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Problem with my LPS


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  • SRC Member

I seem to be having problems with my corals... first it was my super sun... now this... :paiseh:

I noticed recently my prata don't open up and is quite shrivelled. Upon closer inspection I found some white stuff on it. At first I thought its flatworms but its actually some sort of filaments that the coral is expelling. Is this mysentric filaments? Is it due to some sort of stress? Flow problem?

So far my water parameters are ok.

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  • SRC Member

Now my other coral which is the torch... some of the heads are slowly dying. In the picture, 3 of the heads have recently disappeared over the past 1 wk. This coral had survived brown jelly disease before but this recent case is different. The tentacles just slowly grow smaller and retract into the head until it finally disappeared. Any ideas what is happening and how to remedy it?

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  • Senior Reefer

could be form lack of feeding. although this suggesstion is quite debatable. in the wild these corals dun get much food, but they do catch some. torch corals have strong prey capturing ability, as u can see by their long and powerful tentacles. so they can and will accept small pieces of food like mysis and prawn. prolong starvation can cause recession.

maybe u can check ur lightings too? if the lighting is not enough, u can supplement LPS with food. without food and light, the LPS will receed and die.

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  • SRC Member

I have been feeding my prata and torch with prawn meat on weekly basis, so I really doubt they are starving. But somehow I noticed the torch doesn't really eat the prawn meat. The meat sticks to the tentacles and then usually floats away. Sometimes it does get drawn into the mouth.

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  • Senior Reefer

actually weekly is abit too much if ur feeding it prawn. prawn meat is very tough and very stress inducing for corals to digest. once / 2 weeks is ideal. if once a week, best to use mysis.

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  • SRC Member

Too much feeding could also be a problem. Other possibilities: Parasites, sweeper tentacle war, predator, etc...


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