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Tetra NO3 Test Kit Problem


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hi there today i just started to use NO3 Test kit . . .

i wonder is it not accurate . . .

my tank set up for 2 month but inside only 5 fish

i use Tetra NO2 test kit tried to test water. the water is below 0.3

but when i use the Tetra NO3 Test Kit i measure 100mg/l wao.

i thought my tank in trouble . . . . i went to measure my other tank. then it is also 100mg/l

but all my fish are still very lively.

i thought my water got problem or test kit got problem . . .

so i went to use tab water to try . . . the tab water is 12.5m/l

i wonder if tab water also have so high NO3?

or is there any thing wrong?

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  • Senior Reefer

100mg/l of nitrate is quite common. just means ur tank nitrate very high and will cause algae bloom. Fish are unaffected by nitrates unless in extremely high amounts. just do a water change can liao. nitrates usually no harm....only cause undesirable algae growth. I dun think ur test kit got problem.

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  • SRC Member
hi there today i just started to use NO3 Test kit . . .

i wonder is it not accurate . . .

my tank set up for 2 month but inside only 5 fish

i use Tetra NO2 test kit tried to test water. the water is below 0.3

but when i use the Tetra NO3 Test Kit i measure 100mg/l wao.

i thought my tank in trouble . . . . i went to measure my other tank. then it is also 100mg/l

but all my fish are still very lively.

i thought my water got problem or test kit got problem . . .

so i went to use tab water to try . . . the tab water is 12.5m/l

i wonder if tab water also have so high NO3?

or is there any thing wrong?

Try to read the instruction manual again. Not likely to have such a high NO3. l remembered some years ago reading a thread discussion here on Tetra NO3 test kit for NO3. Something about dividing the final reading by 4...dunno why also. If it's true, yr NO3 could be about 25mg. You could check it out the manual to confirm.

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hi lemonlemon

hmmmm i dont think so leh my tank just set up 2 month . . .. all very new water. water change i think like 2 day one pail coz need to pour here pour there for other quarentine tank. . .

dont under stand why my no2 is so low and no3 so high...

even tab water no3 is 12 mg/l leh

as my tank is very new it dont have any algae . . . all coral and fish in very good condition.

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hi underwater,

total that test kit got 3 solution and a powder.

when i open the cap of last solution is very strong.

i think i suspect that the last soultion in the test kit is too concentrated . . .

will try to ask c328 if i can changed it. if cannot then have to do some calibration to test kit.

i might use tab water as default, assume tap water dont have much NO3

see how many drop shoud i use instead of 7 drop of the last solution . . . .

hmmm i think i might need to search for last few post on tetra NO3

hmmm and the manual i read many time le . . . .

dont know why like that . . . . . haizzzz

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  • Senior Reefer
hi lemonlemon

hmmmm i dont think so leh my tank just set up 2 month . . .. all very new water. water change i think like 2 day one pail coz need to pour here pour there for other quarentine tank. . .

dont under stand why my no2 is so low and no3 so high...

even tab water no3 is 12 mg/l leh

as my tank is very new it dont have any algae . . . all coral and fish in very good condition.

NO2 is converted into NO3 by denitryfying bacteria. The more NO2 u have, the more it is converted into NO3, and thus u have alot of NO3. It works like this. So if u have alot of ammonia, all will be converted to nitrite. then u will have no ammonia, and alot of nitrite. when all ur nitrite is converted to nitrate, u will have no nitrite and alot of nitrate. it works like this. all 3 are connected. A spike in ammonia or nitrite will give u a spike in nitrate, and a decrease in ammonia/nitrite.

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Please check the expiry date of your test kit. Last time I went to C328 to buy NO3 test kit, the uncle handed me an expired kit. Ended up I did not buy.

hmm ya ok i tonight go home check . . . . but when i buy that time i keeping finsing the expire date cannot find . . . .

wonder is it cover by any paper . . .

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OMG need to divid by 4.4

but even that 100/4.4 = 22

some more my test result is extreme red like blood. i think expire liao lar later go home to confirm, it expire have to make another trip down to c328 . . .

i think it might be last time i buying tetra NO3 test kit. . . . . but one thing got to say is that tetra test kit are cheaper .. .

still have to divid by 4.4 so user unfriendly and not indicate at the instruction . . . .

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  • SRC Member
OMG need to divid by 4.4

but even that 100/4.4 = 22

some more my test result is extreme red like blood. i think expire liao lar later go home to confirm, it expire have to make another trip down to c328 . . .

i think it might be last time i buying tetra NO3 test kit. . . . . but one thing got to say is that tetra test kit are cheaper .. .

still have to divid by 4.4 so user unfriendly and not indicate at the instruction . . . .

Once yr tank is cycled, its quite normal for yr nitrate to be above 10pp. It shows that yr biological system has been established.

If you really want to reduce further to make yr water really sneaky clean, then one way is to add cheato / mangrove into your sump or install a denitrator.

It all depends on your expectations. Some reefers do not want to see a speck of algae in their tank or they want to keep SPS, so nitrate has to be almost zero.

LPS and softies quite tolerant of nitrate, so dun worry so much and spending yr money on unnecessary stuffs.

Just do a 10-15% water change for next 3 days. :)

Dun stock up on fishes for the time being. But you can shop for corals :eyebrow:

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your worries can be relieved by using a salifert test kit. my best bet is that your nitrate is not exactly 100ppm. divide 4.4, it is written somewhere in the testkit.

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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hi AhSiang

i got use cheato only 1 tao hua tub amount :) . got it since very first day without any fish that time


i also got denitrate from bro but hee hee haven install and still thinking of installing not :)

yeah recently not stocking up much fish le :)

hi hammy

ya i found it at the box.

i also tested distill water nitrade is 12 l/mg or slightly less then that

if divide by 4.4 then it will be 3/mg or less.

so i think the test kit is not expire or spoil.

but is so lousy hahaa .

k will switch to salifert.

dont know that buy test kit also have to do home work hahaa

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