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:rolleyes:Scientists discover marine hybrid hotspot

Scientists from Australia have discovered a hotspot in the eastern Indian Ocean where unusually high numbers of natural hybrid fishes occur.

The team from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, at James Cook University's School of Tropical and Marine Biology in Queensland, found the hybridisation hotspot between the Christmas and Cocos Islands.

Marine hybrid fishes are generally considered quite rare, but the area between the islands is home to a massive 11 reef fish hybrids spanning six different fish families - the highest number of hybrids ever recorded at a single location.

In most cases, at least one of the parent species that form the hybrids is a rarity at the site, with less than three individuals found over an area spanning 3000 square metres.

The scientists believe that the scarcity of potential mates mean that the fish are breeding with closely related species, rather than with their own kind.

The authors said: "These islands also represent a marine suture zone where many of the hybrids have arisen through interbreeding between Indian and Pacific Ocean species.

"For these species, it appears that past climate changes allowed species to diverge in allopatry, while recent conditions have facilitated contact and subsequent hybridization at this Indo-Pacific biogeographic border.

"The discovery of the Christmas-Cocos hybrid zone refutes the notion that hybridization is lacking on coral reefs and provides a natural laboratory for testing the generality of terrestrially derived hybridization theory in the marine environment."

The hybrids found at the site include:

Acanthurus leucosternon x Acanthurus nigricans

Naso elegans x Naso lituratus

Melichthys indicus x Melichthys vidua

Chaetodon guttatissimus x Chaetodon punctatofasciatus Chaetodon ornatissimus x Chaetodon punctatofasciatus Chaetodon ornatissimus x Chaetodon meyeri

Chaetodon lunulatus x Chaetodon trifasciatus

Thalassoma jansenii x Thalassoma quinquevittatum

Centropyge flavissima x Centropyge eibli

Centropyge eibli x Centropyge vrolikii

Centropyge flavissima x Centropyge vrolikii

For more information see the paper:

Hobbs JP, Frisch AJ, Allen GR, Van Herwerden L (2008) - Marine hybrid hotspot at Indo-Pacific biogeographic border. Biol Lett. 2008 Dec 23.

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:yeah:ORA is ever closer to producing all white clownfish

Contrary to what you might believe, this beautiful batch of white clownfish actually descend from ‘picasso’ clownfish which we have admired for having much better shape and far fewer deformities than their highly inbred black, ###### and snowflake ocellaris brethren. As you can see from these still tiny 1″ specimens, these fish have a good shape of the head, well formed jaws, full sized gills and fins and an even-ness of color which is simply stunning.

B) Don’t expect to see these beauties at your LFS anytime soon as the first release of these yet to be named ‘Picasso’ clownfish descendents will surely go to some of ORA’s best customers for stratospheric prices. ;)



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:eyeblur:'Red Planet' coral from ORA

Named the “Red planet’, perhaps a pun about mars, with striking red colors we can see why. Obtained from a hobbyist from Europe, they have been working on this coral for the past two years, showing very good growth out of this SPS.

“It is predominantly vivid red with how pink tips and a metallic green base. fragments of this coral closely resemble what most might call a Acropora millepora or prostrata but it grows into a tightly spaced, flat topped, true table coral as it matures.â€

No word on price, but we don’t expect this species to break the bank.


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:look:New Species of Tridacna clam discovered from the Red Sea

A new species of Tridacna giant clam has been discovered in the Red Sea. Formerly believed to be a variant of Tridacna maxima, the newly described T. costata is now considered to be under serious threat of extinction.

The new Tridacnid was found to make up less than one percent of the giant clam population in the Red Sea and although it was once widespread, overharvesting by humans is thought to be one of the main causes of its decline.

T. costata is distinguished from T. maxima by more numerous and distinct rib-like folds of the shell as well as a subdued brownish mantle which exhibits numerous, wart-like protrusions. Although the clam has only been identified from the Red Sea, it is quite possible that this species occurs outside of this range and that it has been mistaken for a brown T. maxima all this time.

Tridacna costata on the left and Tridacna maxima on the right. Photo by M. Naumann.


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:bow:Vortech MOD

This modder certainly did as he made an acrylic box to store his vortech in the back of. This allows the so unpopular cords to be in the back of the tank where they belong while still getting the flow you want from the vortech.

It’s amazing what we can come up with, we now are just wishing vortech would eliminate the power wires all together.


