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Off power cause fish die?


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hi there i will like to ask if power failure could cause fish to die.

i use to keep a tank without coral.

and normally i off power at night from 1am to morning 9am

all the while no problem.

then when i intro coral etc

found that i cannot do this , new fish that i intro will die eventually

well i have been keeping marine for some times but look suck. then want to make it look nicer, it turn up to be desasiter.

dam sad when new fish die , then old fish 1/2 dead.

i got yellow tank but some how over time the colour fade away. is there any way to let it gain back its colour?

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  • SRC Member

You mean that the circulation stops for 8 hours a day? That's 1/3 of the day man! Constant circulation is the most fundamental need of an aquarium, letting the water sit stagnant for 8 hours is a recipe for absolute disaster. You don't shut yourself in a sealed room for 8 hours a day without fresh air, so why should the fish?

If power consumption is your concern, get a lower wattage pump. Personally I don't think pumps will consume so much power that shutting it off for 8 hours will make a difference. At the most, you'll save a few cents a day - if this is the kind of money you are trying to scrimp on, maybe you shouldn't keep an aquarium at all.

Apologies in advance if I sound harsh, I usually don't sugar coat my words when stating facts :)

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • Senior Reefer

that is one of the mainr easons for ur NO3 problems. because u turn off ur pump, waste cannot reach the sump...end up ur fish live in their own filth. also without circulation, water becomes stagnant, O2 concentration levels drop and CO2 rises. CO2 is an acidic oxide that will lower ur Ph. u are keeping big angelfishes right? from ur other thread i see that u have a koran and a majestic. they produce alot of waste becoz they are so big. filtration has to be good otherwise they will foul ur water pretty quickly.

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  • SRC Member
hmmm ic i didnt change water for 1/2 year just normal top up.

This is highly interesting to know that you have been doing this for quite a while ( half a year or more and I assume that the top up is with distilled water) without much of a problem until you introduce some corals. It is quite amazing already, maybe you can share a little bit more about your setup for us to understand better.


sun :)

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  • SRC Member

Yup, take it slow bro, it can be quite rewarding when you fix your problems one by one and see the results slowly emerge. :)

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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hmmm going go do water change first today. then start planning what to do next. hahaa need to change

change a slient pump as it got noise recently.

that why i off when i sleep hee hee.

Hee hee... the fishes join u as well, but never work up.

Anyway bro, we all learnt from mistakes :) Have patience and u will reap rewards.

Best Regards,



My Ocean Pets:

Emperor Angel, PowderBlue Tang, Regal Angel, Teardrop Butterfly, Singapore Angel and Nemos


(Only when you guard your lips, you guard your soul....)

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  • SRC Member

One possible reason for new livestock dying is…

If tank had been running after a awhile, nitrates level builds up unless regular sufficient quantity water changes occur. The fish you have in the tank will grow accustomed to higher nitrates levels. The new livestock you introduce will have a hard time adjusting to the elevate nitrate levels even with a proper acclimatization.

Solution is to keep your water parameters well.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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This is highly interesting to know that you have been doing this for quite a while ( half a year or more and I assume that the top up is with distilled water) without much of a problem until you introduce some corals. It is quite amazing already, maybe you can share a little bit more about your setup for us to understand better.


sun :)

hmm not i set up my good friend leaving for study he pass all his things to me. but he might take back when he back hahah. dont know lar. but he mention is setup good good.

as i see

sump got 4 part

1st compart) sponge,LR,some coral chip, some bio ring and red colour

2nd) cheato in basket + good skimmer hmmm realise the cheato is much lesser then that time.

pump >> chiller >> UV light (above water)>> algae removal cylinder (partial above water hang on glass),

3rd) Sea chem Denitrite stone, "bio home plus & Bio Rings & cermic Ring" this part i add by myself ,

4th) noise pump back to main tank.

but i every week got add calcum power etc into sump

i still got an denitrator and calcium cylinder with CO2 not install.

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  • SRC Member

Turning off your pump is like turning off the power to your fridge.

You wouldn't turn off your fridge for 8 hrs everyday right? Unless you have nothing stored inside, but thats besides the point.

And you don't change water for 1/2 year? I suggest you go read up more, to prevent any more fish losses. :whistle

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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  • SRC Member
hmm not i set up my good friend leaving for study he pass all his things to me. but he might take back when he back hahah. dont know lar. but he mention is setup good good.


Your friend has indeed given a good setup to you but perhaps forgotten to mention that the system needs maintenance. I cannot imagine that the system (although FOWL) can survive 8 hours without circulation, most would have crashed. Seems you have an interest to upkeep the tank, so I guess you are at the right place for help. It will be tough but I am sure eventually you will get back on track. Meantime, do not introduce more LS( coral and fishes) until you can confirm your system is OK. You may need some basic test kits ( Ammonia, Nitrates, PH), Hydrometer, Thermometer to monitor your system's health. I did not see a chiller, you need a constant water temp, maybe can consider... meantime monitor those parameter and you will know roughly your problem, then perhaps the information in this forum can help you get your system back on track.

