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Are these good or bad algae?


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  • Senior Reefer

WOW! looks like those normal kind of green algae that overgrow until jungle HAHA! Hmm. this kind of algae not say very bad lar. But grow until like this, i think ur water got alot of NO3 and PO4. Just get some tangs, or some snails. My snails now dying inside my tank, coz no algae lol. everyday i clean =( Poor thing my snail.

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  • SRC Member
WOW! looks like those normal kind of green algae that overgrow until jungle HAHA! Hmm. this kind of algae not say very bad lar. But grow until like this, i think ur water got alot of NO3 and PO4. Just get some tangs, or some snails. My snails now dying inside my tank, coz no algae lol. everyday i clean =( Poor thing my snail.

Oh no... no wonder it spead like mad...

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  • Senior Reefer

yes. tank can clear that algae patch in no time at all. Tomini tang or any other tang from the zebrasoma genus. I somehow find zebrasoma tangs more like to eat algae than acanthus tangs..

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  • SRC Member
Those are hair algae, plucking it off with only allow those "seedings" to spread all over, apart from getting a tang, rem to lower ur PO4 and ur NO3. The best sources for algae growth. :)

Hmm, have checked my tank on NO3, PO4 and NH3, it seem like my PO4 is about 5, NO3 is about 10 while Ammonia is very high... I guess my chemical filter needs replacing..

Thanks guys for all your advices! Really appreciate it!

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