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  • Senior Reefer

its sad that the number of fish have decline that they have to hybridise.....also too much interbreeding between same species can corrupt the gene pool....i think.or does this only apply to humans....anyway forgot all those things i learn in biology liao. centropyge flavissimis X centropyge eibli? wow...lemon peel and eibli angelfish hybrid. should be nice though =D

the white clownfish so scary. =( so sad thye like lab rats lol. so tru so much breeding to get pure white clowns.

nice red SPS. dam intense the colour. surely will cost a bomb

regarding tridacna costata, i also read this before somewhere on wikipedia i think, that during dinosaur time already have liao. but now getting lesser and lesser...

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  • 4 weeks later...
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:eyeblur:Reefbuilders crowns a new holy grail, the Yellowlined Japanese Anthias

Now that the once highly coveted Odontanthias borbonius is relatively common in the marine aquarium, it’s time for rare fish fanciers to set their sights on more elusive fish. Reefbuilders is the online authority on rare reef fish and as such, we take it upon ourselves to crown a champion for the title of the new holy grail of anthias, Tosanoides flavofasciatus, the Yellowlined Japanese Anthias. As the above image demonstrate, the stunning coloration, bold outline and amazing fin filaments of the yellowlined japanese anthias makes clear why this species is our new holy grail of rare anthias. Hit the read link for more pictures and videos which firmly establish the yellowlined japanese anthias as the new champion of rare reef fish.

Like the Blotchy Anthias and many other splendid deepwater fish, this coolwater wonder is currently only known to inhabit Japanese coastal waters. Described as recently as 1979, Tosanoides flavofasciatus is one of only two species in the genus Tosanoides. As with other Anthiines, T. flavofasciatus is a protogynous hermaphrodite meaning that they begin life as mild colored females and they develop into full fledged males with increased age and size. Juveniles and female yellowline anthias sport yellow and purple on the face and they have a broad lustrous purple edging on the anterior portion of their red and yellow ventral and a-nal fins. Once they are fully grown, male yellowline anthias have fantastic filaments from the caudal, a-nal and ventral fins and they also boast the broad yellow and and purple bands of their namesake. Check out the videos of both female and female yellowline anthias in the wild which both show why this fish is one of the most highly coveted reef fish in the world.


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:yeah::yeah::yeah:Cirrhilabrus naokoae, a new labrid fish from Indonesia

John E. Randall and Hiroyuki Tanaka: Cirrhilabrus naokoae, a new labrid fish from Indonesia, pp. 29-36

Abstract from Aquapress Publishers

The fairy wrasse Cirrilabrus naokoae is described as a new species from three male specimens obtained via the aquarium trade; the probable locality is the vicinity of Medan on the northwest coast of Sumatra. It is related to C. joanallenae, C. morrisoni, and C. rubriventralis, which share the characters in the male of an elevated anterior part of the dorsal fin, very large pelvic fins, a single row of scales on the cheek, and some features of colour. It is most similar to C. joanallenae, differing in having the anterior lobe of the dorsal fin about one-fourth of the standard length (instead of a pennant from the first two dorsal spines as long or longer than the standard length in C. joanallenae), having 16 instead of 14 or 15 anterodorsal lateral-line scales, and having a broad bright yellow stripe on the side of the body.

More Info: Cirrhilabrus naokoae, Naoko's Fairy Wrasse


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:yeah:Ogles Mesoscope

Design Features:

* Nominal 12 x Magnification.

* Two optical systems allowing a range of focus down to 70mm.

* Fully coated optics for maximum light transmission.

* Highest quality lenses providing unparalleled detail.

* Precision engineered aluminium body for fine focusing.

* The suction device eliminates stray light and optical aberrations.

* Interchangeable aperture for increased depth of field.

* Removable eyepiece allowing for a range of accessories.



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What is it supposed to look at?Little pods or some small pest we can't see i'll be guessing.

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:pirate::pirate::pirate:Coral Triangle could die by century's end: WWF

AFP - Thursday, May 14

MANADO, Indonesia (AFP) - - Climate change could wipe out the world's richest ocean wilderness by the end of the century without drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, environmental group WWF said Wednesday.

Rising water temperatures, sea levels and acidity are threatening to destroy the vast region of Southeast Asia known as the Coral Triangle, labelled the ocean's answer to the Amazon rainforest, the WWF said in a new report.

Collapse of the reefs would send food production in the region plummeting by 80 percent and imperil the livelihoods of over 100 million people.

With too little action on climate change, "you get a world in which you have perhaps tens of millions of people homeless by the inundation of coastlines through rapid sea level rises," report lead author Ove Hoegh-Guldberg said.

