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Charity Car Wash


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  • SRC Member

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm currently involved in a fundraising efforts via a car washing event, under Paya Lebar kovan CC, for a continual community service project to Koh Rumdual, an offshore Cambodian Island that was part of the Killing Fields during the Pol Pot regime.

Pls give your kind support by making a short detour on this day.

Time and Place Date: Saturday, February 21, 2009

Time: 9:00am - 6:00pm

Location: Kovan Hub, (Bus Bay, Opp. Paya Lebar CC)

Street: Hougang St 21

Sedan Cars - S$10

MPV - S$12

Motorbikes -S$8

Pls lend us your support to make this fundraising event a success. Its a win-win situation for you, us and most importantly, the children of Cambodia. Money earned will be used to purchase food, educational supplies and basic essentials.

Cash Donations are always welcome!!!

For Cheque Donations

Write to “Paya Lebar Kovan CC YECâ€, please indicate ‘Donations for Project GMBS 2009′ at the back of cheque


Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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I am puzzled why so many fund raising activities are not aimed at helping our countrymen. In fact, since recession is at our doorstep, the money can go a long way helping the jobless and needy. Look at it this way, poverty in our country will directly have adverse effects in terms of rising crime. If the cambodians are starving, we are not directly affected.

I believe in giving, but my principle is to give only when i am having surplus and providing very well for my family. Likewise, we should help our neighbours, but only when we are absolutely sure our countrymen's interests are given top priority. Why raise funds to build schools in China when we could have bought the school books for the needy in Singapore?

My opinion is this. Raising funds for any other interests other than our own countrymen should be left to the government/politicians who wish to score points and build foreign relationships. Community centres or town councils should aim their efforts in improving the lives of the their constituency.

i really mean no harm but just sharing my thoughts. All the best to your fund raising activities. It is after all a selfless and noble act.


Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm currently involved in a fundraising efforts via a car washing event, under Paya Lebar kovan CC, for a continual community service project to Koh Rumdual, an offshore Cambodian Island that was part of the Killing Fields during the Pol Pot regime.

Pls give your kind support by making a short detour on this day.

Time and Place Date: Saturday, February 21, 2009

Time: 9:00am - 6:00pm

Location: Kovan Hub, (Bus Bay, Opp. Paya Lebar CC)

Street: Hougang St 21

Sedan Cars - S$10

MPV - S$12

Motorbikes -S$8

Pls lend us your support to make this fundraising event a success. Its a win-win situation for you, us and most importantly, the children of Cambodia. Money earned will be used to purchase food, educational supplies and basic essentials.

Cash Donations are always welcome!!!

For Cheque Donations

Write to “Paya Lebar Kovan CC YECâ€, please indicate ‘Donations for Project GMBS 2009′ at the back of cheque


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  • SRC Member
I am puzzled why so many fund raising activities are not aimed at helping our countrymen. In fact, since recession is at our doorstep, the money can go a long way helping the jobless and needy. Look at it this way, poverty in our country will directly have adverse effects in terms of rising crime. If the cambodians are starving, we are not directly affected.

I believe in giving, but my principle is to give only when i am having surplus and providing very well for my family. Likewise, we should help our neighbours, but only when we are absolutely sure our countrymen's interests are given top priority. Why raise funds to build schools in China when we could have bought the school books for the needy in Singapore?

My opinion is this. Raising funds for any other interests other than our own countrymen should be left to the government/politicians who wish to score points and build foreign relationships. Community centres or town councils should aim their efforts in improving the lives of the their constituency.

i really mean no harm but just sharing my thoughts. All the best to your fund raising activities. It is after all a selfless and noble act.


Hi Kevin,

FYI, i do not belong under Paya Lebar Kovan Constituency but it does not stop me from helping out and even if the constituency does improve the lives of the residents, i wont benefit from it.

I decided to help coz i think it is meaningful and helping other people regardless of race or nationality and i'm pretty sure those volunteers and humanitarian teams that are going down to Cambodia to do the distribution and attempt to bring a better life to the poor, regardless of the fact that it might be just briefly, do not want any sort of recognition or acknowledgement. Whatever hidden agenda or interests etc that the govt/politicians had to score points like you had mentioned, is their choice. It is an issue of going beyond oneself. I'm not saying that i'm noble and i do too, have my commitments. It is just a little sacrifice that the teams and i do, in our limited abilities to help others and the reward that we get is when we see the receipent smile.

