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Ich medications


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sounds good for fishes only... the web site never mentions that it wont kill your good bacteria. and like any herbal medication it takes a very long time for it to work... dosing 2 to 3 time daily for up to three weeks? wow, I must buy stocks in that company...lol

Upz for your sale

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Kordon is a very established brand. Dosage about 5ml per gallon. They have a larger 1 gallon bottle which will treat up to 7,680 gallons but I doubt a normal aquarist can ever finish it. The 16 oz bottle can treat up to 960 gallons.

Hi garyjg, I suggest you read the site before commenting. I have no idea where you got your information from.

Always something more important than fish.


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Kordon is a very established brand. Dosage about 5ml per gallon. They have a larger 1 gallon bottle which will treat up to 7,680 gallons but I doubt a normal aquarist can ever finish it. The 16 oz bottle can treat up to 960 gallons.

Hi garyjg, I suggest you read the site before commenting. I have no idea where you got your information from.

i want 1 bottle - 96757849


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