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Mark's 3ft Tank. Zoas and Clams!


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Hey all,

just wanna share my 3ft tank with you all... would appreciate it if you can leave some feedback / comments after viewing. thanks!

but before that here are some photos my decommed tank.. it was converted from freshwater and didn't have a proper overflow system. hooked up something on my own, which often caused flooding. quite headache...



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My current equipment list is as follow


3X2X2ft tank w/ internal overflow

2X2X1.5ft sump w/ 2 partitions


Aquamedic OR3500 return pump

SCWD wave maker

SEIO M820 w/ suregrip magnet

H&S Skimmer A110-F2000


Illummax 4X39W T5 w/ LED

ATI Powerlux 3X39W T5

no brand 2ft 24W PL lightset


Tubby ATO w/ eheim compact 600

Kalk reactor w/ magnetic stirrer

Hopar double fan

Warmtone Auto feeder

and here's how my new setup looks like...



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Current Livestock

Fish count : 12

Invert count : 9


1 X Blue Tang

1 X Algae Blenny

1 X Purple Fire Dart Goby

1 X Royal Gamma

2 X Common Clownfish

1 X Radiant Wrasse

2 X Solar Wrasse (Male / female)

1 X Royal Wrasse

1 X Exquisite Wrasse

1 X Pink Margin Wrasse


2 X Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

1 X Fire Shrimp

3 X T. Maxima

3 X T. Corcea

pic of my clown and their host zoa.


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now some random pics of the zoas i have

some of my first zoas, bought from a bro who decommed at a good price




my first "US Sunflower" (bought from a fellow reefer, but i think it looks more like indo eagle eye....) grown quite abit


frags traded/bought from fellow reefers, u should know who u are. haha





extraordinary growth in <4 months

started with a small few polyps




recent acquisitions from hong kong




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  • SRC Member

Nice and clean! The clowns must be very small. So cute, first time I've actually seen a picture of them hosting on zoas.

I notice that you are not running a chiller; how do you keep the temperature down? What's the average temp? Curious cos I'm not planning to run a chiller too, hope to keep temperature constant at 27 to 28 degrees by alternative means.

EDIT: Just saw your zoas too! Very nice specimens!

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member
Nice and clean! The clowns must be very small. So cute, first time I've actually seen a picture of them hosting on zoas.

I notice that you are not running a chiller; how do you keep the temperature down? What's the average temp? Curious cos I'm not planning to run a chiller too, hope to keep temperature constant at 27 to 28 degrees by alternative means.

EDIT: Just saw your zoas too! Very nice specimens!

mm.. the clowns are not that small. normal sized.. maybe its because the colony of blackface zoas is quite big?

the small ones are the ones in my nano tank.. check it out. really baby and super cute. love them!! (thanks to tansk who passed them to me)

i had a chiller for my previous tank (see first pic, the black box on the right). it's good but its an eye sore and uses alot of electricity. I added a fan later and found out that the chiller seldom kick in after that. At that time, the temp controller was set at 28... so then i removed the chiller from the system and found out that the corals were still doing very well

of course fan = more evaporation so i added a ATO to the setup. And being the rather lazy reefer, i got the kalk reactor so that I can accomplish 2 things at one time, top up (maintain salinity) with kalk water (replaces calcium).. I top up about 5 liters of DI water a day

my tank is running at around 27-29 now.. besides the humming noise, when using fan the temperature swing is much higher.. but the corals and fishes are fine with that. In the wild, the temperature and salinity does swings quite abit too (think cloudy vs sunny vs stormy days).

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  • Senior Reefer

ur zoas are simply amazing. some of them i have never before seen! REALLY FANTASTIC! thumbs up! One of the best zoas i have seen here on this forum, besides ming's, peacemaker, and some other zoa keepers.

would just like to comment that ur rockscape abit too dense. but i like how u fit all the corals and clams so nicely. ur zoos are fantastic....my dream is to keep zoos too. but they all die in my hands haha! btw, notice ur clowns have alot of black spots. isit coz they host ur zoas? have heard stories tht clowns hosting corals will develop black patches/spots. they are not harmful, but just unique :)

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mm.. the clowns are not that small. normal sized.. maybe its because the colony of blackface zoas is quite big?

the small ones are the ones in my nano tank.. check it out. really baby and super cute. love them!! (thanks to tansk who passed them to me)

i had a chiller for my previous tank (see first pic, the black box on the right). it's good but its an eye sore and uses alot of electricity. I added a fan later and found out that the chiller seldom kick in after that. At that time, the temp controller was set at 28... so then i removed the chiller from the system and found out that the corals were still doing very well

of course fan = more evaporation so i added a ATO to the setup. And being the rather lazy reefer, i got the kalk reactor so that I can accomplish 2 things at one time, top up (maintain salinity) with kalk water (replaces calcium).. I top up about 5 liters of DI water a day

my tank is running at around 27-29 now.. besides the humming noise, when using fan the temperature swing is much higher.. but the corals and fishes are fine with that. In the wild, the temperature and salinity does swings quite abit too (think cloudy vs sunny vs stormy days).