"You see the erosion of food security and you see a world by the end of this century which is, I think, pretty much a nightmare."

WWF Coral Triangle Initiative Network head Lida Pet Soede said the seas in the triangle -- bordered by East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and the Solomon Islands -- were vital sources of biodiversity.

"Some of the locations in the Coral Triangle are really important areas for all sorts of fish. The migration of tuna and turtles that spawn in the Coral Triangle are not going to have a next generation," she told AFP.

Saving the Coral Triangle will require countries to commit to deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

Heat-trapping carbon gases -- notably from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas -- are blamed for warming Earth's atmosphere and driving changes to weather patterns, as well as creating acidic seas hostile to much marine life.

The warnings come ahead of tough negotiations over a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol in the Danish capital Copenhagen in December.

Emissions cuts of 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050 will be needed to avert the worst effects on the region, home to more than half the world's coral reefs and a lynchpin for ocean life, the WWF said.

Local communities and governments will also have to curb over-fishing and pollution, the report said.

"If you continue down the path of the over-exploitation of resources, even if you get an incredible reduction in emissions, there will still be a threat," WWF climate campaigner Richard Leck said.

The report was released as ministers and officials from over 70 countries meet in the Indonesian city of Manado for the World Ocean Conference, the first global meeting on the relationship between oceans and climate change.

Nations at the conference hope to pass a joint declaration aimed at influencing the direction of the Copenhagen talks.

A meeting Friday will also see leaders from the six Coral Triangle nations pass a joint plan on conserving the region.

Leck said that despite the gloomy forecasts he was impressed by the response from littoral states.

"What is amazing is the level of political commitment we are seeing this week," he said.

However, report author Hoegh-Guldberg warned: "If we don't get decisive action in Copenhagen, then doing all the enormously important things that we're doing with the Coral Triangle Initiative will be pointless."


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:evil::evil::evil:Komodo dragon attacks terrorize Indonesia villages

IRWAN FIRDAUS, Associated Press Writer – Sun May 24, 9:04 pm ET

KOMODO ISLAND, Indonesia – Komodo dragons have shark-like teeth and poisonous venom that can kill a person within hours of a bite. Yet villagers who have lived for generations alongside the world's largest lizard were not afraid — until the dragons started to attack.

The stories spread quickly across this smattering of tropical islands in southeastern Indonesia, the only place the endangered reptiles can still be found in the wild: Two people were killed since 2007 — a young boy and a fisherman — and others were badly wounded after being charged unprovoked.

Komodo dragon attacks are still rare, experts note. But fear is swirling through the fishing villages, along with questions on how best to live with the dragons in the future.

Main, a 46-year-old park ranger, who like many Indonesians goes by a single name, was doing paperwork when a dragon slithered up the stairs of his wooden hut in Komodo National Park and went for his ankles dangling beneath the desk. When the ranger tried to pry open the beast's powerful jaws, it locked its teeth into his hand.

"I thought I wouldn't survive... I've spent half my life working with Komodos and have never seen anything like it," said Main, pointing to his jagged gashes, sewn up with 55 stitches and still swollen three months later. "Luckily, my friends heard my screams and got me to hospital in time."

Komodos, which are popular at zoos in the United States to Europe, grow to be 10 feet (3 meters) long and 150 pounds (70 kilograms). All of the estimated 2,500 left in the wild can be found within the 700-square-mile (1,810-square-kilometer) Komodo National Park, mostly on its two largest islands, Komodo and Rinca. The lizards on neighboring Padar were wiped out in the 1980s when hunters killed their main prey, deer.

Though poaching is illegal, the sheer size of the park — and a shortage of rangers — makes it almost impossible to patrol, said Heru Rudiharto, a biologist and reptile expert. Villagers say the dragons are hungry and more aggressive toward humans because their food is being poached, though park officials are quick to disagree.

The giant lizards have always been dangerous, said Rudiharto. However tame they may appear, lounging beneath trees and gazing at the sea from white-sand beaches, they are fast, strong and deadly.

The animals are believed to have descended from a larger lizard on Indonesia's main island Java or Australia around 30,000 years ago. They can reach speeds of up to 18 miles (nearly 30 kilometers) per hour, their legs winding around their low, square shoulders like egg beaters.

When they catch their prey, they carry out a frenzied biting spree that releases venom, according to a new study this month in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The authors, who used surgically excised glands from a terminally ill dragon at the Singapore Zoo, dismissed the theory that prey die from blood poisoning caused by toxic bacteria in the lizard's mouth.