While you do not mean any harm, i do, and i'm sure if i were to show your comments to other charitiable organisation that are raising funds, take offence in your choice of words and your thoughts. Like you mentioned, during such times of recession, we should be helping our countrymen by attempting to raise funds to help the poor. In the event that you might be interested to know, activities had been planned to help our countrymen as well. In fact, we are collecting can food next sunday for distribution to needy families in the constituency. Would u like to help your fellow countrymen by donating some foodstuff to the cause and walk the talk, rather than just merely saying that you are just sharing your thoughts?

It is easy to sit behind a PC and be a keyboard warlord and pretend that nothing happens after ending such a reply with a sharing of thoughts statement. Because of your statement, it might have put ppl off coming to participate in this event. It is ok coz at the end, we get to wash less cars and earn less and we go back less tired. However, it only equates that we have less budget to cater to the needy. Its just as simple as that. As such, in threads like this, in any other forums, your statement is really uncalled for and i find it irresponsible to some extend.

Also, do not equate poverty with crime. Crime happens in all levels of society. It is very stereotyping to stay that poverty results in rising crime. I have seen many families who are poor but live a much happier life than many of us for the very reason, they are contented with what they have. If like you had mentioned, poverty results in rising crime, then perhaps i can stereotypely, as you had done, say that it is all due to greed.

Anyway, as you might have known by now, while we are separated by geographical segregation, like it or not, the way i see it, we (regardless of nationality) are intertwined as one race. We do not live alone in this world or become so entrenched in our own society that we failed to realise what is happening to the world and be less sensitive abt it.

In terms of giving like you had mentioned, it is absolutely not wrong to say that u give only the surplus and i'm not saying that you have to donate till the fact that you cannot feed the family. It is, just a charity car wash event, which, in the event should you own a car, and instead of manually washing your car during the weekend and decided to go to a car wash in a petrol kiosk, why not just pop by and let us do the job for you. U still get ur car wash and the money that you given out, is for the services rendered. It is just that, in this case, the money earned, will be used to lighten the load of the poor in Cambodia. The way i see it, it is a win win situation and fyi, everything is accounted and audited.

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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Hi Kelstorm,

I do not appreciate your name calling ethics. If you think my opinions are uncalled for, I would think your harsh words are equally sinful. You seem to make loose accusations and assumptions your way of life, just as I have my own presumptions about crime and poverty. I do not think it is far fetch to relate crime with poverty. As a matter of fact, statistics will prove that political unrest, unemployment and poverty are the main motivators for crime. In context, would a middle class executive be more likely to rob or one without a job and having a family to feed? I would like to reiterate that I did not say all poor will rob, nor did I say that the wealthy will not commit crime to fund their flamboyant lifestyles. Do not put words in my mouth.

I am sure this thread will draw different responses from different people depending on which camp you are from. If you think my post will stir anger amongst the fund raising parties, I am equally certain that the needy and poor in Singapore will stand behind my arguments. More can definitely be done for them! And during this period of recession and unemployment, can you say that your one weekend of collecting can food is suffice to tide them through this crisis? Is the recession just for tomorrow or one week? It saddens me as much as it tickles me to think that you speak with such dignity of one week of fund raising for our countrymen.

I have not, in any way, cast doubts about your sincerity and motives for involvement in the fund raising activity and I am surprised duly at your eagerness to clarify and defend.

In my opinion, that wasn’t event the topic. I have always maintained a good level of admiration for self giving volunteers from charity organizations, despite the bad publicities arising from the major organizations in Singapore. I do not think I need to go into details.

And when was it I mentioned you asked people to donate till their immediate family suffer? I really puzzles me how fast you jump to conclusions and how you put words in peoples’ mouths.

The forum is really a platform whereby anyone and everyone has equal opportunity and rights to voice their opinions. I think can only put up a weak defence to argue otherwise.

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My stand is this:

ALOT more should be done for needy Singaporeans before we think about contributing to neighbouring countries. And during this period of recession, this sense of priority should be more focussed then ever before. To illustrate my point and bring focus to my argument, i give you an example.

Hypothetical scenario:

You guys have been extremely successful in this car wash fund raising activity. Due to the success, the event gets some publicity and the amount raised is mentioned in the papers. An elderly ah pek who has no dependents and living from hand to mouth chance upon the article. Another middle age women who just lost her husband(critical illness) found new responsibilities in raising her 3 kids single handedly read it too. It does not take very much to guess what their thoughts would be. "Why wasn't i the beneficiary to the donations? Why try to put out a distant fire when i am drowning right in front of you?

