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Brain/hammer coral


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Hi guys, what do you feed your hammers and frogspawns? I tried small pieces of market prawn and Cyclo-peeze but they are not being eaten. for the prawn, it sticks to the tentacles for a short while and then floats off, even with circulation off. For Cyclo, the coral forms a slime coat to carry the cyclo away, like it was irritated by it or something.

so far i only feed my hammer with aquapharm 5-1 coral food.... i also wonder is it enough for them???

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  • Senior Reefer
so far i only feed my hammer with aquapharm 5-1 coral food.... i also wonder is it enough for them???

actually i read alot of articles, hammer, torch, frogspawn all need eat meaty food like mysis and very small pieces of prawn etc etc. but alot of ppl the food dun stick to the coral. dunno why

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actually i read alot of articles, hammer, torch, frogspawn all need eat meaty food like mysis and very small pieces of prawn etc etc. but alot of ppl the food dun stick to the coral. dunno why

Hi, Bought another torch coral at GO this afternoon. Cannot resist...hehe...(i think i better stop buying......if not bioload jiliat....)

Anyway i spotted some of the 'head' melt away or something? Like became white flesh? Stress or is changing to a new head?? :unsure:

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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  • Senior Reefer

hey! thats the exact same torch as mine! lol! one thing i notice, the green one seem to open up nicer...i have green and red. same conditions but green open nicer. as for the white part, a picture sure helps. i have no idea now..without a pic (:

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hey! thats the exact same torch as mine! lol! one thing i notice, the green one seem to open up nicer...i have green and red. same conditions but green open nicer. as for the white part, a picture sure helps. i have no idea now..without a pic (:

If you look at the pic, the centre part, there is a head dat seems to drop off.....instead of a rounded head, it became like a exposed flesh....like a portion of the white prawn meat? diffcult to explain. Did you encounter this b4?? Got red head ah?? i ask robin from GO, he said dont have red head lei.... :unsure:

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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  • Senior Reefer

OH when u say HEAD, u mean the tips?? chey...normally, for LPS, when we say head, we man the WHOLE "head" where err, the base of all the tentacles. where all the tentacles emerge from, thats one head. anyway, the white thing is tips. not heads. doesnt matter if it drop off. just take care of it and let it heal. one thing to take note..these kind of corals, torch, hammer etc. very very easy to get brown jelly disease if u never take care. make sure u dun injure the fleshy part. the skeleton is very sharp and if u not careful, u can cut the meat. dun blast it with too much flow also. will injure it. when got brown jelly disease, hard to cure and u must cut off the whole head to rpevent spreading. then dip into lugol iodine solution mix with water for awhile. brown jelly disease very infectious -.-

my torch coral one head tio brown jelly. then spread and kill my anchor coral. be careful hor. if u see brown jelly stuff oozing out and tentacles falling off and very smelly, immediately do something about it. sometimes ur coral will expel waste. the waste look like brown thread and strans and sometimes ball ball one. it will come out of the mouth. dont be alarm. this is normal and is NOT brown jelly disease. just leave it alone. must differenciate brown jelly from expelling waste ah. expel waste = from mouth. brown jelly = everywhere -.-

take care of ur euphyllias, dun give too strong flow, moderate is enough. dun injure the fleshy part. last time i drop my hammer head first and the head kena squash. lucky nothing happen....

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just when i almost complete my euphyllia collection, brown jelly come and kill my anchor ): now need anchor and frogspawn to complete. but i dun wan buy first. let my corals stabalise first. im not sure if brown jelly still inside my tank....must monitor closely. (: enjoy ur torch. give it enough flow to sway its tentacles, but dun give too much until it get damage. u will surely love ur torch haha. i have 3 and i never get sick of it.

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just when i almost complete my euphyllia collection, brown jelly come and kill my anchor ): now need anchor and frogspawn to complete. but i dun wan buy first. let my corals stabalise first. im not sure if brown jelly still inside my tank....must monitor closely. (: enjoy ur torch. give it enough flow to sway its tentacles, but dun give too much until it get damage. u will surely love ur torch haha. i have 3 and i never get sick of it.

Yah before i left for class, i place the torch with too much flow. Then realise dat when the tips fall off, i thought i better move it to a moderate flow area. Hence now is place on the same 'level' with the hammer coral. I saw True Octo at GO, so tempted to buy but i thought better not...cntrol first...Wallet empty already, this week spend alot of notes...bought a borbonius anthias from Reborn too....I bought coral food from GO, called reef-roids. R u using it as well??

