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Whats wrong with my mushrooms?


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  • SRC Member

I've noticed that my mushroom corals appear to be sagging these couple of days, after the lights go off. When the lights were on, they were normal, and so are my other corals.

But just now I noticed that not only 1 rock of my mushroom was sagging, but all the discomas were doing the same too!

I found one of my purple mushroom head detached this morning, and hoping that they don't all start detaching as well.

I took some pics of the sagging mushroom. Hope you guys can help.


Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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Hi bro,

Its not sagging but detaching from the rock due to many reasons, one of the likely reason will be its is trying to move to a better location. Suggestion you check on your water parameters, flow and lights.

HTH ;)

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  • SRC Member
My mushroom are back to normal again. One theory is that its stretching out to my room lights when the tank lights are off.

that's what i experienced as well...in the early morn the shrooms and zoas face towards the window where the most light in the room is from (windows closed, not direct sunlight just diffused light)...come afternoon when the tank lights are on they all face upwards again...

if its one polyp a week (not more than 2 per week), its seems fine...so called "budding"/ floating elsewhere to multiply (thats what my blue pimpled red shrooms do)....more than 2 constantly every few days or in a week means its the flow is too high..what i used to experience....shifted them to a lower flow area sheltered by live rock and they now only drop like 1 polyp every 2 weeks but i always notice a miniature version appearing the "bare spot" where the polyp came off...this has reassured me that they r happy where they r and jus reproducing...

care to share ur shroom pics?? i'm rather interested in trading these "floating poylps" which r only attached to a few pieces of 1-2mm coral substrate... :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member

Bro, check your kh level. Ever come across mine too. Could be kh level too low. Try buffer it up. How's other corals doing? When getting the kh level back in place, the mushy no longer detach from the rocks again.:)

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  • SRC Member

Found another polyp loose again today. Have been dosing aquapharm iodide daily (1-2 drops).

Did a 10% water change, and fragged the floating polyp. Its my first time fragging, so hope it turns out well.

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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  • Senior Reefer
Found another polyp loose again today. Have been dosing aquapharm iodide daily (1-2 drops).

Did a 10% water change, and fragged the floating polyp. Its my first time fragging, so hope it turns out well.

i find aquapharm idodine to be quite diluted. maybe increase it to 3-4 drops daily? or 5 drops per 2 days.

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Noticed that if I drop more than 2 drops a day, the next morning there will be a minor algae break, a thin film of diatoms will be seen on my tank glass.

I just lost another purple mushroom polyp today. Something is really wrong.

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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