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Lemon's tank!


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  • Senior Reefer
Wow, the sun coral is niceeee......

Nice to see your zoos in the tank. Didn't have time to monitor my tank. Came home and just as I placed the zoos into the tank, kena summon out for shopping duty with minister of home affairs :(

I agree that the rocks a bit too densely packed. Next time you tear down to catch fish can take the chance to rescape a little hahaha.

Haha. zoos not opening yet =( So far, have no luck with zoos...hope this is not the case lol. Thanks for the comment on my sun coral. Trying to train it to open up during the day.

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hey lemon...

finally get to see your tank.

ur tank got lotsa potential! too much empty spaces liao. Slowly stock up and enjoy the fun of slowly doing it.

dun rush...

love the sun coral (from Henry?)

Think you can afford to have some Tangs in your tank... want a Powder Brown? i've recently bought one, but not sure if it's something that i may want for long term... haha.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • SRC Member
Haha ok i forgot to mention that the rocks look conjested, but there are alot of space inside. The rock is made like this. Side view | water | water | ( | means rock). From the front u see all conjested, but when u look from the side, there are gaps in between. Like layers. Alternating between rock, water, rock water and finally rock. So from the front view it looks like the rockscape is too packed, but in actualy fact, its not. Haha regarding the overflow, never thought of that lor lols. I live the empty space there with the sand, for my fish to play and feed. There is a sand dollar that refuses to go anywhere but that area haha.

haha okie but we all want it to look nice when viewed from the front instead of the side...hmmm...hehe anyway it's individual preference and do keep us update again!

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  • Senior Reefer
hey lemon...

finally get to see your tank.

ur tank got lotsa potential! too much empty spaces liao. Slowly stock up and enjoy the fun of slowly doing it.

dun rush...

love the sun coral (from Henry?)

Think you can afford to have some Tangs in your tank... want a Powder Brown? i've recently bought one, but not sure if it's something that i may want for long term... haha.

My tank now got ich lol. Trying to solve it. Seems like it only attack the fish at night..In the morning, the fish all seem to be ich free. at night, all covered in spots. If i get a tang now, will be problematic lol

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  • Senior Reefer
haha okie but we all want it to look nice when viewed from the front instead of the side...hmmm...hehe anyway it's individual preference and do keep us update again!

Haha. ok i'll see what i can do. Maybe add more corals to make the front look nicer

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  • Senior Reefer

And yes, sun coral from henry. IMO, best place to get sun coral. His sun coral garden explains why. Also, he give lots of advice on how to keep it alive and make it bloom. My sun corals are starting to bloom during the day liao :) All the polyps are open, but at only 50%. Haven reach 100% potential. Will try to make them open up as nicely as they do at night ;)

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And yes, sun coral from henry. IMO, best place to get sun coral. His sun coral garden explains why. Also, he give lots of advice on how to keep it alive and make it bloom. My sun corals are starting to bloom during the day liao :) All the polyps are open, but at only 50%. Haven reach 100% potential. Will try to make them open up as nicely as they do at night ;)

i love sun corals. just that im not sure why i have not had consistent record with them.

I just did one round of water parameter test... quite shocking... read my thread later in the afternoon for more details...

now rushing to AM-JK to buy a pH meter and rush to buy some water for water change before CNY comes.

good luck on the ich... maybe can get your fish to feed on Henry's gourmet and pellets... i think it helps.

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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  • Senior Reefer
i love sun corals. just that im not sure why i have not had consistent record with them.

I just did one round of water parameter test... quite shocking... read my thread later in the afternoon for more details...

now rushing to AM-JK to buy a pH meter and rush to buy some water for water change before CNY comes.

good luck on the ich... maybe can get your fish to feed on Henry's gourmet and pellets... i think it helps.

Trying to feed my fish as many types of food as possible to increase their immunity. I believe i am dam lucky already, as my fish have been suffering the same ich for a little more than a month, Usually fishes die within few days to a week. Mine stretch to 1 month dam good le. I dun have a quarantine tank, so i can't treat the fishes....and i cannot treat in main tank also,coz of corals and inverts. So im just trying to boost their health and HOPEFULLY, HOPEFULLY they gain 100% immunity to the ich....i have read somewhere that it is possible for fish to grow immune to ich after long term exposure...but it hurts to see my fihs go tru so much stress. Especially at night, where the whole fish will be covered in spots. Morning dun have. only at night

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  • Senior Reefer

Ich epidemic got worse. Currently removes all my fishes, undergoing treatment. Letting my tank go fish free for about 1-2 months. In the mean time, my fish when cured will go to my cousin's tank. Haha. His tank now empty. Let him try my fish first to get some experience. Meanwhile.....bought some corals hehe. New additions!!

