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Skimz BM200 for bid


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Hi All

Due to no approval from CEO to setup a big tank, I would like to put this Skimz BM200 Skimmer for bidding.

This is a Skimz BM200 (not the latest model) and the warranty just expired in Dec 2008. It is running on a 2 * AquaBee 2000/1 (33W each) and can be used on tank 1000 L (normal stocking) 750 L (Heavy Stocking).

Had send back to AM for servicing last Nov 08 as notice 1 of the AquaBee pump is not that strong. AM had modified the air intake for this pump and it works perfectly (from the last test in AM shop). Will post the picture on the modification in the next post.

Ever posted may be selling. However did not manage to decide at that point of time as still hoping CEO could approve a larger tank. Now its firm. NO MORE BIGGER TANK FOR ME>>>> :cry2:

Thus would like to post this skimmer for bidding and rules as follow:

1. Starting bid price as S$218.00.

2. No min. per increase in bid.

3. Closing date for bid will be on 29 Mar 2009 at 23:00 SGT.

4. Buyer can test and collect this equipment on 4 - 5 April 2009 (weekend).

5. Collection will be in Jurong West.

6. Do not PM me on bidding, just post on this thread.


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The skimmer pictures in action were taken last weekend (13 - 14 Mar) after assembly. Had stored the skimmer in the un-assembly stage to prevent O ring from hardening.

This skimmer can be used in-sump or out-sump. No feeder pump is included. It should need a 2000 L/hr feeder pump to satisfy this skimmer. Gravitational feed is possible as longer as the feed is close to 2000L an hour.

You will need to have a sump compartment of 17" * 17" to host this skimmer. A height of 24" is needed. Guess standard cabinet of 36" should not be an issue. Please carter space for placing skimmer onto sump if intend to run in-sump.





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$320. tks

bro still looking for skimmer?

Humble tank :

Size: 4x2.5x2 ft - Display 

Equipment :

Return 1 : Ecotech marine L1

Return 2 : Ecotech marine M1

CR : Skimz CM122 - Caribsea extra course media with Grotech magnesium

Light : ATI 8x54W



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