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  • Senior Reefer

my favourite dwarf angel is lemon peel. the shape is dam sexy and the colour is dam solid. and the neon blue highlights just accents its divine perfection. am i describing a fish like i am suppose to describe a women? sorry, lolz but lemon peel = solid stuff. too bad its one of the most unsafe dwarf angel. summore the name LEMON peel. walao...god sent la. name it lemonlemon peel angelfish la. lolx XD

the hybrid lemon peels even more chio! come. amazing isint it?



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  • SRC Member

There's always something for everyone at GO.

Especially if you look at the middle tank...a lot of gems inside...

I always felt "overwhelmed" whenever i m in GO...eyes non stop moving...too many gems...want to pang gio also control first.

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  • Senior Reefer
There's always something for everyone at GO.

Especially if you look at the middle tank...a lot of gems inside...

I always felt "overwhelmed" whenever i m in GO...eyes non stop moving...too many gems...want to pang gio also control first.

haha yea. the middle tank is a gem tank. must look carefully

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Was a Pasir Ris Lot35 Blk C on Sunday. tempted really badly by the red cynarina...... 5 red notes.... about 2 inches in diameter...


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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  • Senior Reefer

im bored. come! discuss ur favourite snack at home! when im starving at home nothing to eat, this is my favourite!! my wife, my gf, my life partner. i can survive on this forever!




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im bored. come! discuss ur favourite snack at home! when im starving at home nothing to eat, this is my favourite!! my wife, my gf, my life partner. i can survive on this forever!

hahaha... okie... let me try to entertain you...

Are you a teo chew? Coz this thing is quite a teo chew stable food in the past.

Quite coincidently, i just had this for lunch last thursday. Not exactly my favourite, but it's my favourite porridge companion.

Besides this, i also like the fermented beancurd... That would be right at the top of my list.

Second, is mocked abalone with peanuts... followed by this cai xin...

Again, these are teo chew porridge's best side dishes (in a can)!


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • Senior Reefer
hahaha... okie... let me try to entertain you...

Are you a teo chew? Coz this thing is quite a teo chew stable food in the past.

Quite coincidently, i just had this for lunch last thursday. Not exactly my favourite, but it's my favourite porridge companion.

Besides this, i also like the fermented beancurd... That would be right at the top of my list.

Second, is mocked abalone with peanuts... followed by this cai xin...

Again, these are teo chew porridge's best side dishes (in a can)!


i dunno if im teochew or hokkien......but this kiam cai thing is the best. yes mock abalone also owns. and that mixed fake vege + fake meat in a can also dam nice. best way to eat kiam cai is to freeze it in the freezer. i do it every night and in the morning, can eat frozen kiam cai. dam ownage. my favourite (:

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hey guys,ask u all..

u all prefer to keep something rare.. so when pple see ur tank, will go WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

or u all prefer to keep something u like, although pple dun come and wow!!!!!! u still enjoy them.

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Reef Reefing Reefed

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  • Senior Reefer

of coz keep something i like la!! why do u think my tank got 4 torch 4 hammer. coz i love them haha!! and i got so many cheap but fishes that i like!! i dun like black tangs. honestly...if someone gave me a black tang. i will sell it away and find it a better home..no point keeping something i dun like, have to take care of it and in the end does not give me pleasure (:

ppl tell me, go coral shipment must buy those exotic ones! otherwise waste money. not true lor. for me, at this point in the hobby, i buy things that i find pleasing to me (: i go coral shipment see clove coral nice i buy haha! then beside it got rare rare RARE PRATA! i leave alone...never even consider XD dun like pratas.

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  • SRC Member

its good to rare something rare + nice. (people with deep pocket is able)

raring something you like rather then those rare one is alot alot better because you might not like the rare species but just want to keep one to show it off (if it die, good luck to your pocket)

seeing something i like swimming freely and happily makes me happy!

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  • SRC Member
hey guys,ask u all..

u all prefer to keep something rare.. so when pple see ur tank, will go WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

or u all prefer to keep something u like, although pple dun come and wow!!!!!! u still enjoy them.

I prefer to keep those i like and is able to take care...and some nice gems also....but certainly NOT to impress others or to show off. I dun over-indulge like spending 4-6 blue notes on a prata or couple of blue notes for zoas. Some normal looking corals if you give them tender loving care, their colours will improve and they will look impressive too.

