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Lemon's tank!


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red flesh green eye favia frag from a friend. also known as "aussie war coral", for reasons i'm not quite sure why...

that friend say want to pass me a frag. but i prefer his zoas leh. u think i can topup $ for his zoas? :evil::lol:

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I bet tomorrow drop already. :upsidedown:

LOL! u were right :P ytd so tired lazy to put it in my tank so just rest it on the magnet first. today was on the sand :/ but its ok now hehe. epoxied it liao.

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New fish.

very alpha male paracheilinus filamentosus. otherwise known as the filament fin flasher wrasse. keeps flashing at my solar even while in betta box. perhaps the most commonly important and cheapest of the flasher wrasses. big alpha sized ones like this are comonly found in pasir ris. there's still somemore at ahbeng...

was contemplating between this one, or another one with an extremely long trailing forked tail. settled for this since the colours are much better.

cheap wrasses like most flashers, and lower tiered fairies are often over looked due to their cheap price. but they can be extremely beautiful too... that's why i have so any cheap fish in my tank. :P

picture taken minutes after acclimation. camera battery died when it decided to start flashing. the upper half of the body turns brilliant green, while the spots, lines and markings on the body are highlighted with blue-green markings. what a nice change considering most flashers turn bluish when flashing. green is a soothing colour.




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Saw them this morning at ah beng...was told by niki they were common so didnt think much of them then...not as nice as the mc coskers we saw-_-''

But the pictures you took is wow!

indeed they are common. but as i said, common fish doesn't mean ugly. lol! :)

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flower power. lol.

one of the nicest leather corals i have ever seen. but also very unpredictable. will not open for few days at a time for no rhyme or reason. but when it does, its beautiful. actinics are turned on, so it looks blue. but the polyps are snow white on a bright green base.



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New fish.

very alpha male paracheilinus filamentosus. otherwise known as the filament fin flasher wrasse. keeps flashing at my solar even while in betta box. perhaps the most commonly important and cheapest of the flasher wrasses. big alpha sized ones like this are comonly found in pasir ris. there's still somemore at ahbeng...

was contemplating between this one, or another one with an extremely long trailing forked tail. settled for this since the colours are much better.

cheap wrasses like most flashers, and lower tiered fairies are often over looked due to their cheap price. but they can be extremely beautiful too... that's why i have so any cheap fish in my tank. :P

picture taken minutes after acclimation. camera battery died when it decided to start flashing. the upper half of the body turns brilliant green, while the spots, lines and markings on the body are highlighted with blue-green markings. what a nice change considering most flashers turn bluish when flashing. green is a soothing colour.

YES i saw the beautiful forked tailed one, was contemplating if i should get it this afternoon. Instead got an Orchid Dottyback.

Totally agree, very beautiful fish and i would say affordable won't burn the pocket!!! Not been very successful with them. Tried 3 times all 3 RIP!!!

Maybe one of the factor that they RIP is due to my six line wrasse! fierce bugger.

Oh well maybe the next time when the six line gets caught! Next on the list NEON GOBIES!

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YES i saw the beautiful forked tailed one, was contemplating if i should get it this afternoon. Instead got an Orchid Dottyback.

Totally agree, very beautiful fish and i would say affordable won't burn the pocket!!! Not been very successful with them. Tried 3 times all 3 RIP!!!

Maybe one of the factor that they RIP is due to my six line wrasse! fierce bugger.

Oh well maybe the next time when the six line gets caught! Next on the list NEON GOBIES!

flashers are very timid fishes. they are the very definition of humji, timid, etc etc...list goes on. they will fare badly in tanks with SIX LINES lol.

in fact ah... i notice... even if ur tank no fierce fish, when u introduce them straight away into your tank, they will go MIA and die also -_- sometimes they get to scared and straight away go hide in the rocks. never to be seen again. have u seen the flashers at coral farm? when u walk pass them they all jump in their little cubicles and make loud banging noises... poor thing. thing main reason for the poor success is because they are timid more than anything else. but this just my own experience with these fishes lah... for all u know im just cursed with all the humji ones :P

if u want to try, next time betta box them first. let them settle down, feed them, then release them at night/evening.

i agree with the cheap part. most people turn a blind eye to cheap fishes because most associate cheap with ugly, not worth buying. i find this ridiculous! cheap is GOOD! not all the time, but in certain scenatios :P

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more sps for this nooby reefer to try! hehe.. many many many thanks to my friend for these. insisted i did not take them coz im afraid ill kill them, but end up taking some home to try. thanks friend! :P next time dinner on me again.... using my special funds :eyebrow:

can't remember what monti this is.... remember it being rare and collector's item... something about it being purple too. hope i don't kill it!!


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if you're reading this, thanks so much for the frags :) will epoxy them tomorrow. hope i don't kill it.. dinner on me again next time :P

also bought a harem of juvenile flashers. not often get to see small tiny flashers around 1.5 inches in size. so bought them all. hoping they will group together with the males and form a nice group above my "reef"

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if you're reading this, thanks so much for the frags :) will epoxy them tomorrow. hope i don't kill it.. dinner on me again next time :P

also bought a harem of juvenile flashers. not often get to see small tiny flashers around 1.5 inches in size. so bought them all. hoping they will group together with the males and form a nice group above my "reef"

That monti is purple rimmed and if I did IDed it correctly, would be called the "leng si" monti cap.


Welcome to the "DARK SIDE" of reefing. :evil:

Nice change you made to your avartar,

"LEMON, Life's little turn on" lol

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That monti is purple rimmed and if I did IDed it correctly, would be called the "leng si" monti cap.


Welcome to the "DARK SIDE" of reefing. :evil:

Nice change you made to your avartar,

"LEMON, Life's little turn on" lol

dark side?? really meh. SPS need MH leh! so bright walao.

courtesy of botak jones for that lovely picture :P lemon life's little turn on. how apt.

First thing is to stick then take photo, not the other way round la. Later sure cannot find your frags. :rolleyes:

aiyah. so late liao. i just finish bathing so clean. dun wan get myself salty and wet! won't lose them. they are on my betta box! lol.

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