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Lemon's tank!


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Very good excuse for yr CO to get your butt back home...lolx

haha... bro, i initially also thought it was just a bluff from her...

but turned out, it's real!!!!

when i reached home... the whole house got no power... check the ELCB shows that indeed... power trip...

spent like half an hour to locate which exact point (coz i didn't expect it was from my tank... as it has been running with no problem for months/years...

in the end, found out it's my new FR pump! the cable came loose, exposing the core wire. causing a trip.

now NO FR liao lor... gotta go find new pump... anyone has spare pump to donate?? hehehe.

Sorry Lemon, hijack ur track a little...

Enjoy your GO shopping...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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some updates on my baby fish. they certainly have grown bigger! (: from 23, alot of them escaped and now left 9. i believe if i had fixed the big hole in my rearing box, i would still have 23.. good thing is these 9 babies are quite strong. now at least i can concentrate on taking care of 9 rather than 23... they have started eating henry's food (yes believe it or not. just drip some juice and small small particles and they eat), rotifers and thanks to bro fuel, baby brine shrimps. hopefully i can see them tru adolesence and into adult hood (:



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no did not go reborn today. i am so happy to announce that my stocking to my tank is complete. both fish and coral wise. will just be maintenance from now on. and how timely too! school starts on 13th march. excellent. will have no time to go LFS one school starts anyway =\

Damage not very high la. bought cheap things at GO. i find the price very reasonable today!! anyway, very tired now just came home. let my corals stabalise first. ill go take a shower and maybe tonight or tomorrow will update pictures. so glad. tank looks really good now. well stocked and everything looks healthy! i do only have one problem though. my 3 month old torch coral has lost its stikyness to its tentacles...dunno if this is normal. still open up dam nicely and everything looks absolutely normal. just tentacles not sticky anymore =\ oh well....as long as its not receeding or anything i guess i dun have to get worried about it yet. im sure it can supplement its feeding via photosynthesis/small particles of food.

leopard wrasse made a brief appearance today. tried to take a picture but i guess i spooked it =x dove right into the sand again. -haiz- haha so happy that my holiday is finally coming to an end. can go school and mingle with new friends hehe. great holiday and great journey with everyone in SRC!! and stocking my tank since november till now has been nothing but fun!

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i found a new way to slowly release food into my tank to minimise uneaten food. by placing a cube of mysis on my wavemaker, it slowly defrost and the wavemaker suck abit abit of food and release it a little at a time....i dunno if this is safe for the wavemaker but so far seems ok. no food stuck the the blades or anything. if this is bad for my wavemaker someone pls let me know....so i will stop haha (:


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my haul form GO today. these 3 corals are the last to fill up my tank. very happy with the pricing and the overall purchase of these items. a short tentacle torch. has about 11 heads and cost 2 red notes. an unsual white tip hammer coral (its not bleached.) for also 2 red notes. and a Blastomussa merleti aka branching blastos. corals haven really open up to their max potential ah. this photos taken 1 hour after introduction.....so bloody heavy dragging them from GO to tanah merah -.-





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and a FTS to sum up my wonderous adventures here in SRC haha. maybe when i start school, during lectures i can sneaky sneaky come here and skive kekeke.


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and a FTS to sum up my wonderous adventures here in SRC haha. maybe when i start school, during lectures i can sneaky sneaky come here and skive kekeke.

Nice harvest and tank! Dun worry sure got time, got gal friend still got time. Pple like me working also got time. So long as hands itchy sure can find time....lolx

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Wow... those babies are looking good... ^_^

haha yea! reserve 2 for u already. when they start eating prepared food and gte bigger ill give 2 to u. its they joy of raising them up and giving them to someone who can take care. the joy of parenthood. haha x)

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just checking on my MI and so darn happy to find his body spotless!!! usually at night his whole body infested with ich. today SO CLEAN!! wow immunity. :P

only left alot of scars from the ich. nothing a little TLC cannot fix (:

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i found a new way to slowly release food into my tank to minimise uneaten food. by placing a cube of mysis on my wavemaker, it slowly defrost and the wavemaker suck abit abit of food and release it a little at a time....i dunno if this is safe for the wavemaker but so far seems ok. no food stuck the the blades or anything. if this is bad for my wavemaker someone pls let me know....so i will stop haha (:

I do that all the time. No problems.