Do take care and importantly, enjoy the hobby

sun :)

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  • SRC Member
hmm not i set up my good friend leaving for study he pass all his things to me. but he might take back when he back hahah. dont know lar. but he mention is setup good good.

as i see

sump got 4 part

1st compart) sponge,LR,some coral chip, some bio ring and red colour

2nd) cheato in basket + good skimmer hmmm realise the cheato is much lesser then that time.

pump >> chiller >> UV light (above water)>> algae removal cylinder (partial above water hang on glass),

3rd) Sea chem Denitrite stone, "bio home plus & Bio Rings & cermic Ring" this part i add by myself ,

4th) noise pump back to main tank.

but i every week got add calcum power etc into sump

i still got an denitrator and calcium cylinder with CO2 not install.

Get your denitrator setup. It will take ard 1mth to kick in.

Best Regards,



My Ocean Pets:

Emperor Angel, PowderBlue Tang, Regal Angel, Teardrop Butterfly, Singapore Angel and Nemos


(Only when you guard your lips, you guard your soul....)

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Or chaetos!!!!

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hmmm my friend got pass me knowledge, but many are loss, some of powder/solution finish didnt replace.

well i think going to make things better as seem now i have more interest.

i didnt know my tank got many problem as my old bird fish didnt die haha, untill now i find out seem impossible to put in new fish. .. . notice rocks are not as purple as last time. and sand is brown colour

i just did a 20% water change. and i get a sailfer test kit for $24 . test kit also so ex ar haha

i tested, is it at the most bottom colour meaning. NO3 still above or at 100

i think every 2 days i changing 20%

i suspect my NO3 sera test kit got problem. but it also show at or around that max range. that why i get another one de.

but seems is same.

i also throw in a whole bottle of sea cheam NO3 removal stone.

Q) will stone disolve over time or to do change of stone?

i have (ph + orp) controller, but just a setup to monitor PH, notice that last time my friend use to activate calcium cylinder. try to install every thing since i going to keep coral in future.

coral eater fish going to put at another tank next time. but next time then say lar now. get more experiance first haha.

will like to ask if i install denitrator need to have water supply to it 24 hours right? inside the denitrator also there is a power head. that only i also need to on 24 hour?

in this forum i have read that people dont put coral chip . . . i inside got one bag should i remove it?

notice my clam i put in sump seems got open up but not as nice as purchase that time . . . . other coral like green jewel seem become a piece of rock. i think eaten up liao.

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  • SRC Member
test kit also so ex ar haha

Q) will stone disolve over time or to do change of stone?

in this forum i have read that people dont put coral chip . . . i inside got one bag should i remove it?

Agree that test kits are expensive, wait till you check out the cost of additives ( try AZNO3 to reduce NO3 ... works well) as for the "stone's" they will be more effective in areas of greater flow ( Fluidized Reactor FR) and they will be less effective after a while ( need to change...) but they should help, Change water is a good move. As for coral chips, they are a bacteria factory and after awhile, they become a Nitrate factory, so you may want to consider removing it after the cycling period ( NH3 -> Nitrite -> Nitrate) is over. In this case you remove the bacteria producing Nitrates from the system. Again many different point of view , and I don't pretend to know your situation 100% to give my 0.01 cents of advise.

Seems to me you have the hardware for a great tank , just work (and $$) to get back on track.


sun :)

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  • Senior Reefer

the clam in the sump got light? clams need very intense to strong lighting.

water change is always a good move. when in doubt, just water change XD. but dont do it too often. get ur parameters to stable levels first, then do water change weekly or biweekly.

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Whoah dude, your NO3 is at or above 100ppm? Its amazing all your fish are still alive!

You have seriously been abusing this tank..what temperature is the water maintained at?

What kind of lighting are you using for the tank?

You have a very steep learning (and spending) curve ahead of you if you decide to continue

running this tank.

For starters you want to vacuum all the debris off the sand, and get NO3 down to 10 - 20ppm.

What brand of Salt mix are you using for water changes? Are you using Anti-Chloramine in your tap water?

I hope you can absorb the necessary information and make the changes necessary in time to save the rest of your livestock.

Best of luck.

hmmm my friend got pass me knowledge, but many are loss, some of powder/solution finish didnt replace.

well i think going to make things better as seem now i have more interest.

i didnt know my tank got many problem as my old bird fish didnt die haha, untill now i find out seem impossible to put in new fish. .. . notice rocks are not as purple as last time. and sand is brown colour

i just did a 20% water change. and i get a sailfer test kit for $24 . test kit also so ex ar haha

i tested, is it at the most bottom colour meaning. NO3 still above or at 100

i think every 2 days i changing 20%

i suspect my NO3 sera test kit got problem. but it also show at or around that max range. that why i get another one de.

but seems is same.

i also throw in a whole bottle of sea cheam NO3 removal stone.

Q) will stone disolve over time or to do change of stone?

i have (ph + orp) controller, but just a setup to monitor PH, notice that last time my friend use to activate calcium cylinder. try to install every thing since i going to keep coral in future.

coral eater fish going to put at another tank next time. but next time then say lar now. get more experiance first haha.

will like to ask if i install denitrator need to have water supply to it 24 hours right? inside the denitrator also there is a power head. that only i also need to on 24 hour?

in this forum i have read that people dont put coral chip . . . i inside got one bag should i remove it?

notice my clam i put in sump seems got open up but not as nice as purchase that time . . . . other coral like green jewel seem become a piece of rock. i think eaten up liao.

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