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bleaching hammer


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  • Senior Reefer

Hi reefers, would like to know what are the symptoms of a bleaching hammer coral? My hammer coral is those brown with green tips. it always open up very nicely, but i can see tru the brown tentacles. they tentacles of the coral are still brown, but can see tru abit.... is it bleaching? how do i cure it? have tried feeding it pieces of prawn....but it doesnt eat prawn? lol. everything looks very good except the colour. it looks abit transparent...or is this normal?

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  • Senior Reefer

all other corals are same. torch, bubble etc. just wondering, are hammer corals the tentacles naturally abit translucent/transparent? coz i can see tru abit. and i tot it maybe bleaching?

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  • SRC Member

They are usually a little opaque/translucent..

How strong are your lightings?

Best Regards,



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