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Lemon's tank!


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  • Senior Reefer

Hi... Fianlly got the courage to put my tank photos in this thread.. As most of you know, my tank recently had a minor crash, lost most of my corals, and fish contracted ich. Now fishes still have ich, but its under control, and only attacks them at night... Well, i have stocked up on some corals and now want to show you... Comments welcomed, but tank abit empty.. Hope you dont mind.

Specs -

3.5ft X 2ft X 2ft tank

overflow system with sump

Using BM protein skimmer from jr marine.....

No chiller, air con on, temp kept at 27-28C

T5 flourescent bulbs, 2 white 2 actinic, 39W each

Livestock - (Not all are shown in pictures, either hard to capture, or hiding)

1 X Yellow wrasse

1 X Coral beauty angel fish

1 X Niger trigger

2 X False percula

2 X Banggai cardinalfish

1 X Royal gramma

1 X Blue streak cleaner wrasse (1 year old, eats everything including pellet!)

1 X Orange striped goby

1 X Banded high fin goby (paired with a randell's pistol shrimp)

1 X Yasha goby (paired with tiger pistol shrimp)

1 X Mandarin goby

Inverts - (Not all are shown in pictures, either hard to capture, or hiding)

2 X Skunk cleaner shrimps

1 X Blood fire shrimp

4 X Peppermint shrimps

1 X porcelain crab

1 X Feather Worm

1 X Randell's pistol shrimp & Banded high fin goby pair

1 X Unknown pistol shrimp (came with liverock)

3 X Blue legged hermit crabs

4 X Turbo snail

Corals -

3 X US zoos

1 X Bubble coral

1 X star polyp

1 X clavularia Sp

1 X Sun coral

1 X Blue sponge

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  • SRC Supporter
Yes. I went to iwarna and got 3 US zoos.

Wanted to PM u to join u initially, but then, too many errands to run, so ended did not. Instead, I went GO......

Next time mayb got chance can post to jio ppl to go together... n share knowledge... I private limited....

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  • Senior Reefer
Wanted to PM u to join u initially, but then, too many errands to run, so ended did not. Instead, I went GO......

Next time mayb got chance can post to jio ppl to go together... n share knowledge... I private limited....

haha no problem. I usually go pasir ris farm every saturday.

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  • Senior Reefer
nice tank bro.

ur trigger ok with ur inverts?

Yup. Too blind and lazy to go hunt and eat the inverts that are on the rock. But when i put small inverts like pistol shrimp and sexy shrimp, when its floating down the tank in the water and if its small enough, the trigger will eat. Happen before once

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  • SRC Member

Nice to see ur updates. IMHO, scaping could be better as now i do not see much "lobangs" created for the fishes to swim in n out. Try improving on that and u will surely be glad that u did. Hmm just wondering why u did not try to conceal the overflow box with the LRs?

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  • SRC Member

Wow, the sun coral is niceeee......

Nice to see your zoos in the tank. Didn't have time to monitor my tank. Came home and just as I placed the zoos into the tank, kena summon out for shopping duty with minister of home affairs :(

I agree that the rocks a bit too densely packed. Next time you tear down to catch fish can take the chance to rescape a little hahaha.

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

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  • Senior Reefer
Nice to see ur updates. IMHO, scaping could be better as now i do not see much "lobangs" created for the fishes to swim in n out. Try improving on that and u will surely be glad that u did. Hmm just wondering why u did not try to conceal the overflow box with the LRs?

Haha ok i forgot to mention that the rocks look conjested, but there are alot of space inside. The rock is made like this. Side view | water | water | ( | means rock). From the front u see all conjested, but when u look from the side, there are gaps in between. Like layers. Alternating between rock, water, rock water and finally rock. So from the front view it looks like the rockscape is too packed, but in actualy fact, its not. Haha regarding the overflow, never thought of that lor lols. I live the empty space there with the sand, for my fish to play and feed. There is a sand dollar that refuses to go anywhere but that area haha.

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