You mention Brown jelly thingy, does it only affect all corals?? Zoas included??

Boss did you took a pic of the brown jelly disease? For the benefit of all, be nice if u can show one..hehe... :eyebrow:

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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just when i almost complete my euphyllia collection, brown jelly come and kill my anchor ): now need anchor and frogspawn to complete. but i dun wan buy first. let my corals stabalise first. im not sure if brown jelly still inside my tank....must monitor closely. (: enjoy ur torch. give it enough flow to sway its tentacles, but dun give too much until it get damage. u will surely love ur torch haha. i have 3 and i never get sick of it.


By the way you mentioned cut the head....sounds complicated...any link to read on?

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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  • Senior Reefer

the head is easy to cut. the skeleton is brittle. only cut when its completely rotten and stink like hell. just take those big kitchen scissors and cut or snap. if its next to another head, i think better be careful...can damage other head.

brown jelly, look like alot of thread and strands brownish colour surrounding the entire head and some floating off. very smelly if u smell....but if u take care, wun get. only susecptable if ur coral is damage and injured. then kena infection. brown jelly affect LPS. especially this family. zoas and mush, wun get brown jelly. will just melt or dissolve...

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the head is easy to cut. the skeleton is brittle. only cut when its completely rotten and stink like hell. just take those big kitchen scissors and cut or snap. if its next to another head, i think better be careful...can damage other head.

brown jelly, look like alot of thread and strands brownish colour surrounding the entire head and some floating off. very smelly if u smell....but if u take care, wun get. only susecptable if ur coral is damage and injured. then kena infection. brown jelly affect LPS. especially this family. zoas and mush, wun get brown jelly. will just melt or dissolve...

ICIC..thanks boss....aiyah.....now haf to prefix the kalwaisser solution before i go ZZzzzzz....hehe

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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  • Senior Reefer

hope im not making it sound too scary haha >.> just want to inform u only ah, incase it happen so u know what ur dealing with. otherthan that, this corals are very easy to look after (: and very rewarding also. its not that easy to get brown jelly la. only if ur water quality no good, coral injured then will get. if ur coral healthy, will usually resist the infection.

dun call me boss la haha. im just a reefer here like everyone else, also learning. in fact, im still very young to this hobby. alot of other ppl here all old bird. those u can clal boss (:

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  • SRC Member
Hi, Bought another torch coral at GO this afternoon. Cannot resist...hehe...(i think i better stop buying......if not bioload jiliat....)

Anyway i spotted some of the 'head' melt away or something? Like became white flesh? Stress or is changing to a new head?? :unsure:

Melting away where can't see it frm that pic... But there are several factors on affecting the coral to melt or not to melt...

1st is NO3

2nd which i've encountered and regretted is salinity...

Anw hope its fine... :)

1ft cube with IOS [the low tech tank]

1. JBJ C-breeze to keep temp hovering around 27-28'C

2. LED clip on - 120 bulbs


My 3 humble equipments that keeps my tank running... [DRIED OUT]

1. The RSM itself of course 2.My NEW Deltec MCE-300 Skimmer 3. My trusty Arctica Chiller

Tank parameters:

Temperature maintained at 25.3'C to 24.7'C

No3: 10ppm(b4 the use of the deltec skimmer)

No3: 5ppm (after use of the skimmer)

Others? too lazy to measure...LOL

Camera- EOS 50D

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Melting away where can't see it frm that pic... But there are several factors on affecting the coral to melt or not to melt...

1st is NO3

2nd which i've encountered and regretted is salinity...

Anw hope its fine... :)

Halo, mine since like the tip peel off and grow back new tissue. Looks okay to mi now.....perhaps initally i place it at too strong water flow......What happen to yours? is it okay? btwn is really nice when it open up...

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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Torch coral is nice, but you need a lot of space around it otherwise it sting other corals.

Yah, finally decided where to place the torch and other corals. i tried not to move it too much to reduce stress. BY the way KH seems to dwell btwn 6-7 and calcium btwn 360-380. I increased the dosage using aquapharm A + B and a additional aquapharm calcium.

