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cloudy eyes

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hey guys my banner has cloudy eyes actually is from another banner but the other died

looks like blind kinda big like there is air actually kanna white spot but then now kanna this no white spot liao

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hey guys my banner has cloudy eyes actually is from another banner but the other died

looks like blind kinda big like there is air actually kanna white spot but then now kanna this no white spot liao

Umm... Not say I wanna say ah... But ever since you registered here (and on another forum), you have been posting about one problem after another with your lifestock, and despite getting advise from us to stock slowly, change water, cycle the tank properly, etc, you have not done any of the above it seems. As far as I know, you have been buying "novelty" and demanding creatures like anemone, seahorse and even seeking to buy an octopus - without researching on their care, and evidently, not having a good home for them (bad water parameters and inadequate filtration system).

From what I understand from your past posts, in slightly over a month, you have lost the following at least:

1 x starfish

2 x damsels

1 x nudibranch

1 x anemone (not doing well, given away)

1 x colony of blue zoa

And despite the loss above, you would post about having a problem with a new and different livestock every few days after getting rid of the last.

Please understand that I am not telling you off. I know that you are still schooling, and might not know any better, but please practice a bit of responsibility when it comes to buying and rearing living, breathing things. Each life lost in the tank is a responsibility you must shoulder, and regardless of what the price tags in the LFS say, every life is just as precious.

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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bino is right. till now, i have face problems in my tank too. but must learn to solve it by urself first, then if cannot, come to the forum and seek help. there are many ways to get info. books, internet. (: up till now, the only livestock i have lost is a royal gramma who jumped out. so far i have not lost any livestock due to disease (thank god as my tank is a haven for ich). just need to know the proper husbandry skills and ensure that ur livestock feels happy and at home. (:

as for corals, they can be a little harder to care for than fish. the death rate for corals are higher than fish of course. but all deaths can be prevented by reading up first. i understand how u feel as i myself am a student. but how come even tho we are so alike, i dont loose as much livestock as u? read up first. we are all newbies at one point. start with easy fish, easy corals then progress to more challenging things like anemone, seahorse and the works.

of coz, everyone experience loses. i myself have lost a few corals and a few fish. only my royal gramma was negligence on my part, died coz i did not get a cover. the rest of my fish died because of power shortage long ago. corals, i am also sad to say i lost 2. due to brown jelly disease and my goby =]. bro, all i can say is, take it slow, read up, and make sure u are certain what u buy and ensure that u can provide for the animal's needs. dun faster buy something to replace the dead animal....that is inhumane. ask urself why the animal died in ur hands. fix it, then try again. otherwise, ur previous fish would have just died in vain..

my $0.02

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hey bro totally understand did what u guys have advised

as I have two tanks the one in the 2 ft has really stablize with everything intact

while my problems are mostly faced by this 1 ft tank also thinking of getting an octopus is just my sheer curiosity

i agree I am at fault I have also been reading up on stuff but also I do not get the info I really need

thus will post my problems that I face here also my seahorses are living well in my 2 ft thus no probs

as for my 1 ft the banner is inside thus at a loss what to do cause starting all over is changelling

sorry binosage understand how you feel when I see ppl eating shark fins

thanks for the advice :paiseh::thanks:

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No problem bro, we have all been there, but please resist the temptation to introduce anymore fishes to the tank until you sort out the problem. Glad you didn't take my reply the wrong way. :)

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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did not follow up on your problems, but to solve ur current problem,

how did u get the 1ft start up?

cloudy eye and airbubble in eye is v different. and need to be treated differently.

