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Lemon's tank!


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  • Senior Reefer
eh dun c any prob of u adding e little red fish to ur tank lehz.. :rolleyes:

but u can always wait for next shipment if u wan... no worries..

quite often will hv mahz..

nvm la. its already reserved (: tmr i go collect. if for some reason cannot collect coz its sold or whatever, then i wait hehe

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  • Senior Reefer
its inside e sps tank at e back with e MH light not e display tank orhz..

u c liao call me incase u dun 1..

i dunno which tank. isit near the clams?

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  • Senior Reefer

thank you ambystoma (:

not a bad specimen. saw it eating a few mysis. and henry's food. not a bad sign. so far the aggression from my coral beauty is not as disastrous as i expected. some chasing and flaring happen occasionally. the flame now retreats to the back of the tank. hopefully will gain confidence and venture out.


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  • Senior Reefer

my new toy (: My 6045 wavemaker spoilt beyond repair. went to buy another one today but was out of stock. so i bought a 6055 instead. very happy with the performance. 2 wavemaker and my return create an upwelling current effect. with an occasional "whirlpool" every 10-15mins or so. look at the water surface being disturbed by the wavemakers. good gas exchange i hope





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my new toy (: My 6045 wavemaker spoilt beyond repair. went to buy another one today but was out of stock. so i bought a 6055 instead. very happy with the performance. 2 wavemaker and my return create an upwelling current effect. with an occasional "whirlpool" every 10-15mins or so. look at the water surface being disturbed by the wavemakers. good gas exchange i hope

Nice toy and nice water effect..nice tank too... :eyebrow:

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  • Senior Reefer
would ask u to buy seio if u haben buy

u shld c e sample at iwarna the smaller version..

pic diff to tell e size...

aiya too late liao ): the flame eating some pellets. but very shy...dun dare to come out. scared of the CB! no no not THAT cb...i mean coral beauty :P :P

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  • Senior Reefer

new additions today. (: 3x yasha gobies. 2 of them paired up. im guessing ons is male the other female. and the other one is flying solo with a tiger pistol shrimp. the other 2 are pairing with some alpheus randalii pistols.



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  • Senior Reefer

and thank you for this beautiful brilliant green-pink tipped elegance. (you know who u are. kudos) my camera cannot capture the greeness of it. argh wasted. but its really bright green. v nice. haven open up 100% yet. cannot tahan la. itchy fingers must take foto now. this will be my last elegance. if it konk again, no more liao. 3rd time's a charm. lets hope this one survives well (:

so far,

1st elegance died from a goby

2nd one died for no reason.

since this one has been with the previous owner for quite awhile, hopefully its more stable and will do well.




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  • SRC Member

Very nice FTS! Eh your cleaner wrasse still around? I thought you were trying to get rid of it hahaha. So long no mention of it, I assumed it was gone.

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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  • Senior Reefer
Very nice FTS! Eh your cleaner wrasse still around? I thought you were trying to get rid of it hahaha. So long no mention of it, I assumed it was gone.

ya la....bugger. decided not to get rid of it la. nice fish...not many can keep it alive for so long. anyway...i feed my corals mysis now instead of prawns. he doesnt like mysis as much as he likes prawns.

bro how come the tunze 6045 spoil ? what happened

and nice tank you have there man, few months of reefing and your's like a advance reef tank liao.


the tunze was a second hand one. i dunno why spoil also. the metal axis broke and when asked if can repair, was told it was beyond repair. anyway, its ok (: i got it at a good price and it has served me well for as long as it was with me.

thanks for the compliment. my tank where got advance -.- all LPS and softies lolz.

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