The long, jagged teeth are the lizard's primary weapons, said Bryan Fry of the University of Melbourne.

"They deliver these deep, deep wounds," he said. "But the venom keeps it bleeding and further lowers the blood pressure, thus bringing the animal closer to unconsciousness."

Four people have been killed in the last 35 years (2009, 2007, 2000 and 1974) and at least eight injured in just over a decade. But park officials say these numbers aren't overly alarming given the steady stream of tourists and the 4,000 people who live in their midst.

"Any time there's an attack, it gets a lot of attention," Rudiharto said. "But that's just because this lizard is exotic, archaic, and can't be found anywhere but here."

Still, the recent attacks couldn't have come at a worse time.

The government is campaigning hard to get the park onto a new list of the Seven Wonders of Nature — a long shot, but an attempt to at least raise awareness. The park's rugged hills and savannahs are home to orange-footed scrub fowl, wild boar and small wild horses, and the surrounding coral reefs and bays harbor more than a dozen whale species, dolphins and sea turtles.

Claudio Ciofi, who works at the Department of Animal Biology and Genetics at the University of Florence in Italy, said if komodos are hungry, they may be attracted to villages by the smell of drying fish and cooking, and "encounters can become more frequent."

Villagers wish they knew the answer.

They say they've always lived peacefully with Komodos. A popular traditional legend tells of a man who once married a dragon "princess." Their twins, a human boy, Gerong, and a lizard girl, Orah, were separated at birth.

When Gerong grew up, the story goes, he met a fierce-looking beast in the forest. But just as he was about to spear it, his mother appeared, revealing to him that the two were brother and sister.

"How could the dragons get so aggressive?" Hajj Amin, 51, taking long slow drags off his clove cigarettes, as other village elders gathering beneath a wooden house on stilts nodded. Several dragons lingered nearby, drawn by the rancid smell of fish drying on bamboo mats beneath the blazing sun. Also strolling by were dozens of goats and chickens.

"They never used to attack us when we walked alone in the forest, or attack our children," Amin said. "We're all really worried about this."

The dragons eat 80 percent of their weight and then go without food for several weeks. Amin and others say the dragons are hungry partly because of a 1994 policy that prohibits villagers from feeding them.

"We used to give them the bones and skin of deer," said the fisherman.

Villagers recently sought permission to feed wild boar to the Komodos several times a year, but park officials say that won't happen.

"If we let people feed them, they will just get lazy and lose their ability to hunt," said Jeri Imansyah, another reptile expert. "One day, that will kill them. "

The attack that first put villagers on alert occurred two years ago, when 8-year-old Mansyur was mauled to death while defecating in the bushes behind his wooden hut.

People have since asked for a 6-foot-high (2-meter) concrete wall to be built around their villages, but that idea, too, has been rejected. The head of the park, Tamen Sitorus, said: "It's a strange request. You can't build a fence like that inside a national park!"

Residents have made a makeshift barrier out of trees and broken branches, but they complain it's too easy for the animals to break through.

"We're so afraid now," said 11-year-old Riswan, recalling how just a few weeks ago students screamed when they spotted one of the giant lizards in a dusty field behind their school. "We thought it was going to get into our classroom. Eventually we were able to chase it up a hill by throwing rocks and yelling 'Hoohh Hoohh.'"

Then, just two months ago, 31-year-old fisherman Muhamad Anwar was killed when he stepped on a lizard in the grass as he was heading to a field to pick fruit from a sugar tree.

Even park rangers are nervous.

Gone are the days of goofing around with the lizards, poking their tails, hugging their backs and running in front of them, pretending they're being chased, said Muhamad Saleh, who has worked with the animals since 1987.

"Not any more," he says, carrying a 6-foot-long (2-meter) stick wherever he goes for protection. Then, repeating a famous line by Indonesia's most renowned poet, he adds: "I want to live for another thousand of years."

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:eyeblur::eyeblur::eyeblur:Flame Wrasse spawning caught on video :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

In case you haven’t seen it yet, our very own senior editor Jake Adams has a nice little write up in Advanced Aquarist on a spawning harem of flame fairy wrasses, Cirrhilabrus jordani. The video above captures the courtship and gamete release but make sure to head over to AA to read the article in it’s entirety.

