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zoas not opening up


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Hi, i've recently bought this zoas from coral farm, and on the first day i put it in my tank, it opens up nicely..but on the second day, only half of them opens up with some 'half open half close'..izzit dying?

today when i came back from work, realise that one of them start emitting some whitish stuff non stop..what could it be? is it harmful?

and ytd i saw my hermit crab on top of them..dunno whether it's eating the zoas anot..should i remove the hermit crabs?

thanks in advance!

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  • SRC Member

most hermits are reef safe, care to specify what hermits u're keeping?

check for irritants on the zoa colony, such as nudis, sea spider, or sundial snails..

it would be helpful if we know ur lightings, water parameters, and tankmates.. :)

oh and zoas should be classified under soft corals..

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erm..actually i din ask what species when i bought the hermit..but their legs is black in colour..

yup saw some nudis like thingy crawling in between, but when try to pluck it out, it hides back again..

did FW dip, nudis din come out, but saw some small black-white worm..are they harmful also?

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