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  • Senior Reefer

Hi reefers! After my aiptasia problem exploded exponentially, i decided enough is enough. My peppermint shrimps have been eating the aiptasia, but not fast enough, and they tend to leave those huge ones alone. So today, i killed them successfully using a method, which i am sure many of you have used before =) Just incase no one here use this method before, i will share. I have a big bottle of calcium powder additive that i occasionally dose to keep my calcium levels up. I mix one teaspoon of this with a small bowl of tank water to make a concentrated solution of calcium. Im sure many use this method before, but they use kalkwasser or smth else... i use calcium additive. Then i take a syringe and blow it around the aiptasia. Dun even need to inject it as its so concentrated. The aiptasia just wither and die =) Im so happy now my tank AIPTASIA FREE!

Do share if u have used similar methods

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  • Senior Reefer

haha. i climb ladder and just aim around it. Stick my whole arm into the tank and aim for all the aiptasia. My solution was super concentrated. Don't have to be directly over it, enough to kill it le. From what i see. They just shrivel up and died. Its a good thing i dont have many that are behind the rocks. Majority are infront. I think my peppermint shrimps took care of those smaller ones behind the rock liao. My solution so concentrated that not all the powder can dissolve lol. Left alot of lumps. I just suck it with my syringe, lumps and all, and just inject the aiptasia. Those that kena the lumps of calcium powder one died the fastest. It juts burned away the aiptasia. lol

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  • Senior Reefer
I use lemon juice... but have to inject directly into the aiptasia body.

haha, i have heard of that method. But my aiptasias are too deep and i dont have a needle to inject the aiptasia. This method works tho, but the mixture has to very concentrated, so as to totally melt off the aiptasia from the rock. If mixture too weak, The tentacles of the aiptasia will only be burned and damaged, but completely dead.

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  • SRC Member
haha, i have heard of that method. But my aiptasias are too deep and i dont have a needle to inject the aiptasia. This method works tho, but the mixture has to very concentrated, so as to totally melt off the aiptasia from the rock. If mixture too weak, The tentacles of the aiptasia will only be burned and damaged, but completely dead.

Dont be surprised that the aiptasias are simply hidding inside the rocks. They usually appear after a week or so if you dont inject directly.

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  • Senior Reefer
Dont be surprised that the aiptasias are simply hidding inside the rocks. They usually appear after a week or so if you dont inject directly.

haha. i make sure that the whole thing melt off and drop out completely.

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