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:eyebrow::eyebrow::eyebrow: Another EXCELLENT magazine !!!...Introducing ReefLife Magazine

ReefLife | May/June 2009 Issue

May 1st, 2009

It’s finally here, the first issue of ReefLife magazine, and we know it has been well worth the wait! Not just your average reef aquarium magazine, ReefLife deals with broader topics of interest to divers, those interested in conservation and exploring natural habitats, and armchair aquarists alike. The following articles and columns deal with the latest fishes and corals available to the trade, what’s new in the world of the professional aquarist and much, much more. Take a look at the contents of this premier issue, and then join us as we continue to explore the truly amazing marine ecosystem in the issues to come!

The Marbled Shrimp in the Genus Saron - Zoologist Tristan Lougher surveys the members of this ornate shrimp genus that are most often encountered by divers and aquarists, and includes information on their natural history and aquarium husbandry.

Sarondipity - Roger Steene is considered by most marine animal photographers as the best in the world. In this amazing portfolio, he shares images of some of his favorite animals, the Saron shrimps.

Komodo Dreams - Photojournalist extraordinaire, Fred Bavendam, takes us on a search for the rare and exotic on the reefs around Komodo Island, Indonesia. This article includes some of his beautiful photos documenting undescribed and rare species, as well as images showing unique Komodo reef habitats sure to inspire any underwater enthusiast.

Flame Wrasse Fever - John Hoover, marine animal photographer and writer, shares the challenges involved in capturing the ultimate flame wrasse (Cirrhilabrus jordani) photos. John includes notes on the behavior of this stunning wrasse.

Recently Available Fairy Wrasses - The world’s leading authority on the Cirrhilabrus, Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka examines some of the species of fairy wrasses that are new to the aquarium trade, including some newly discovered and undescribed species!

An Introduction to the Tridacnid Clams and Their Care - James Fatherree, tridacnid expert and author, provides an overview of what is required to keep these amazing mollusks in captivity. James includes an extensive look at their care requirements, as well as information on their biology.

Amazing Montipora Corals - Aquarist/biologist Jake Adams looks at this amazing genus and includes plenty of photographic “eye candy†that is sure to have you “Montie†fans drooling!

“What Is It??†A Tale Of Two Softies - Dr. Ronald Shimek reviews scientific research conducted on the taxonomy of soft corals - in particular, how to separate the genera Lobophytum and Sarcophyton, and the species within these two taxa. You will be surprised at the researchers’ findings!

Sleeper Gobies in the Genus Valenciennea - Aquarist/biologist Tristan Lougher examines the Valenciennea gobies, and helps unravel some of the challenges associated with keeping these utilitarian fishes in captivity.

Caribbean Rose Coral (Manicina areolata) - This interesting coral occupies a unique ecological niche and is one of the few non-cryptic Caribbean stony corals to be legally available in the aquarium trade. Biologist and coral care expert Jake Adams provides insight into its natural history and aquarium care.

The Perfect Coral: Euphyllia - With large, showy polyps in various shades of green, yellow and pink, the sight of a large Euphyllia colony with its tentacles gently swaying in the current can make for a mesmerizing display. In this article, J. Charles Delbeek, pro-aquarist and biologist, explores the natural history and husbandry requirements of these “perfect†corals.

Coral Reefs Receive Conservation First-Aid - Zoologist and aquarium-pro, Bruce Carlson, discusses how the Georgia State Aquarium has teamed-up with The Nature Conservancy and local islanders to save coral reefs and their inhabitants. The article is illustrated with amazing photos taken at the Arnavons Community Marine Conservation Area by Marj Awai.

“Crikey!†Two True Gems From Down Under - There are many more unusual fishes that are now regularly making their way into the marine aquarium hobby. In this article, professional fish-keeper, Kevin Kohen, examines two beauties that are being exported from Australia - the bluestriped Tamarin wrasse (Anampses femininus) and Choat’s leopard wrasse (Macropharyngodon choati).

And much more!


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:pirate::pirate::pirate:Third of open ocean sharks face extinction: study

AFP - Friday, June 26

PARIS (AFP) - – A third of the world's open water sharks -- including the great white and hammerhead -- face extinction, according to a major conservation survey released Thursday.

Species hunted on the high seas are particularly at risk, with more than half in danger of dying out, reported the Shark Specialist Group at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Collapsing shark populations have already severely disrupted at least two coastal marine ecosystems, and could trigger even more severe consequences in the high seas, marine biologists warned at the same time.

The main culprit is overfishing. Sharks are prized for their meat, and in Asia especially for their fins, a prestige food thought to convey health benefits.

