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LFS BIG UPDATE 1st feb to 10th feb

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just came home from GO :) bagge dmyself a nice medium sized elegance.. have ALOT of elegence...from palm size including fingers, to the size of ur wrist to elbow. alot of pink and megenta looking zoos very nice. lots of rare exotic colours also. one blue one left but it is resevred. so technically, none left for blue. lots of favia, bubble, frogspawn, hammer, torch, anchor corals. lots of sun corals also. alot of sps....acro, monti i think? oh to ah siang, i think they have some montis left. =)

alot of red/orange/blue/purple mushrooms, lots of star polyps. about 10 pieces of huge red japanese rhyzo suns....50 red notes....got this guy bought it..along with other zoos. total damage....alot >.< the guy quoted him 50 red notes for the rhyzo, but then reduced price to 35 red notes...can u imagine how high they mark up? anyway, still have most of the nice corals left. just added the elegance in my tank...got stung by it T.T now so itchy

bro lemon, do you know how much the SPS are going (you can pm me the $$$).

any red/pink ones?

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



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bro lemon, do you know how much the SPS are going (you can pm me the $$$).

any red/pink ones?

sps i did not see any red/pink ones sorry. Only saw purple, green,brown and blue.....not very interested in SPS, so i did not take a look. This shipment is mostly LPS...SPS also have but not very extensive. However, i went there a little bit late (9pm yea can u believe it?) so most of the gooies no more liao. sorry i dunno the price, i have a feeling it is $40-50 a piece. Usually when they clearing stock, they selling for 4 for 100. sorry i have been little to no help =( but i did not see any pink/red sps. Oh i saw ONE birdnest =) thats pink.... but dunno if will be there the next time u go..left 1.. =x

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My mobilisation used to be pasir ris camp....admire you bro ambystorm...you walk inside.

Reef depot dun bring much stuffs, but usually exotic ones...i nvr had the chance to see them coz the minute they touch down, grab ka liao.

I hope to c the australian corals this time.

bro, im quite curious who tell u got aussie coral coming ah?

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its also called indian ocean mimic tang..

recently got quite afew in the market.. reborn/cf also got.

but this is the first time i see so small in size.

about 1inch to 1.5inch only.

years ago i saw was 3inch at least.

hi dude indian mimic tang is very clear thanks.

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means the mimic tang is copying the looks of the eibli angelfish =) mimic means to follow/copy. so the tang is merely following and copying the "design and pattern" of the angelfish. BTW, just to be sure, is this the fish u saw in the LFS?

hi. yeap tis wat i saw at reborn. left 2 only. you buying? uncle say its hybrid, not so hybrid after all they mimic angel pattern but will still grow up to be a tang.

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bro, im quite curious who tell u got aussie coral coming ah?

Aik Beng of reef depot...i left my h/p with him. Will sms me if shipment arriving.

Was told usually they sell aussie frags..too expensive to sell big pieces..

Now nothing there, so dun bother to go down.

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Aik Beng of reef depot...i left my h/p with him. Will sms me if shipment arriving.

Was told usually they sell aussie frags..too expensive to sell big pieces..

Now nothing there, so dun bother to go down.

oh, he told u coming soon or he say when arrive then let u know?

cos from what u post i think bros here think shipment is coming any time soon.

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hi. yeap tis wat i saw at reborn. left 2 only. you buying? uncle say its hybrid, not so hybrid after all they mimic angel pattern but will still grow up to be a tang.

nope. not buying any fish now. haha yes, no matter what the colour and pattern of the mimic tang, grow up will lose the colour liao i think :) no point buying the mimic...buy the real one. =)

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nope. not buying any fish now. haha yes, no matter what the colour and pattern of the mimic tang, grow up will lose the colour liao i think :) no point buying the mimic...buy the real one. =)

how yr ick outbreak? i trying polyb lab medic on my tank now. been 3 days lets see if got any results after 10 days. :rolleyes:

