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sea hare or yellow tang

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hi bros and sis, im tinkin of getting either a sea hare or yellow tang to eat up my brown hair algae...ne comments? are they effective?

btw, my water perimeters is 0 for ANN, 0.03 for PO4...any reason why there is hair algae? I'm oso currently fighting a war wif diatoms...do all new tanks need to go through such process? Cos previously i did not have any of these problems with my nano...

my current tank is around 2 months old...thk u many many in advance :)

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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  • SRC Member
hi bros and sis, im tinkin of getting either a sea hare or yellow tang to eat up my brown hair algae...ne comments? are they effective?

btw, my water perimeters is 0 for ANN, 0.03 for PO4...any reason why there is hair algae? I'm oso currently fighting a war wif diatoms...do all new tanks need to go through such process? Cos previously i did not have any of these problems with my nano...

my current tank is around 2 months old...thk u many many in advance :)

have tried both but seems like my tank parameters not stable so they did not do well even they do consume diatoms...for my own case, turbo snails survive well and do a similar task but much slower only..just need to get more of them...

fellow forummer "V-tec" has lots and selling very reasonably... i buy 6 get 1 free without asking !

just my own 2 cents

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hi bros and sis, im tinkin of getting either a sea hare or yellow tang to eat up my brown hair algae...ne comments? are they effective?

btw, my water perimeters is 0 for ANN, 0.03 for PO4...any reason why there is hair algae? I'm oso currently fighting a war wif diatoms...do all new tanks need to go through such process? Cos previously i did not have any of these problems with my nano...

my current tank is around 2 months old...thk u many many in advance :)

i've not tried sea hare, but my YT seemed to be more 'atas', and only eat red bamboo, pellets or nori seaweed. Rarely peck on the hair algae on the rocks.

However, my Yellow Eye Kole on the other hand, is a very hard-worker. I've nominated him for employee of the year!

He pecks on hair algae growing on glass and rocks all day long!

Purple Tang also does that, but not as hard working as Kole.

For your consideration...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • Senior Reefer
i've not tried sea hare, but my YT seemed to be more 'atas', and only eat red bamboo, pellets or nori seaweed. Rarely peck on the hair algae on the rocks.

However, my Yellow Eye Kole on the other hand, is a very hard-worker. I've nominated him for employee of the year!

He pecks on hair algae growing on glass and rocks all day long!

Purple Tang also does that, but not as hard working as Kole.

For your consideration...

kole eyes are ctenochaetus genus. bristle tooth tang. eating algae is all they do in the wild (: u hired a specialist. good one!

back to threadstarter. for diatoms, i think snails are still the best. my turbo snails ate all my diatoms haha!

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  • SRC Member
hi bros and sis, im tinkin of getting either a sea hare or yellow tang to eat up my brown hair algae...ne comments? are they effective?

btw, my water perimeters is 0 for ANN, 0.03 for PO4...any reason why there is hair algae? I'm oso currently fighting a war wif diatoms...do all new tanks need to go through such process? Cos previously i did not have any of these problems with my nano...

my current tank is around 2 months old...thk u many many in advance :)

Let me noe if u wan to get turbo snail. think i gt somemore to clear.

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  • SRC Member
have tried both but seems like my tank parameters not stable so they did not do well even they do consume diatoms...for my own case, turbo snails survive well and do a similar task but much slower only..just need to get more of them...

fellow forummer "V-tec" has lots and selling very reasonably... i buy 6 get 1 free without asking !

just my own 2 cents

before and after introducing 7 post-14689-1238696403.jpgturbo snails


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