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Angel Acclimation


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See how they acclimate Emperor, Queen, Blue ring and potter Angel.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S8usy6PuIo <<part1>> :upsidedown:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStOBQfK7zQ <<part 2>> :blink:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veZ4jSTshhs <<part 3>> :cry:

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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poor thing.... the queen angel

Ya lor, such a beautiful specimen. Now afraid to get one. lol.

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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  • Senior Reefer

It died of lymphocystis...which is a very managable disease and is related to poor water quality. I think if discovered earlier, and treated in a clean environment, the death could have been prevented. haiz... The annularis angel also dam nice sia. lol!

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  • SRC Member

Don't think i would agree to his handling of fish with his bare hands...the part when he transfer the fish to the cylinder tank. The fish would probably have gotten the heat shock from that guy's palms due to his body heat. Then when the fish gets into the tank, another temp change shock. l would think a better way would be transfering the fish into a smaller pail and then pour slowly into the cylinder tank.

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Touching a fish with ur hands will also remove the mucus coating right? I heard somewhere...

lol... I like the verity selection of fishes he picks. Not too overstock also. Hand now itchy to get Clown trigger. Heard that it one of the most aggressive triggers of all!

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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  • Senior Reefer
lol... I like the verity selection of fishes he picks. Not too overstock also. Hand now itchy to get Clown trigger. Heard that it one of the most aggressive triggers of all!

you heard right! lol. most peaceful one is niger trigger. I have one now...dun bully my other fish, never eat my inverts also lol. dun mind giving it away if i can catch it lol. will outgrow my tank one day. Anyway yea his choice of fish very nice lol. Golden butterfly, racoon butterfly =) TWELVE royal grammas.... EIGHTEEN clownfish... pei fu pei fu

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