Guess what i bought hehe ;) Giv u clue, 2 LPS and one soft coral. Will post pics later. Now corals still not yet open. GO alot of very nice corals even on new year! Still got 3 pieces of blue zoos left ;) Din get any though....no luck with zoos. all seem to do poorly with me.

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  • SRC Member

must be hammer and torch lor haha.. plus a softie mushroom? since u said u can't do zoas.. :lol:

wa bro, CNY go visit GO is a very good choice i think, sure nobody there one right? btw, see anymore nice cynas and oxypora?

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  • Senior Reefer
must be hammer and torch lor haha.. plus a softie mushroom? since u said u can't do zoas.. :lol:

wa bro, CNY go visit GO is a very good choice i think, sure nobody there one right? btw, see anymore nice cynas and oxypora?

wa zai zai!! thats exactly what i bought.... torch, hammer, bubble and one blue msuhie :) TONS of cynas. oxypora, dunno, never notice.

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  • Senior Reefer

yup. GO go during CNY very very good :) i finish my visiting early, go paid GO a visit. They dun close for CNY coz the shop not open by chinese i think. I see indian and malays only. But the staff are very friendly and knowledgable. :) No one there, so no competition. can slowly browse and cherry pick my corals

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  • Senior Reefer
I like yr rock scape coz can accomodate lots of corals...can put montipora or SPS on top...hehe..

haha thanks. dun dare to keep SPS. no MH and no chiller. currently only on air con.. temp around 27-28C LPS seem to do well though

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And yes, sun coral from henry. IMO, best place to get sun coral. His sun coral garden explains why. Also, he give lots of advice on how to keep it alive and make it bloom. My sun corals are starting to bloom during the day liao :) All the polyps are open, but at only 50%. Haven reach 100% potential. Will try to make them open up as nicely as they do at night ;)

really a nice sun coral!! anyway care to share how u train them to bloom in the day time?? cos recently, just bought 2 sun from a very kind reefer (thank bro).... so trying to train them too??


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  • Senior Reefer
really a nice sun coral!! anyway care to share how u train them to bloom in the day time?? cos recently, just bought 2 sun from a very kind reefer (thank bro).... so trying to train them too??


Hi. those pictures are taken during the night. With flash on, thats why looks like in the day. Anyway, am currently training my sun to open in the day time too. Succeeding so far :) 60% polyp extension during the day. What i do is, throw in minute amount of food every half hour....and let the current blow it towards the sun coral. So for about 2 hours, i throw in about 4 times, small small quantity of food. The sun will sense the food and start to open up. After 2 hours, my sun open up around 60%, then i just throw in the rest of the food to feed it. Mine will remain open, but only for awhile, then go back closing. So far, i think if i keep doing this, the sun will start to open up slowly everyday, and soon, will open up 100% in the day. :)

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  • Senior Reefer

Anyway, here are some updates of my tank... Went to GO yesterday and bought 4 corals. First up, my newly aquired 4 head hammer coral. Currently my favourite coral. Opens up very nicely and beautifully. Tip of tentacles are a mixture of green and pink. Got it at quite a resonable price of 2.5 red notes =)




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  • Senior Reefer

Bought a green bubble coral too! Now i have 2, one green bubble, and one pearl bubble coral. I din quite like the pearl bubble, coz i find the polyps very small compared to the green one. so i went to get a green one and now im happy LOL. Here it is..


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  • Senior Reefer

Also bought a rock full of blue mushrooms. But it looks purplish when looked tru my tank glass, and also when photographed =( It looks blue when i look from the top down, though....but looks purple from glass tru. sianz!! haha. but still nice nontheless


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  • Senior Reefer

And the last new addition, a torch coral. It is not opening up as nicely as the hammer is....even though both are euphyllia corals....i thought that both would have fairly same requirements. So far, hammer doing very well, torch beginning to open up a little bit more. Here it is....will keep an eye on it for the next couple of days. Hopefully it get use to the environment and open up nicely for me =)


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Hi. those pictures are taken during the night. With flash on, thats why looks like in the day. Anyway, am currently training my sun to open in the day time too. Succeeding so far :) 60% polyp extension during the day. What i do is, throw in minute amount of food every half hour....and let the current blow it towards the sun coral. So for about 2 hours, i throw in about 4 times, small small quantity of food. The sun will sense the food and start to open up. After 2 hours, my sun open up around 60%, then i just throw in the rest of the food to feed it. Mine will remain open, but only for awhile, then go back closing. So far, i think if i keep doing this, the sun will start to open up slowly everyday, and soon, will open up 100% in the day. :)

oh ok, so wat foof u throw in to train the sun come out?? n if we keep throwing food in, will the ammonia or no2 rise?? very sad to c my sun keeping to themselve?? :(

thank n happy cny to u!!

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