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No problem bro, we have all been there, but please resist the temptation to introduce anymore fishes to the tank until you sort out the problem. Glad you didn't take my reply the wrong way. :)

I totally agree good to have some "warning"

hehe thanks okhopefully can solve out lots of issues in my small tank if not I am gonna snap hehe

okie thanks haha :thanks::eyebrow:

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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okie not sure is this right to start a tank not hehe

okie I add sand fine grain but not live into tank

after adding I add newly mixed salt water into it and allow it to run after a few wks with my skimmer on

I add live rock and constant supply of bacteria

after checking that everything is perfect I add my first fish

hehe okie hope nths wrong with it yea

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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Smaller the tank, more diligent reefer needs to be. I do 10-20% water change on my 10gallon every week without fail. I missed one time due to overseas holiday and my beloved yellow polyps disintegrated. Don't treat your 2 tanks the same way. each tank has it's own needs.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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waa hw come so many newbie reefer live near me..

end of e month when i more free then go shed some light on ur tank..


bro set aside e budget for ur equipment 1st b4 u start with anything..

if u realli realli cannot wait,,,

ur fishtank buy NSW from iwarna n keep only fish n fishtank loh..


can maintain by waterchange if u can tahan.. no nid skimmer also can lolx..

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  • SRC Member
okie not sure is this right to start a tank not hehe

okie I add sand fine grain but not live into tank

after adding I add newly mixed salt water into it and allow it to run after a few wks with my skimmer on

I add live rock and constant supply of bacteria

after checking that everything is perfect I add my first fish

hehe okie hope nths wrong with it yea

hey bro I did the first step by first preparing the salt water then pouring it in

yep then I add bacteria

hehe why haha like to know whats the difference


Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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waa hw come so many newbie reefer live near me..

end of e month when i more free then go shed some light on ur tank..


bro set aside e budget for ur equipment 1st b4 u start with anything..

if u realli realli cannot wait,,,

ur fishtank buy NSW from iwarna n keep only fish n fishtank loh..


can maintain by waterchange if u can tahan.. no nid skimmer also can lolx..

hehe cool hey recommend me all those live serangoon north leh

all I know is you only leh hehe if you come shed some light hehe my fishes ill be damn happy sio

hehe thanks bro

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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cloudy eye is due to bacteria infection. one of the reason of bacteria infection is water quality or new LS added. it should be treated with antibiotics.

hi bro, do you know which antibiotics?

incidently i recently acquired a pylei wrasse with a cloudy eyes. after about a week, the eye started to swell... and now it looks like what this bro has described, an air bubble inside. the eye is still cloudy but the wrasse is still feeding v well.

i might want to catch it out and treat it if i know what antibiotics would help... i've heard adding epsom salt will help but what is epsom salt? and it screws up the salinity too so i am reluctant to do that to my main tank with all the other lifestock / corals in it...

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okie will try


hehe anyway if wannna do 100 percent water change can help?

what should I do any step by step guide?

thanks bros

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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hey any bros can guide me along if I wanna start anew?

for my 1 ft thanks

sorry for the trouble

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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u know if C328 sells that? if not does anyone know which lfs carry this medication?

Petmart and reborn carry this.

Best Regards,



My Ocean Pets:

Emperor Angel, PowderBlue Tang, Regal Angel, Teardrop Butterfly, Singapore Angel and Nemos


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hi bro, do you know which antibiotics?

incidently i recently acquired a pylei wrasse with a cloudy eyes. after about a week, the eye started to swell... and now it looks like what this bro has described, an air bubble inside. the eye is still cloudy but the wrasse is still feeding v well.

i might want to catch it out and treat it if i know what antibiotics would help... i've heard adding epsom salt will help but what is epsom salt? and it screws up the salinity too so i am reluctant to do that to my main tank with all the other lifestock / corals in it...

Yes I agree with using epsom salt, it really helps. You have to dose the right amount, 1 tbs per 5 gallon of water. You can get it from watson or guardian pharmacy.

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Yes I agree with using epsom salt, it really helps. You have to dose the right amount, 1 tbs per 5 gallon of water. You can get it from watson or guardian pharmacy.

hey bro what is epsom salt something to do with medic?

hehe anyway how do u heal just mix the salt with water

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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