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Now I know why the MIA liao....


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I have lost 1 cleaner shrimp 1, camel shrimp, and a little yellow fish not sure what name.

At first my mum say she saw a big worm eating my shrimp but when I got back I thought u know maybe it dead then become food for the Bristleworms. But one day when I was sitting in front of my tank, suddenly I saw my little yellow fish trying to swim out from one of the LR hole and I look carefully wow saw a worm biting it stomach. I faster reach my hand into the tank try to save him but abit too late, there's a hole in the fish stomach damn piss off lor. :angry: I do research and it say they dont really hunt fish. So now I have to take out all the LR for treatment. And I find this using CO2 to force them out.



The CO2 is DIY de using soda powder, yeast and sugar.


after 12hr this is what I got lot of worm and crab. currently still on treatment.

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Hi Albert, mind sharing the technique and set up you used to kill the pests? Do you neeed to keep a filter or powerhead running? I googled for more info but I'm probably not using the right terms.

Does the CO2 kill all organisms in the rocks, and where do you find them? At the bottom of the pail, or do you have to dig them out? That means that the smell would be.... :sick:

I'm quite intrigued and would like to try this out since I'm gonna be cycling another new tank soon :ph34r:

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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Big fat worm.... good for fish bait. :o


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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As for organisms they need little Oxy then those pest which I read from net.( correct me if I am wrong ^^). So using CO2 treatment the pest will be dead before u kill those organisms but of course some will die but not all. I have kill lot of crab, worm, P.shrimp and worse the Mantis shrimp. And some worm is like more then 15cm long wow I dont know how they grow so fast.

Ok as you can see from the pic I using a DIY CO2 and a water pump to cycle the water in the pail. I cover so that no light for about 24hr or more. Big worm cant take it and will crawl out and die due to lack of oxy. After that I take out all the stone and dip in fresh water for few min and wash them, all done I just throw everything into my main 3ft tank so far not bad not much organisms dead just slowly cycle the water plus I have few fish and shrimp in my tank so far all doing well. Will post pic of my tank when I am free ^^

Oh ya you will find LOTS of worm or unknow stuff at the bottom of the pail some I see also scare to touch lol. The amount of worm in the pic just about 30% the rest is in the bottom of the pail :sick:

If you want to try maybe I can share with you how to do the CO2 bottle and how to cycle all this. And if any Bro out here can share also can join in ^^

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  • SRC Member
As for organisms they need little Oxy then those pest which I read from net.( correct me if I am wrong ^^). So using CO2 treatment the pest will be dead before u kill those organisms but of course some will die but not all. I have kill lot of crab, worm, P.shrimp and worse the Mantis shrimp. And some worm is like more then 15cm long wow I dont know how they grow so fast.

Ok as you can see from the pic I using a DIY CO2 and a water pump to cycle the water in the pail. I cover so that no light for about 24hr or more. Big worm cant take it and will crawl out and die due to lack of oxy. After that I take out all the stone and dip in fresh water for few min and wash them, all done I just throw everything into my main 3ft tank so far not bad not much organisms dead just slowly cycle the water plus I have few fish and shrimp in my tank so far all doing well. Will post pic of my tank when I am free ^^

Oh ya you will find LOTS of worm or unknow stuff at the bottom of the pail some I see also scare to touch lol. The amount of worm in the pic just about 30% the rest is in the bottom of the pail :sick:

If you want to try maybe I can share with you how to do the CO2 bottle and how to cycle all this. And if any Bro out here can share also can join in ^^

Wow, thanks bro for the detailed explanation. I know how it feels to achieve a mass killing of pests, very disgusting, yet shiok hahaha :sick: . I think to play safe, I should do this to all the LR I buy before putting into the new tank to cycle. Kill 2 birds with one stone haha, no risk to my livestock in current tank also.

The CO2 bottle is just the mixture of the ingredients to produce CO2 right, what's at the end of the tube? Air stone?

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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