Just as i do not wish this debate to turn out to be 'ME' against 'YOU', i hope you can keep the argument clean and free from loose name calling and accusations.I have never intended this to be personal. You should not too. :thanks:

p.s A keyboard warlord (as u described me) does not leave his name after his post as i did.

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  • SRC Member

the very reason as in why i would like to clarify the stance of the cause, was due to the impression that i did obtain from your posts that we did not show concern for our fellow countrymen and yet focus on overseas causes instead, which is not the case.

i applaud you for worrying abt the needy in our own homeland and that we should concentrate our efforts to help our fellow countrymen instead. But i do reassure you that such events are being planned. As for the statement of ur claim of one wkend of collection to tide them over the entire recession, i find that is really far fetch. Both of us realised that one wkend of food collection is not gonna be enuff to last those needy like homes etc the entire recession. yet most volunteers, i do believe, adopt the mindset that every little bit helps. While we would like to reach out to as many as possible to kindly donate, we are also limited by the amount of volunteers and the area we can reach out to as well as fellow countrymen's generosity. Would you like to support the event and make a donation to help our fellow needy countrymen or volunteer your services?

Whatever camps of thots we might belong to, our intentions are the same, to help to needy. My purpose was to broadcast this event and attempt to reach out to as many reefers as possible and seek their support for a good cause, where they, instead of manually washing their cars during the weekend and decided to go to a car wash in a petrol kiosk, why not just pop by and let us do the job for you. U still get ur car wash and the money that you given out, is for the services rendered. It is just that, in this case, the money earned, will be used to lighten the load of the poor in Cambodia. The way i see it, it is a win win situation

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member
My stand is this:

ALOT more should be done for needy Singaporeans before we think about contributing to neighbouring countries. And during this period of recession, this sense of priority should be more focussed then ever before. To illustrate my point and bring focus to my argument, i give you an example.

Hypothetical scenario:

You guys have been extremely successful in this car wash fund raising activity. Due to the success, the event gets some publicity and the amount raised is mentioned in the papers. An elderly ah pek who has no dependents and living from hand to mouth chance upon the article. Another middle age women who just lost her husband(critical illness) found new responsibilities in raising her 3 kids single handedly read it too. It does not take very much to guess what their thoughts would be. "Why wasn't i the beneficiary to the donations? Why try to put out a distant fire when i am drowning right in front of you?

as per your hypothetical scenario,

may i point out that for every charity fund raising event, there is always a target beneficiary. I'm sure that should they (the examples mentioned above) need help in any form, there are avenues which they can turn to for help. They can always approach the MPs for help and be directed to the correct organistations for assistance.

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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I fully understand the challenges you guys face. It is a dirty ˜cauldron" that not many Singaporeans, given our stressful lifestyles and challenging economy, will take up. Even if the word "self profiteering" comes up, I recognize that it has never been a pie that the volunteers share. When TT Durai's case surfaced, my heart went to the poor artistes who truly believed they were sweating and bleeding for a noble cause. Therefore, despite my cynicisms towards charity organizations, I have maintained admiration for the hardworking volunteers.

I also concur that those who need a car wash and happen to be nearby lose nothing by detouring over and contribute to the fund raising activity. I might have done so if you are around my area (bukit timah) and I needed a car wash. It would please me more if I know that the $10 is to buy my needy neighbor a text book for his schooling child for the new school term. On top of that, I can see his appreciating smile and immediate effects of my kind deed. This is the same satisfaction and fulfillment you seek isn't it? I want that kind of satisfaction when I donate.(assuming i am in a charitable mood). I don't think that will happen if I donate to a faraway cause.

Wishing you all the best in your fund raising activities is all I am willing to offer at this juncture of my life.

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I fully understand the challenges you guys face. It is a dirty Ëœcauldron" that not many Singaporeans, given our stressful lifestyles and challenging economy, will take up. Even if the word "self profiteering" comes up, I recognize that it has never been a pie that the volunteers share. When TT Durai's case surfaced, my heart went to the poor artistes who truly believed they were sweating and bleeding for a noble cause. Therefore, despite my cynicisms towards charity organizations, I have maintained admiration for the hardworking volunteers.