Been like that for abt 3 weeks and i using sera test kits (not accurate?). Or water condition not stable yet? let it run for another few weeks? Does changing water per week basis abt (8 litres) bring down the level?

Anyone can advice? :unsure:

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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  • Senior Reefer

KH should be around 8. ur calcium level is ok. generally preferred to hover around 400. but since ur not keepin SPS (am i right?), ur calcium level is more than enough (:

golden octpus had new shipment 2 days ago. have alot of torch corals (: the short tentacle type and the long tentacle type. got hammer corals also. the hammer coral very unique. whitish and bluish tips (: got purple tips also haha. shuld go check it out if ur interested in euphyllias. haha. alot of variety. not very unreasonably too the price. around $35 for a torch coral with 3-5 heads (: of coz its more expensive than those from farms, but the quality cannot compare. so far none of my corals from GO die yet. but i think go GO, the best is buy certian corals there...not everything is worth it ;) must do a price check before going there.

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KH should be around 8. ur calcium level is ok. generally preferred to hover around 400. but since ur not keepin SPS (am i right?), ur calcium level is more than enough (:

golden octpus had new shipment 2 days ago. have alot of torch corals (: the short tentacle type and the long tentacle type. got hammer corals also. the hammer coral very unique. whitish and bluish tips (: got purple tips also haha. shuld go check it out if ur interested in euphyllias. haha. alot of variety. not very unreasonably too the price. around $35 for a torch coral with 3-5 heads (: of coz its more expensive than those from farms, but the quality cannot compare. so far none of my corals from GO die yet. but i think go GO, the best is buy certian corals there...not everything is worth it ;) must do a price check before going there.

Not keeping sps...at least not yet. Probably when i move hse, with new tank and MH then i keep sps....hehe.....

Yah lor....dose alot lei....still cannot get KH 8....calcium below 400 enff ah for LPS and softies? But hor,,ever since i keep claims, calcium drop below 400...i remember before i kept em, it was above 410.

Yah actually i went to GO on tues night, ard 9pm......bought a anchor coral and zoas....Luckily i bought my friend with me who actually 'stop' me from buying more.......(Wallet reallly empty liao)

Btwn i looking for eagle eye zoas lei......but GO didnt ship in.... <_<

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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  • Senior Reefer
Not keeping sps...at least not yet. Probably when i move hse, with new tank and MH then i keep sps....hehe.....

Yah lor....dose alot lei....still cannot get KH 8....calcium below 400 enff ah for LPS and softies? But hor,,ever since i keep claims, calcium drop below 400...i remember before i kept em, it was above 410.

Yah actually i went to GO on tues night, ard 9pm......bought a anchor coral and zoas....Luckily i bought my friend with me who actually 'stop' me from buying more.......(Wallet reallly empty liao)

Btwn i looking for eagle eye zoas lei......but GO didnt ship in.... <_<

oh u have clams!!!! no wonder!! clams use up alot of calcium to grow their shell. calcium and KH are related to each other one. this one i not so sure how to explain.

i got 2 eagle eyes, green and red. but cant spare u a frag coz i frg aot already ): left abit only. iwarna US shipment will always bring in eagle eyes. its not very uncommon. pasar malam oso ppl sometime selling.

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oh u have clams!!!! no wonder!! clams use up alot of calcium to grow their shell. calcium and KH are related to each other one. this one i not so sure how to explain.

i got 2 eagle eyes, green and red. but cant spare u a frag coz i frg aot already ): left abit only. iwarna US shipment will always bring in eagle eyes. its not very uncommon. pasar malam oso ppl sometime selling.

Actually i have 3 maxima claims (if i identity the species correctly). hehe...bought from CF at LCK. But is only abt 2-3 inches.

Iwarna dont have lei...cos my work place near there....didnt bump into one lately. How much is it ah?? market price?

Tank Size: 3 x 3 x 2 with 3.5ft cabinet

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  • Senior Reefer
Actually i have 3 maxima claims (if i identity the species correctly). hehe...bought from CF at LCK. But is only abt 2-3 inches.

Iwarna dont have lei...cos my work place near there....didnt bump into one lately. How much is it ah?? market price?

u must wait for shipment of US zoo. iwarna US zoo always hav eagle eye. errm on shipment day is dam ex...but u wait 1 week or 2 weeks later, if there is any left, should be $25 a piece thats the price i paid.

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