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so sorry bro!!! can't able to join u for a gem hunting.... haiz...last min.... :cry: .... anyway nice hammer!! with white tip?? unqiue leh.. u really good at finding gem :bow:

no la. they had only 2 of this. amonst the green tips one. very easy to find mah lolz.

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hey bro, u let the brine shrimp defrost in ur tank?

the water contain high po4 leh.. dont do that.

i wash it in tap water until it is half dissolved. to wash away as much of the juice as i can...then the remaining half frozen bits i just leave it inside my tank. this is the first time i trying this. usually i fully defrost then throw everything inside. ok thanks for letting me know =D. will not put it there again le

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and a FTS to sum up my wonderous adventures here in SRC haha. maybe when i start school, during lectures i can sneaky sneaky come here and skive kekeke.

woah!!! happy for you bro! THink you still have some space... but no... there's a time for everything.

When it's school time, focus on school work, if you wish to, just put 30-45 mins aside every day to do the maintenance...

Then weekends you can spend more time to go shop shop a little and buy 1-2 corals... (try to save up for the more exquisite ones).

btw: your zoas are doing quite well, especially the black/blue face with yellow ring... i think they've kinda settle down liao.

THe orange ones, hmm... think the damage was quite bad when i brought them back... but now improve le... just that not as nice as the other piece...

Will show you some pix next time when i take them... (should have taken a before shot! TMD... didn't think of it lah!)


decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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woah!!! happy for you bro! THink you still have some space... but no... there's a time for everything.

When it's school time, focus on school work, if you wish to, just put 30-45 mins aside every day to do the maintenance...

Then weekends you can spend more time to go shop shop a little and buy 1-2 corals... (try to save up for the more exquisite ones).

btw: your zoas are doing quite well, especially the black/blue face with yellow ring... i think they've kinda settle down liao.

THe orange ones, hmm... think the damage was quite bad when i brought them back... but now improve le... just that not as nice as the other piece...

Will show you some pix next time when i take them... (should have taken a before shot! TMD... didn't think of it lah!)


lolx XD. dun tempt me please. today outing was my last liao. now waiting for tank to stabalise and corals to grow. most probably will only replace dead corals....(touch wood!) wun get new one liaoz XD hahaha. MOORISH IDOL ICH FREE! how timely. dun have to worry so much about the tank once school start. can come home to a happy healthy tank and relax and not worry about this and that and what not -.-

my tank is rewarding me. im so touch. (: of coz i have u all here to thank la...without ur help and guidance my tank will be so filled with problems. im happy with my tank now ah....some ppl tell me its ugly lolx. but i find it quite ok la...when everything is open in the daytime it does look really good....have alot of comments about my aquascaping regarding the sudden 90degree drop on the right side...will probably do something about it la. either before sch starts or during holidays.

glad the zoos are doing well with you wilson. bring them back to life. im still a noob and learning to make my tank a better place for my livestock (: will continue to learn and become a successful reefer!

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hey bro, u let the brine shrimp defrost in ur tank?

the water contain high po4 leh.. dont do that.

My PO4 levels still low. But then I don't feed so much frozen mysis. More on pellets and Henry food. Frozen mysis is more like 'fast food' for my fish when I don't have time to feed them slowly :upsidedown:

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My PO4 levels still low. But then I don't feed so much frozen mysis. More on pellets and Henry food. Frozen mysis is more like 'fast food' for my fish when I don't have time to feed them slowly :upsidedown:

will henry food pollute the tank? i always feed and the juice everything will cloud my tank for like 5 minutes then water crystal clear again. i see the box say will disgest itself coz got some probiotic bacteria. so i don worry...but just wondering haha.

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will henry food pollute the tank? i always feed and the juice everything will cloud my tank for like 5 minutes then water crystal clear again. i see the box say will disgest itself coz got some probiotic bacteria. so i don worry...but just wondering haha.

Your skimmer will pull out most of the organic matter.

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did a frag exchange with pauline today. my 2 head white tip hammer trade for 3 head yuma ^^ one of the yuma, head is 0.2mm!! so small haha. but can grow. yuma is purple and green. will post pictures when they open up tomorrow haha.

thanks pauline and james! had fun LFS-ing today!!

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