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Coral distance?


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  • Senior Reefer

Hello. People always tell me when u placing corals, keep them at least 5" apart to prevent stinging. Unless its from same family, then its ok. But i always see those people with those reef tank, everything looks so packed and compact. How come? I see sometimes, corals touching each other, and next to each other...will they not sting? Becase now my tank i follow the 5" rule....looks very empty and non compact. Can anyone tell me why some people's reef tank the corals touching each other and within such close stinging range, but still look so beutiful?

ty. :)

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  • Senior Reefer

oh thanks. so only those that have poewrful sting and have sweeper tentacles, put furthur away? like bubble corals and all the euphyllids... then mushroom, blastos, etc etc all can packed closely?

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  • SRC Member
Some corals don't sting so can pack them. Those with sweeper tentacles like bubble, torch, hammer are quite aggressive so should be placed further away from other corals.

agreed! hammer and torch are very aggressive and should not be placed too close to the other corals. what is important is that when the corals are full bloom, their sweeping tentacles are not too near the other corals...

it's alot about observation.. if you have a open brain that is constantly open for the last few days and after shifting say a hammer near it, starts to close up then it may be due to the hammer sting...

IMHO... =]

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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  • Senior Reefer
agreed! hammer and torch are very aggressive and should not be placed too close to the other corals. what is important is that when the corals are full bloom, their sweeping tentacles are not too near the other corals...

it's alot about observation.. if you have a open brain that is constantly open for the last few days and after shifting say a hammer near it, starts to close up then it may be due to the hammer sting...

IMHO... =]

my hammer and torch and bubble all fully open, but never see their sweeper tentacles before....dunno why. sweeper tentacles are very long right? maybe coz there is nothing very near to them...dunno looks very nice and flowy, but no sweeper tentacles.....yet ;)

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