Whoa, I guess I was misled by the size of the black face zoas haha, but still cute nonetheless.

Oh Lemonlemon, the black patches on the fish are caused by stings from corals. Mine also kena when he started hosting in the pink bubble. Quite unsightly but actually harmless to their health. Any idea if it will go away eventually?

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • SRC Member
ur zoas are simply amazing. some of them i have never before seen! REALLY FANTASTIC! thumbs up! One of the best zoas i have seen here on this forum, besides ming's, peacemaker, and some other zoa keepers.

Bro... thanks for your compliments, but mine's really a noob tank. Besides, I got most of my frags from Sis Ming, so pls don't mention my tank in front of the real experts. :paiseh::thanks:

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  • Senior Reefer
Bro... thanks for your compliments, but mine's really a noob tank. Besides, I got most of my frags from Sis Ming, so pls don't mention my tank in front of the real experts. :paiseh::thanks:

haha no la. noob tank? i dun think so!! but ur zoos also very amazing eh. yea sis ming is like legendary queen of zoos..but evreybody has to start somewhere, and peacemaker, ur at the home stretch :)

bino- yea those black things are caused by stings from corals. i dun think it will ever go away as long as the clown keeps hosting the coral. if it stops, maybe over time will fade. My clowns, will not host ANYTHING i put in the tank T_T i like to see clownfishes playing amongst the corals, but so far, i have THREE torchs, 2 hammers, 1 anchor, 1 elegance, all different colour and diff size for it to choose, and it will not host any of them! so...picky haha. i think if i buy an anemone now, they also wont host. sounds like captive bred clowns to me =\

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  • SRC Member
ur zoas are simply amazing. some of them i have never before seen! REALLY FANTASTIC! thumbs up! One of the best zoas i have seen here on this forum, besides ming's, peacemaker, and some other zoa keepers.

would just like to comment that ur rockscape abit too dense. but i like how u fit all the corals and clams so nicely. ur zoos are fantastic....my dream is to keep zoos too. but they all die in my hands haha! btw, notice ur clowns have alot of black spots. isit coz they host ur zoas? have heard stories tht clowns hosting corals will develop black patches/spots. they are not harmful, but just unique :)

thanks! but i no fight with old birds la.. still have alot to learn (and frag xchange) with them. :eyebrow:

actually i agree that there is not much of a aquascape too. as its barebottom, i wanted to make sure the structure is stable and none of the rocks will topple casuing a crack on the tank... but anyway despite how it looks like, there are actually alot of cave and crevices in the middle and the back of the rockscape, so water can still move around / inside the rock. i'm considering pointing the seio downwards into the holes actually to blow the detritus out

yeah the black spots were caused by the zoa i think. they didn't have them initially... oh well... who ask them go and host on the zoa. suprisingly it makes the zoa damn hardly and reproductive... seldom close up even though the clowns keeps disturbing..

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  • SRC Member
Nice! Can't wait to see the zoas growing and spreading across the rocks. ^_^

my plan is for them to spread on the barebottom... haha

actually one of the radioactive green zoa has already attached itself to the glass bottom. lets see if it grows... hehe

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  • SRC Member
hk buy zoas cheaper ?


actually the hk zoas are quite cheap. for the quality and quantity... haha u'll be surprised. found it at one of the shops at mong kok area.. however only managed to find 3 pieces and i bought all 3 (shared with a friend). they are more into fishes rather than corals. the fishes there also dirt cheap ar.. esp the angels

equipment, additives, etc also cheap there la. i think the competition there quite steep, because all located on one street.

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  • SRC Member
actually the hk zoas are quite cheap. for the quality and quantity... haha u'll be surprised. found it at one of the shops at mong kok area.. however only managed to find 3 pieces and i bought all 3 (shared with a friend). they are more into fishes rather than corals. the fishes there also dirt cheap ar.. esp the angels

equipment, additives, etc also cheap there la. i think the competition there quite steep, because all located on one street.

its the place at goldfish street? went there last yr and did not see much marine stuff.. mostly fresh water...

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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  • SRC Member
its the place at goldfish street? went there last yr and did not see much marine stuff.. mostly fresh water...

yup thats the place. i went last dec, alot of marine stalls wor.. about 10-15 or so... and yes many fresh water / pet stalls too. there's a dive shop there too... the hostel is stayed at was really close to that place so i went there alot. haha

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