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Balance corals n Equipments, misc for sale

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  • SRC Member

Maxima collected. :upsidedown: Thanks bro Simon and nice knowing u too.

Here's a sum up of items reserved for fellow reefer's name.

1. Skimmer with Pump reserved - Gary

2. Rocks, MH + 2 single T5, sailfin Blenny - Christ

3. Artica chiller - Julian

4. 1 Big P.T and 1 Y.T - Matt

5. 1 Small P.T - Joshua

6. Tank set with rtn pump, Tubby, top up tank and sand - Walter

7. Pair of True Perc - Kenny, G'Clouds

8. 1 small and 1 big Blue Tang with deepstix - Jan

9. Bangai paired - David

10. 1 small Blue Tang, 1 black cardinal, 2 orange stars, 1 blue linkia, 2 abalones and 1 firegoby - Patrick

11. 3 bottles of PUR II, moonlight, 1 green plates - solo

12. PH meter - Yongshun

13. box of addictives - Jay

14. 1 sailfin Tang, 1 tomini Tang, 1 longnose hawk, 1 falcon, 1 arceye, 1 boxer shrimp n 1 cleaner shrimp - HOCC

15. CR + dennerle CO2 set and spare filled CO2 Tank - Garyjg

16. Magnet cleaner with scraper - coldman

17. Refractormeter n magnet cleaner - ystad

18. 4 packs of tunze gloves - yellow tank

Hope I got the compilation of items that is reserved for u, (dividually) listed correctly. I will be taking out the rocks this coming Sunday ard 1.30. Hope that reefers who reserved their items can collect on Sunday from 2 pm to 6 pm. Reefers can also bring along pails for their fishes, If not I do have plastic bags for u.


1. Small hang-on in sump FR for $10

2. 4 ft Jialli T5 with 4 tubes(2 whites n 2 blues) with 2 switches $30

3. airstone skimmer x 3 for $10 (idea for those small Q tank)

4. Bigger than palm size acan - $40

5. Orangy echinata(palm size) - $35

6. Twin green plates on a rock - $8

7. more than 15 mini green plates on a rock - $25

8. TS 7 model 7091 with Tunze 6060 wavemaker and magnet holder - $300 (My lost ur gain) :rolleyes:

welcome bundle sales too. I also got handful of cheatos to spare. Will give away with purchase :lol:

Want to thank all reefers here who has given me support for the decomm sales


Those coming on Friday night for certain items, can collect ard 9.30 as I had a viewing at 7.30. Thereafter will rush back for u guys. Sorry for all inconveniences caused. :thanks:

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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  • SRC Member

To add,

Aquab 2000 pump for $70. Using it for my chiller....

TS 7 with single controller 7091, Tunze 6060 wavemaker and magnet holder for $330 now. Pls dun ask more dis as REALLY REALLY a steal price to buy liao. :thanks: guys

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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  • SRC Member
Bro how come give up? hahaha following my foot steps ah

Have caught up with ur decomm lor. How's ur sales coming along ? I'm abt 90-95% sold out.....

Lai ah lai ah :upsidedown:

Y5 set just collected

3 airstone skimmer reserved.

TS 7 pending consideration :rolleyes:

Small FR pending collection too.

Left Overovers are

1. AquaB 2000 for $70

2. Bigger than palm size acan - $40

3. Orangy echinata(palm size) - $35

4. more than 15 mini green plates on a rock - $25

5. Eheim 1000 for $25

Collection at Fernvale rd Blk 407B. Sms at 97806879 for sales n enquires :thanks:

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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