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medicine for white spot


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  • SRC Member

jus my 2cent..other med uses to much chemical...its best u use tropic science (marine max)..i used to have alot of prob even wen upgraded to 180gal tank... But ever since i used tropic science the ich or white spot or wateva bact in da tank all gone..My fishes are all feeding very actively ever since i used da brand..

Sori if you think i am boring but i think it is you who is lame.

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jus my 2cent..other med uses to much chemical...its best u use tropic science (marine max)..i used to have alot of prob even wen upgraded to 180gal tank... But ever since i used tropic science the ich or white spot or wateva bact in da tank all gone..My fishes are all feeding very actively ever since i used da brand..

hi bro, where do you get you marine max? thanks

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  • SRC Member
hi bro, where do you get you marine max? thanks

My hubby wen to the US and 1 of his fren intro da stuff to him...But i now bought it at Clementi the shop call polyart..its a 24hrs fish shop..mainly selling fresh water fish..but they also sells lots of marine stuff (but only 3 tank of marine fish)..Go there at nite ask an ol mann call cheong for it..u wun be able to find it easily...

Sori if you think i am boring but i think it is you who is lame.

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My hubby wen to the US and 1 of his fren intro da stuff to him...But i now bought it at Clementi the shop call polyart..its a 24hrs fish shop..mainly selling fresh water fish..but they also sells lots of marine stuff (but only 3 tank of marine fish)..Go there at nite ask an ol mann call cheong for it..u wun be able to find it easily...

oh, it's so near! i work in clementi area, will check out :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
Best medicine is to let the fish eat & eat good stuffs...

agreed with brother Rockyboy.

Currently, for last 2 weeks, all my tangs get it and as long as they are eating when feeded, leave it alone. Once all fishes are friendly/getting use to each others, stress reduce, everything would back to normal.


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  • SRC Member
agreed with brother Rockyboy.

Currently, for last 2 weeks, all my tangs get it and as long as they are eating when feeded, leave it alone. Once all fishes are friendly/getting use to each others, stress reduce, everything would back to normal.


Yup food is 1 thing but supplement is anotha..Even human need supplement apart from living a healthy life...as all of us know fishes get stress out not only bcos of aggresive tank mate or overstocking..but also the quality of the water..esp those with less than 50gal tank..the sudden spike in everything cud lead to diseases and death..Over feeding cud spike nitrate/nitrite..Less feeding cud mean the fishes starve and causes them to be aggresive and the weaker one dead..Jus my 1cent..

Sori if you think i am boring but i think it is you who is lame.

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  • SRC Member

I disagree, if human eat a proper balance diet, no need other supplement. :P

For fishes, best way is to eat a variety of various diet such as differnet pellets, frozen, mysis, seaweed etc etc.

Best is to isolate a sick fish in a quarantine tank. Slowly nurse it to health by increase feeding. And put a mini structure/PVC for shelter.

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status update,

the culprit still swims happily in the tank but THREE of the existing went to GOD including a big porcupine fish... :unsure:

hope the nightmare will be over soon, lesson to all beginners, NEVER NEVER empty the water coming with livestock from lfs or other reefers into your tank...

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  • SRC Member

Du be dishearthen.. try and keep tryin..dis hobi is expensive..soo the more we shud appreciate and learn..i learn the hard way too..Luckily my hubby support me all way thru..we even purchase books and cd online...But no matter how pro or beginner u are..wen we deals with this beautiful but fragile life..we must provide them with every needs they needed lke as thu they are our kids....

Sori if you think i am boring but i think it is you who is lame.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Du be dishearthen.. try and keep tryin..dis hobi is expensive..soo the more we shud appreciate and learn..i learn the hard way too..Luckily my hubby support me all way thru..we even purchase books and cd online...But no matter how pro or beginner u are..wen we deals with this beautiful but fragile life..we must provide them with every needs they needed lke as thu they are our kids....

not disheartened...but...yet to be disciplined!

last week hand ich again and bought an blue tang, and kenna white spot! Although i add marinemax, stop parasite both b4 adding in the fish.......sigh

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Just sharing my own experience.