The survey of 64 species of open water, or pelagic, sharks -- the most comprehensive ever done -- comes days before an international meeting on high-seas tuna fisheries that could potentially play a role in shark conservation.

For decades, significant numbers of sharks -- including blue and mako -- have perished as "by-catch" in commercial tuna and swordfish operations.

More recently, the soaring value of shark meat has prompted some of these fisheries to target sharks as a lucrative sideline, said Sonja Forham, Policy Director for the Shark Alliance, and co-author of the study.

The Spanish fleet of so-called surface longline fishing boats ostensibly targets swordfish, but 70 percent of its catch, by weight, from 2000 to 2004 were pelagic sharks.

"There are currently no restrictions on the number of sharks that these fisheries can harvest," Fordham told AFP by phone. "Despite mounting threats, sharks remain virtually unprotected on the high seas."

Sharks are especially vulnerable to overfishing because most species take many years to mature and have relatively few young.

Scientists are also set to meet in Denmark to issue recommendations on the Atlantic porbeagle which, despite dwindling numbers, failed to earn protection at the last meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), in 2007.

Canada led the charge to block the protective measure, supported by Argentina, New Zealand and some Asian countries.

Europe is the fastest growing market for meat from the porbeagle and another species, the spiny dogfish.

The demand for shark fins, a traditional Chinese delicacy, has soared along with income levels in China over the last decade. Shark carcasses are often tossed back into the sea by fishermen after the fins are cut off.

Despite bans in international waters, this practice -- known as "finning" -- is largely unregulated, experts say.

The loss of sharks from the world's oceans could have unpredictable impacts, say marine scientists.

"Removing large predators would deprive ecosystems of players that have been around for more than 400 million years," said Francesco Ferretti, a researcher at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada.

Recent studies have shown that sharp reductions of coastal shark populations along the US East Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico caused major disruptions throughout the food chain, including on aquaculture.

"Pelagic sharks may have even bigger consequences due to their global distribution," Ferretti told AFP.

The report identified the great hammerhead and scalloped hammerhead sharks, as well as giant devil rays as globally endangered.

The smooth hammerhead, great white, basking, and oceanic whitetip sharks are listed as globally vulnerable to extinction, along with two species of makos and three types of threshers.

Some 100 million sharks are caught in commercial and sports fishing every year, and several species have declined by more than 80 percent in the past decade alone, according the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).

The IUCN issues the Red List of Threatened Species, the most comprehensive and authoritative conservation inventory of the worlds plants and animals species.

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:rolleyes:New ProfiLuxControl II Version is released

This FIRMWARE version fixes bugs and gives some new features. First to the bugs:

-Pumps -> Edit Box (Máx Wave duration) is disappeared

-Pumps -> Combobox values are not translated to english

-Illumination -> Firmware 4.06 Software 4.07 Error communication

Not only does this new FIRMWARE fix the above bugs, but it has added functionality such as:

Support for card PLM-ADIN (universal analog and digital inputs)

- Simulation of moon phase, clouds, thunderstorm and rainy days can be activated for each illumination channel separately

- Current simulation: Random wave duration possible

- Thunderstorm simulation: Random starts of thunderstorms can be activated

- New menu structure in ProfiLux, all settings for probes are now centralized in “sensor settingsâ€

- Virtual probes: average calculation and monitoring of the deviation of 2 probes of the same type is possible now

- ProfiLux View: only the used switchable sockets are displayed


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:yeah: Once again another wonderful issue...ReefLife | July/August 2009 Issue ;)

June 15th, 2009

Check out what’s in the July/August 2009 issue of ReefLife. Many of the articles and columns deal with deepwater habitats and the animals that live there, so take a look and enjoy!

The Secretive and Sweet - Two Caribbean Beauties Ideally Suited for Smaller Reef Aquariums - Fish expert Kevin Kohen looks at two spectacular Liopropoma species that are at the top of many fish-lover want lists!

Coral Shrimps (Genus Stenopus) - Zoologist Tristan Lougher takes us on an exhaustive “tour†of the ever-popular shrimp genus Stenopus. This article includes images documenting incredible behaviors and undescribed species.

Chalice Corals: An overview of Echinophyllia, Mycedium and Oxypora - So many corals, so little time! After reading and looking at the images in Jake Adams article on Chalice corals, you will be looking for more room and money to set-up another reef tank!

Nano Gobies - Trimma and Eviota - If you have a smaller aquarium and you love gobies, you will want to read Tristan Lougher’s informative article on these diminutive fishes. It discusses the taxonomy, behavior and husbandry of this Lilliputians of the reef.

