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Lemon's tank!


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  • Senior Reefer
nice elegance la... try your best to keep it well k?

and nice gobies!

XD elegance haven open fully yet ley. nvm when it does i will take another photo.

the gobies costed me a bomb -__- each for $20, and i also bought 2 randalli shrimps. end up, all the gobies and shrimp lost each other lol. hoping they will find each other and pair up again... they were all paired up just now. dunno why now all separated -_-

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  • SRC Member

Your tank is looking really sweet... ^_^

I'm just curious... why buy 3 yashas instead of 2? Increasing the chances of pairing up? If they do pair up, what happens to their relationship with the pistol shrimps?

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  • Senior Reefer
Your tank is looking really sweet... ^_^

I'm just curious... why buy 3 yashas instead of 2? Increasing the chances of pairing up? If they do pair up, what happens to their relationship with the pistol shrimps?

3 becoz they are really expensive lol.

if im not wrong, a paired goby can share a burrow with one pistol. i have seen 2 gobies and 2 shrimps together in the same burrow. or 2 gobies and 1 shrimp, or 1 shrimp and 2 gobies. they are really quite flexible.

i bought 3 yashas because i wanted 2 to pair with my randalli pistol each, and the other to pair with my tiger pistol....but they have seem to be confused and lost right now. all separated from their shrimp counterparts...i wonder if they will find each other eventually.

pairing them is easy because males can be differenciated from females by the present of a black spot on their pelvic fins.

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  • SRC Member
coral farm have some yashas and randalli pistols if ur interested.

Nah... I'll prolly drop by at ah beng's to get a shrimp instead. Hope my Yasha will pair up with the shrimp. Now's the tricky part: my tank is bare bottom... will the shrimp do well?

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  • Senior Reefer
Nah... I'll prolly drop by at ah beng's to get a shrimp instead. Hope my Yasha will pair up with the shrimp. Now's the tricky part: my tank is bare bottom... will the shrimp do well?

oo. not sure. they like to dig holes.

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  • Senior Reefer
nice tank!

Watch your bubble and octo... nighttime could be warfare time with stingers from both.. your GSP could be hit. ;)

yes boss! will get to work ASAP (:

to tell u the truth, it already stung my previous colony of zoos...watch the tentacles stick to the zoo and created a little burn mark. what to do...its so big ):

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3 becoz they are really expensive lol.

if im not wrong, a paired goby can share a burrow with one pistol. i have seen 2 gobies and 2 shrimps together in the same burrow. or 2 gobies and 1 shrimp, or 1 shrimp and 2 gobies. they are really quite flexible.

i bought 3 yashas because i wanted 2 to pair with my randalli pistol each, and the other to pair with my tiger pistol....but they have seem to be confused and lost right now. all separated from their shrimp counterparts...i wonder if they will find each other eventually.

pairing them is easy because males can be differenciated from females by the present of a black spot on their pelvic fins.

pairing them is easy but its difficult sometimes the black spot on e male will drop n change to female..

i duno if other reefers got experience b4..

their sexes is nt fixed more based on a community level to determine..

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  • Senior Reefer
pairing them is easy but its difficult sometimes the black spot on e male will drop n change to female..

i duno if other reefers got experience b4..

their sexes is nt fixed more based on a community level to determine..

i see.. thanks for the clarification. i never knew gobies can change sex like other fishes

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  • Senior Reefer
could this b the mouth ???

it shld b within e little red circle..sorrie e circle abit small..

maybe. i lost my specs so cannot see so detailed things lol >.>

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  • SRC Member
lol. how come -.- go lfs need to see sooo detail one meh?

You thought that my fish was bigger than live rock, who knows what you will end up buying at lfs hahaha!

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • Senior Reefer
You thought that my fish was bigger than live rock, who knows what you will end up buying at lfs hahaha!

huh u mean its not meh? lol it looked like it leh D:

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  • Senior Reefer

ARGH! hands itchy went to touch my tank to rearrange some corals. -_- DISASTER!!!!!! now my coral placement all disturbed and dam ugly now. zzzzzzz

pictures LATER -__-

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  • Senior Reefer
Haha pics please.. I don't think it is as bad as it sounds. Anyway, pics of your cloves too! :D

took me 2 hours to get everything back in original position again. but i still failed T_T i think i will do a FTS when i come home in the evening tomorrow la. now busy with some work. my old cloves are all falling off the rock!! i think they are not meant to be glued!? lol i dunno. the new ones are ok. the old one i itchy finger go glue it and i think they are not reacting well to it...

argh sian sian. ok nvm tomorrow i see how then i take fts post here.

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  • Senior Reefer

finally finish touching up the mess created. the right side of my tank is like a pile of rocks now -.- and some loose frags there awaiting collection.

firsty, this is the new clove i got today. funny colour i dunno how to describe too. white outlines and has a dirty green center. ok la not bad. price is quite reasonable. colony is huge btw.





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