Try to refrain from stirring the sand bed as this is one of reason why fish got itch too. I believe this is due to small particles getting stuck in their gills causing stress. :huh:

Do note some so called reef safe Stop itch or parasite product can "kill" your corals. Do administrate them with care and try a lesser dosage first to see the reaction of your live stock. ;)

Hypo is short for hyposalinity.


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Just sharing my own experience.

Try to refrain from stirring the sand bed as this is one of reason why fish got itch too. I believe this is due to small particles getting stuck in their gills causing stress. :huh:

Do note some so called reef safe Stop itch or parasite product can "kill" your corals. Do administrate them with care and try a lesser dosage first to see the reaction of your live stock. ;)

Hypo is short for hyposalinity.

just googled hypo and found it too troublesome, and not really safe to the invertebrates..

Thanks thomas, you have adequately explained my problem! Indeed, i was adjusting the wavemaker throughout the weekends and sands fly like mad....and then yesterday suddenly found my newly added blue tang have white spot all over the body and my poor pair of clown died this morning.

And yes, i do find my coals are not opening as big as they used to be....thought was due to po4 and has replaced the FR media. (yes, i did test po4, but can't really match the color bar to tell the exact reading, my poor eyes! so just play safe and replace the media)

now i am raising temperature to 28.5C (used to be 25.5c) and dose marinemax, and refrain from stirring the sand bed. hope it helps. any other suggestions?

i am feeding them using henry's food + newlife spectrum pellet

details of my tank:



ap701 skimmer


arctica 1/5hp chiller

live stock

1x salfin tang

1x blue tang

1x green wrasse

1x red wrasse

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  • SRC Member
what is hypo? reef safe? sorry, you know i'm new...

yeap. Hypo is short for hyposalinity - keeping the salt level between 1.09- 1.10. try making a search on this forum it been discussed a lot. as to if it works is still debatable but so far so good for me.

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just googled hypo and found it too troublesome, and not really safe to the invertebrates..

Thanks thomas, you have adequately explained my problem! Indeed, i was adjusting the wavemaker throughout the weekends and sands fly like mad....and then yesterday suddenly found my newly added blue tang have white spot all over the body and my poor pair of clown died this morning.

And yes, i do find my coals are not opening as big as they used to be....thought was due to po4 and has replaced the FR media. (yes, i did test po4, but can't really match the color bar to tell the exact reading, my poor eyes! so just play safe and replace the media)

now i am raising temperature to 28.5C (used to be 25.5c) and dose marinemax, and refrain from stirring the sand bed. hope it helps. any other suggestions?

i am feeding them using henry's food + newlife spectrum pellet

details of my tank:



ap701 skimmer


arctica 1/5hp chiller

live stock

1x salfin tang

1x blue tang

1x green wrasse

1x red wrasse

Your temp will be just fine. If you had corals, you may want to lower it to 27 over time. Maybe -0.5 every 1 month. Not too sure how old is your tank, generally new tanks have more itch problem than old ones. Personally, I will only add powdered family tangs (e.g. blue tank, powder blue/black/brown, AT) into my tank after 1 year or so where the matured environment will give them a better chance against itch. Since you already had the fish, ensure it feed well and let it "battle" the itch naturally. Once it had overcome the initial attack, there should be no more issue except an occasion rubbing on the rock.

All the best!!! B)


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Stirring of sand won't cause your fish to get Ich if your tank is Ich free. Ich is a single-celled animal that is introduced to your tank, usually attached to a new fish or free swimming in the shipping bag water. This is why people practice quarantine. Read up this article of Marine Ich, pretty infomative.


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this article is informative but made a bad assumption that everyone got a quarantine tank which i don have...

update: the blue tang is still struggling, let's see how it goes...scary the fish appeared to be dead when it is asleep!

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