Jewels of the Shadows: The Genus Liopropoma - In the last few years, the reef basslets have reached a peak in their popularity in the aquarium trade. Scott Michael examines the biology, taxonomic history, the reason that these fishes are now so readily available and how best to keep them. The article includes photos of undescribed species.

Crinoids - This spectacular feature article, by world-class photojournalist Fred Bavendam, not only includes informative text but stunning photos showing feather stars and the many animals that associate with them.

Abe’s Angelfish (Centropyge abei) - New Findings on a Fantastic Fish! - Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka reviews what is known about the deep water pomacanthid, Centropyge abei. This includes new data on the distribution and biology of this unusual fish.

Tales from the Twilight Zone - This is a must read piece by a modern day pioneer! John Earle, along with fellow underwater adventurers, has employed the latest diving technologies to explore deep water reef habitats. In this article, Mr. Earle eloquently describes what they have found in this relatively unknown part of the reef known as the “The Twilight Zone.â€

Predators and Parasites of Giant Clams - Clam expert, James Fatherree, examines threats to wild as well as “pet†tridacnids in this informative article. A must read for any giant clam enthusiast!

Been Around Since Forever - Dr. Ron Shimek examines a fascinating group of organisms known as Acoel worms. While some reef aquarists have encountered Acoels in their aquarium, most know little about them. After reading Dr. Shimek’s article, you will have a much greater appreciation for these simple, ancient animals.

Balanophyllia - Cup Corals for the Aquarium - in this column, Jake Adams looks at the biology and best way to keep these beautiful corals in the home aquarium.

Stony Corals: Feed ‘Em - They Need All The Food They Can Get - “To feed or not to feed?†This has been debated by aquarists since reef-keeping became mainstream. Dr. Shimek looks at what the scientific literature tells us about coral nutrition. If you keep cnidarians, or are fascinated by their biology, you need to read this article!






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:evil::evil::evil:Shark attack victims fight for their attackers

AFP - Sunday, July 19

WASHINGTON (AFP) - - They may have lost fingers, or perhaps even an arm or leg, but these former surfers and vacationers paced down the halls of Congress in Washington to seek protection for sharks, their very attackers.

"I'm here to lobby for the bill to save the sharks, I lost my arm. It's a very powerful statement," said Al Brenneca, a 52-year-old who was attacked by a shark in 1976 in Florida.

Along with a group of eight other survivors brought together by the Pew Environment Group research center, Brenneca descended on Capitol Hill to lobby senators to pass a measure placing tough restrictions on shark fishing.

More than a third of all shark species are endangered, in part due to finning, a practice in which a shark's fins are cut off before the body is thrown back into the water. Shark fin soup is a beloved delicacy in Asia, where it is in high demand.

Some 70 million sharks die in the ocean each year. In contrast, shark attacks on humans are rare -- between 60 and 100 per year worldwide.

"You might ask why considering I was attacked by a shark, why don't I want eat the sharks or kill them all?" quipped Krishna Thompson, a 44-year-old New York banker whose spectacular attack by a bull shark in 2001 during his 10-year wedding anniversary in the Bahamas had captured the media's attention.

Fighting back with his bare hands, he finally freed himself from the steel-sharp jaws.

"I had the leg but all I could see was the femur and tibia, no skin, no vein, no muscle and I remember seeing the white bones. And I thought, 'Oh man, I'm going to be amputated,'" he recalled.

Now wearing an artificial limb and a T-shirt declaring his determination to defend the shark, Thompson has converted himself into an activist fighting for the survival of the predators.

"What the shark did to me was what they are supposed to do," he insists. "Sharks have been around for 300 millions years -- before dinosaurs. They haven't changed much from then till now.

He added that people should not mess with mother nature, and let the sharks be.

"I don't want find out what life would be for us as human if they ceased to exist," Thompson stressed. "If we killed all the sharks that will have an effect on us as humans. That's why I'm here."

Wednesday's demonstration in the Halls of Congress was unusual and startling even for veteran lawmakers who have seem many expressions of public sentiment.

All described scenes of carnage at sea when the were forced to swim in their own blood to save their lives. Most have suffered cardiac arrest by the time they arrived to the hospital.

Mike Coots, 30, from Hawaii was attacked by a tiger shark in 1997 when he was surfing in the morning.

The predator grabbed him by the right leg, shook him back and forth while he was trying to fight back the attacker by punching it on the head.