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my ick still there. but symptoms have decline alot liao. its under control lor, but still there. i dun wanna treat coz my tank alot of coral and rock and inverts...mafan to catch everything out. headache...so just let it be la. now also not serious at all. improve alot liao =x only problem is cannot add any new livestock. add the the new LS will also get ich. =(

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my ick still there. but symptoms have decline alot liao. its under control lor, but still there. i dun wanna treat coz my tank alot of coral and rock and inverts...mafan to catch everything out. headache...so just let it be la. now also not serious at all. improve alot liao =x only problem is cannot add any new livestock. add the the new LS will also get ich. =(

with inverts and corals more difficult. my FOWLR so not too bad. got good feedback for polyb lab medic so trying it out but super ex :( more ex den me seeing doc.

another way is to wait it out. this wat i did previously all fishes that survived will kind of be "immune" to ick.

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with inverts and corals more difficult. my FOWLR so not too bad. got good feedback for polyb lab medic so trying it out but super ex :( more ex den me seeing doc.

another way is to wait it out. this wat i did previously all fishes that survived will kind of be "immune" to ick.

bro use hypo, cheap n effective. :eyebrow:

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my ick still there. but symptoms have decline alot liao. its under control lor, but still there. i dun wanna treat coz my tank alot of coral and rock and inverts...mafan to catch everything out. headache...so just let it be la. now also not serious at all. improve alot liao =x only problem is cannot add any new livestock. add the the new LS will also get ich. =(

bro use hypo, cheap n effective. :eyebrow:

I use Kent Marine RXP to flight ich. Seem effective and reef safe according to specs. Except don't used it with Star fishes, Sea Urchin, sharks and some other fishes and invertibrates.

Previously I kept some corals and seem RXP don't have impact on them. Maybe other senior reefer can comment.

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  • Senior Reefer
omg i cant believe e red jap sun coral is still selling so x...

i saw only like .. less than 20 red notes...

colour basically r comparable... in all LFS>..

anyway ah beng also hv e red fat mushroom GO selling in their MH tank..

i guess farm and shop different mah. shop of coz sell higher lor...but ya dam ex. wait buy liao bring home never open/die. sure sian one

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nope. not buying any fish now. haha yes, no matter what the colour and pattern of the mimic tang, grow up will lose the colour liao i think :) no point buying the mimic...buy the real one. =)

the mimic tang will not lose colour even in adult stage. my experince till 4inch.

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the mimic tang will not lose colour even in adult stage. my experince till 4inch.

oh really?? wow thanks for the info. i feel so stupid now. i always thought the mimic tang will grow into an adult mimic tang with different colour. coz i have seen mimic tangs which doesnt look like any of the fish they are suppose to copy. =] sorry for giving wrong info LOL. which mimic tang u keep b4? the one that copy eibli, lemon peel, heraldi or half black? im quite interested to find one that copy lemonpeel one. hehe

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omg i cant believe e red jap sun coral is still selling so x...

i saw only like .. less than 20 red notes...

colour basically r comparable... in all LFS>..

anyway ah beng also hv e red fat mushroom GO selling in their MH tank..

Demand and supply :rolleyes:

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my ick still there. but symptoms have decline alot liao. its under control lor, but still there. i dun wanna treat coz my tank alot of coral and rock and inverts...mafan to catch everything out. headache...so just let it be la. now also not serious at all. improve alot liao =x only problem is cannot add any new livestock. add the the new LS will also get ich. =(

Try running a UV steralizer. It helps to bring ich under control.

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Then how come lifeaquaria show this thing..? they saw got both juv and adult mimic tang....adult one look so diff.

think this is mimic tang just like some of the tang, eg ABT, changed from yellow when juv to blue adult.

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Try running a UV steralizer. It helps to bring ich under control.

hi bro how u? still remember me? yr powder blue is still with me wonderful and amazing fish. tank got ick but its still alive and kicking not effected by it.

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bro use hypo, cheap n effective. :eyebrow:

hi ultraman

will try hypo slowly after i finish my course of medic dosing. yr sohal still doiong very well in my tank :) super aggressive but never bother other fish. next time gt ABT must supply me :rolleyes:

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