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  • SRC Member
I prefer to keep those i like and is able to take care...and some nice gems also....but certainly NOT to impress others or to show off. I dun over-indulge like spending 4-6 blue notes on a prata or couple of blue notes for zoas. Some normal looking corals if you give them tender loving care, their colours will improve and they will look impressive too.

totally agree with you :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member

Not that cruel lah, it's the cycle of life. Can't fault the arowana for following his natural instincts, and for sure, you can't force all carnivores like lions and sharks to turn vegetarian. Whether the act of keeping a predatory fish and feeding them live food is cruel, is another debate altogether. :P

hey guys,ask u all..

u all prefer to keep something rare.. so when pple see ur tank, will go WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

or u all prefer to keep something u like, although pple dun come and wow!!!!!! u still enjoy them.

It is a question of whether you are keeping them as pets or ornaments. Some people keep aquariums for show as a whole; the whole fish tank is part of the decor, seen as one entity, the corals and fish are part of the collective beauty of the ornament. I guess for this group, they would buy rare gems both for personal pleasure and for show, cos that is the purpose of the tank.

I think of myself as a pet owner, I care for my fish as I would for my dogs -- if they were fuzzy and could survive outside water, I would cuddle and hug them even hahahaha!

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member
Not that cruel lah, it's the cycle of life. Can't fault the arowana for following his natural instincts, and for sure, you can't force all carnivores like lions and sharks to turn vegetarian. Whether the act of keeping a predatory fish and feeding them live food is cruel, is another debate altogether. :P

It is a question of whether you are keeping them as pets or ornaments. Some people keep aquariums for show as a whole; the whole fish tank is part of the decor, seen as one entity, the corals and fish are part of the collective beauty of the ornament. I guess for this group, they would buy rare gems both for personal pleasure and for show, cos that is the purpose of the tank.

I think of myself as a pet owner, I care for my fish as I would for my dogs -- if they were fuzzy and could survive outside water, I would cuddle and hug them even hahahaha!

If they have deep pockets, nobody can stop them from filling up their tank with pedigree corals and making their place look wonderful. It's so smoothing just sitting in front of your tank and staring at your tank and destressing....

It's the attitude of the owner...are they showing off to attract attention or is it their passion...coz that will determine how well they will take care of their pets...same applies to dogs and cats.

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  • Senior Reefer

Not that cruel lah, it's the cycle of life. Can't fault the arowana for following his natural instincts, and for sure, you can't force all carnivores like lions and sharks to turn vegetarian. Whether the act of keeping a predatory fish and feeding them live food is cruel, is another debate altogether. :P

haha! i know. i feed my trigger fish life guppies all the time. but...a baby duck!!! ): i dun think arowanas eat ducklings on a daily basis in the wild? anyway...dam sad to see the duck die lol ): i dun fault the arowana la. stupid owner had to feed a poor duck to the fish..at least feed it live fish or maybe a small rat lol. a duck just seems to cute :lol:

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  • SRC Member
hey guys,ask u all..

u all prefer to keep something rare.. so when pple see ur tank, will go WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

or u all prefer to keep something u like, although pple dun come and wow!!!!!! u still enjoy them.

prefer to keep something i like.. thats why i am kinda into open brains while most go for pratas? lol... IMHO of cos.. =]

well at the end of the day, it's gonna be my tank... not other people tank... 90% of the time is me who is looking at it and appreciating it rather then others... =]

what about you?

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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  • Senior Reefer

why do u tink my tank have so many torch,hammer,GSP and cloves? haha. coz those are my favourite corals.. honestly, i dun think there is such thing as "waste money buying stuff" if the item is reasonably priced, and if u like it and u buy it. how is that wasting money? buying something u dun like just to impress people is wasting money.

anyway, most people i know dun even have any idea what a coral is -.- they come to my house see soooo many torch coral the firs tthing is "wa so many ANEMONE. why ur NEMO dun go play inside?" i talk about clownfish and they go "huh? simi clownfish." there are some ppl with little or no knowledge in marine. u can impress them with simple things. even better, u can impress them with things YOU LIKE. so its a win win situation (: u like, and u impress them.

Those people who know their stuff and get impressed if u buy expensive corals, those are the experienced reefers. Who is to say they don't have a tank that is better than urs? end up u try to impress them, but they leave for home not very impressed, or not impressed at all, because they have a similar but BETTER specimen waiting at home (:

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its good to hear that we keep what we like,i have notice and hear from some reefer keeping things that are RARE and not bcos they like.

whats the point right? unless its like, i cannot keep angels bcos i like corals. ok,cant have best of both worlds.

imagine u have a tank full with rare stuffs.. so which is more rare now? LOL!

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