The shark released him went back into the deep water while Mike started paddling toward the shore. But his leg was gone.

"I didn't feel it come off," he recalls. "It was gone. My friend took my surfing leash and made a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Yeah. He saved my life."

But Coots believes that he may have been bitten by a shark to help protect the species.

"I feel very strongly that these animals have a place in the world," he insisted. "And without them, I think it's going to disrupt the entire ecosystem."

But not everybody get over such life experiences. Brenneca, who lost his arm to a shark more than 30 years ago, says many people still harbor resentment toward these predators.

"Some people can't get over their bite and stuff," he notes. "Some people still have an anger towards things whether it be sharks or their own stupidity. It takes years to really get over a bite like this, a serious bite where you lose your arm or you lose your leg. It takes a while to get over that."

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:kiss::kiss::kiss:Lipogramma klayi Gems !!!

Posted on July 19th by Jake Adams.

Rare fish specialists Blue Harbor are at it again with a fresh batch of beautiful bicolor basslets, Lipogramma klayi. These fish were caught on a special deep diving mission in Curacao which among the Lipogramma also targeted candy basslets. Although the bicolor basslet may look just like a small and slightly paler royal gramma (and it really looks a lot like it superficially), this Lipogramma species is very rarely seen as it lives at depths of over 200 feet or 80 meters. In addition to having a purple-faced yellow body, the bicolor Lipogramma has a few scattered purple spots along the body, greatly elongated pelvic fins and a strong lyretail which gives this fish more a fairy like appearance than the similar royal gramma.




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:eyeblur:Hybrid lemonpeel x eibli: The Tiger’pyge

"The stunning perfection of the above specimen is second to none: orange-ringed blue eye, blue markings on the gill and spine, perfect orange tiger stripes on a vivid yellow body, a brilliant blue margin to the unpaired fins and a startling black tail.

The Tiger’pyge, is such a rare specimen. The Tiger’pyge was sold to the upscale aquarium store, Old Town Aquarium and the fish sold for $1600 within an hour of arriving at the store."





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:peace:Fauna play key role in circulating seas, says study

AFP - Thursday, July 30

PARIS (AFP) - - Creatures large and small may play an unsuspectedly important role in the stirring of ocean waters, according to a study released Wednesday.

So-called ocean mixing entails the transfer of cold and warm waters between the equator and poles, as well as between the icy, nutrient-rich depths and the sun-soaked top layer.

It plays a crucial part in marine biodiversity and, scientists now suspect, in maintaining Earth's climate.

The notion that fish and other sea swimmers might somehow contribute significantly to currents as they moved forward was first proposed in the mid-1950s by Charles Darwin, grandson of the the legendary evolutionary biologist of the same name.

But this was dismissed by modern scientists as a fishy story.

In 1960s, experiments compared the wake turbulence created by sea creatures with overall ocean turbulence. They showed that the whirls kicked up by microscopic plankton or even fish quickly dissipated in dense, viscous water.

On this evidence, sea creatures seemed to contribute nothing to ocean mixing. The clear conclusion was that the only drivers of note were shifting winds and tides, tied to the gravitational tug-of-war within our Solar System.

But the new study, published in the British science journal Nature, goes a long way toward rehabilitating the 20th century Darwin, and uses the quiet pulse of the jellyfish to prove the case.

Authors Kakani Katija and Joan Dabiri of the California Institute of Technology devised a laser-based system for measuring the movement of liquid.

They donned scuba gear and then released dye in the path of swarm of jellyfish in a saltwater lake on the Pacific island of Palau.

The video images they captured showed a remarkable amount of cold water followed the jellyfish as they moved vertically, from deeper chillier waters toward the warmer layers of the surface.

Katija and Dabiri say the 1960s investigators had simply been looking in the wrong place.

They had been on the alert for waves or eddies -- signs that the sea was being stirred up in the creatures' wake -- rather than vertical displacement of water.

What determines the amount of water that is mixed is the size and shape of the animal, its population and migratory patterns.

Churning of the seas is a factor in the carbon cycle.

At the surface, plankton gobble up carbon dioxide (CO2) through photosynthesis. When they die, their carbon-rich remains may fall gently to the ocean floor, effectively storing the CO2 for millennia -- or, alternatively, may be brought back to upper layers by sea currents.

William Dewar of Florida State University in a commentary, also published in Nature, said the new paper challenged conventional thinking.

"Should the overall idea of significant biogenic mixing survive detailed scrutiny, climate science will have experienced a paradigm shift," he said.

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