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Harlequin shrimp


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  • Senior Reefer

Hey everybody! Recently saw a few very nice pairs of harlequin shrimp at henry's. Over the past few days have been doing plenty of research, and considering the cost of the shrimp, and starfish. They are obligate feeders, feeding on starfish only, maybe certain urchins. Just want to know if anyone have any experience keeping them? Have any tips to offer? If i ultimately get them, i will feed them starfish once every 2-3 weeks, depending on how much they eat. I don't mind going to LFS to buy starfish every few weeks to suppliment this beautiful creature. Maybe will get those cheap and lowly chocolate chip stars, or maybe lickias. Anyone with experience can please share with me? Thank you. All help appreciated.

If i do get one, i will post a picture, and will take my best to care for these splendid creatures. Currently my favourite invert now.

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heard of a cruel way but not sure if it will work

buy adult 5 starfish, keep them in your sump

every week remove 1 limb from 1 star fish and feed your harlequin

this give ample time for the starfish to grow back its limb

best is not to keep them lar

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  • Senior Reefer
can train them to take frozen ?

I have heard of harlequin shrimps eating frozen food. But 99% Do not accept frozen foods. Even if they do, it might not contain the neccesary nutrients found in starfishes to sustain it for long periods of time. almost all of them feed ONLY EXCLUSIVELY on starfishes. Haiz, i really want that pair, But like cruel leh, to sacrifice starfish.

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  • SRC Member
I have heard of harlequin shrimps eating frozen food. But 99% Do not accept frozen foods. Even if they do, it might not contain the neccesary nutrients found in starfishes to sustain it for long periods of time. almost all of them feed ONLY EXCLUSIVELY on starfishes. Haiz, i really want that pair, But like cruel leh, to sacrifice starfish.

Yes, to me, it is indeed cruel. Not because you feed them with starfish, but the fact that the starfish is being eaten alive slowly and then die a slow death. That's cruel.

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  • Senior Reefer
Yes, to me, it is indeed cruel. Not because you feed them with starfish, but the fact that the starfish is being eaten alive slowly and then die a slow death. That's cruel.

yea. Decided not to buy liao. They will actually paralyse the starfish and eat it slowly, to prevent it from dying. The shrimp will even feed the starfish, and do anything to make it alive. Then slowly eat it.

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