just ensure that the width of the box that allows water to flow into your stand pipe will have a minimum width of 10inches i.e. 5 inch on each side of it happens to be a corner overflow box.

As you can see from the below image, the part where there is holes to allow water to flow through constitute your width of your overflow box.


HTH ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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A typical 2 x 1 x 1 ft tank holds about 55 litres of water so technically speaking you will have about 20x your tank volume with 1250 which is quite decent. There are however some who will push up to 40x their tank volume. Personally, I will still choose 32mm for your overflow as for the return, it is best to go according to your pump which now suggest a 20mm pipe.

Yup, stand pipe or durso have to DIY but its no rocket science. ;)

You obviously will have either a internal / external overflow box (weir), just ensure that the width of the box that allows water to flow into your stand pipe will have a minimum width of 10inches i.e. 5 inch on each side of it happens to be a corner overflow box.

As you can see from the below image, the part where there is holes to allow water to flow through constitute your width of your overflow box.


HTH ;)

OK got it. Actually my tank will be 2x2x1.5ft. if that is the case, should it be minium of a 1260? then i will go for 32mm in and 25mm as recommended.

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A typical 2 x 1 x 1 ft tank holds about 55 litres of water so technically speaking you will have about 20x your tank volume with 1250 which is quite decent. There are however some who will push up to 40x their tank volume. Personally, I will still choose 32mm for your overflow as for the return, it is best to go according to your pump which now suggest a 20mm pipe.

Yup, stand pipe or durso have to DIY but its no rocket science. ;)

You obviously will have either a internal / external overflow box (weir), just ensure that the width of the box that allows water to flow into your stand pipe will have a minimum width of 10inches i.e. 5 inch on each side of it happens to be a corner overflow box.

As you can see from the below image, the part where there is holes to allow water to flow through constitute your width of your overflow box.


HTH ;)

OK got it. Actually my tank will be 2x2x1.5ft. if that is the case, should it be minium of a 1260? then i will go for 32mm in and 25mm as recommended.

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OK got it. Actually my tank will be 2x2x1.5ft. if that is the case, should it be minium of a 1260? then i will go for 32mm in and 25mm as recommended.

Not much diff. If you intend to use 1260, you can even t-off to run a FR if you find the return too strong to your liking.

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Not much diff. If you intend to use 1260, you can even t-off to run a FR if you find the return too strong to your liking.

Great! I'm heading somewhere now. Thank you all

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First determine what pump you intend to use and then accommodate your piping towards your return pump.

For a 2ft tank, you can run with a eheim 1260 which will turnover 2400l/hr. If this is the pump, the overflow have to be 32mm and the return have to be 25mm minimum. Also ensure your overflow width to be not less than 10 inches.

Another point to note is try to get DIN standard pipes as they will save you to hassle in a long run.

HTH ;)

Is GF piping advicable :whistle ?


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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think GF piping is not a must....unless you are one that appreciate their quality finishing and has a deep pocket.

Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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think GF piping is not a must....unless you are one that appreciate their quality finishing and has a deep pocket.

Hi, have anyone knows where to get this GF piping and valves. Really need their contact coz my overflow GF valve coupling cracked :( The valve with blue wing lever for 1in piping.


Mix reef-Main tank 3x2.5x2.5ftA

TI 3ft 8tube

Hitachi compressor unit 1HP

1 x AP- 702 Deltec

1 x Coral Lab CR with Ph controller; 1X AquaMedic Kalk Reactor top off

Baby fish dosing kh/Sr&Kcl/mg

DI water thru kalkwasser

1 x Skimz Fr with BRS gfo

2 x Rio 32hF main pump

1 x Pinpt Orp monitor

1 X Pinpt Ph monitor

Aquamedic wave maker

Sump 3x1.5ft plumbed together with;

1.5ft cube live rock

Frag tank 5x1x1ft


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Hi, have anyone knows where to get this GF piping and valves. Really need their contact coz my overflow GF valve coupling cracked :( The valve with blue wing lever for 1in piping.


11 Tampines Street 92, or call 6747 0611

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11 Tampines Street 92, or call 6747 0611

Thanks bro. :)

Mix reef-Main tank 3x2.5x2.5ftA

TI 3ft 8tube

Hitachi compressor unit 1HP

1 x AP- 702 Deltec

1 x Coral Lab CR with Ph controller; 1X AquaMedic Kalk Reactor top off

Baby fish dosing kh/Sr&Kcl/mg

DI water thru kalkwasser

1 x Skimz Fr with BRS gfo

2 x Rio 32hF main pump

1 x Pinpt Orp monitor

1 X Pinpt Ph monitor

Aquamedic wave maker

Sump 3x1.5ft plumbed together with;

1.5ft cube live rock

Frag tank 5x1x1ft


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  • 6 months later...
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3x2.5x1.5 tank. I request altantis to do cut 3 holes. 1 for the main to sump and the remainder 2 for the h2o from sump to main tank. Let say i want to deploy GF piping. and the pump i am using is either ehiem 1262 or ocr6500. How big do i need to drill the hole?

Please advise

I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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