I also concur that those who need a car wash and happen to be nearby lose nothing by detouring over and contribute to the fund raising activity. I might have done so if you are around my area (bukit timah) and I needed a car wash. It would please me more if I know that the $10 is to buy my needy neighbor a text book for his schooling child for the new school term. On top of that, I can see his appreciating smile and immediate effects of my kind deed. This is the same satisfaction and fulfillment you seek isn't it? I want that kind of satisfaction when I donate.(assuming i am in a charitable mood). I don't think that will happen if I donate to a faraway cause.

Wishing you all the best in your fund raising activities is all I am willing to offer at this juncture of my life.

:whistle:whistle Stand Up for Singapore. :thanks::thanks:

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  • SRC Member
I also concur that those who need a car wash and happen to be nearby lose nothing by detouring over and contribute to the fund raising activity. I might have done so if you are around my area (bukit timah) and I needed a car wash. It would please me more if I know that the $10 is to buy my needy neighbor a text book for his schooling child for the new school term. On top of that, I can see his appreciating smile and immediate effects of my kind deed. This is the same satisfaction and fulfillment you seek isn't it? I want that kind of satisfaction when I donate.(assuming i am in a charitable mood). I don't think that will happen if I donate to a faraway cause.

Wishing you all the best in your fund raising activities is all I am willing to offer at this juncture of my life.

Thanks for your wishes. I do hope that it is a success as well.

As for the statement of obtaining satisfaction and fulfillment like you had mentioned, to see the appreciating smile and immediate effects of the kind deed, just a thot, wouldnt it be that you have to literally help out in purchasing, distributing the textbooks to the needy neighbour in order to obtain that sort of immediate satisfaction? If not, wouldnt it be that you are donating out of good faith (assuming that you are in a charitable mood) that the money goes to buying textbooks or anything of that sort?

i'm just as fallible as most of the ppl out there. Depends on moods to do donations, like dropping a couple of coins for a flag. I am selective like you, to give to organisation that i feel the money can go to them and give out of good faith that the meagre amt that i give, can aid in whatever ways the money can best be used.

I respect your decision and your views on how you wanna donate your money.

FYI, Paya Lebar Kovan CC also adopt society of the aged and sick as their local project and we always welcome donations and volunteers to help out.

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member

l don't see anything wrong helping those needy outside our country.

Yes, some of our own people are in need of help, but in relative to those in developing & third world countries such as cambodia, l believe our people are much taken care of by our own govt, non-govt bodies and the people who readily chip in to help. But this is not so for thousands of villages in those countries. It is through international help that they gain some decent assistance and little improvements to their improvished lives. We can see that selfless, critical and noble acts during the recent Tsunami and Si Chuan earthquake. Mercy Relief, Red Cross and many others all played a critical role. We can't place the responsibility solely on the govt to help people of other nations. In fact, l cannot imagine if everyone only cares for their own people and do not wish to extend help to those outside their circles.

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l don't see anything wrong helping those needy outside our country.

Yes, some of our own people are in need of help, but in relative to those in developing & third world countries such as cambodia, l believe our people are much taken care of by our own govt, non-govt bodies and the people who readily chip in to help. But this is not so for thousands of villages in those countries. It is through international help that they gain some decent assistance and little improvements to their improvished lives. We can see that selfless, critical and noble acts during the recent Tsunami and Si Chuan earthquake. Mercy Relief, Red Cross and many others all played a critical role. We can't place the responsibility solely on the govt to help people of other nations. In fact, l cannot imagine if everyone only cares for their own people and do not wish to extend help to those outside their circles.


Thank you for your contribution.

For the record, i don't think it is 'wrong' to help neighbouring countries or countries in dire help due to natural disasters etc. In fact i think it is paramount to lend assistance in such times. It is akin to helping to put out a fire of a neighbour's burning house. Everyone and anyone able will help. You will not think of spending that time practicing piano with your child for her grading the next day and justifying your actions by saying you have problems of your own and it is more important than the fire.

And this is not exactly a good time to share the fruits of our fund raising efforts with other nations because we are having a 'fire' at our doorstep, unless you have not felt it or you are not aware.

If your opinion is that the government should not be the only one helping other nations, i wonder if it is fair to place the responsibility of looking after own countrymen on our government. We need to help ourselves. We need our constituencies to help us too. As long as there is honest working person who needs help and has not been rendered adequate assistance, i do not think we are ready to help others.

I do not take this debate personal and i kind of enjoy listening to other views. I hear the valid points and do agree silently to some.

In fact, i have come to understand myself better these few days. I may be called selfish and myopic at worst, but i guess it is only my opinion in the end.


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Thanks for your wishes. I do hope that it is a success as well.

As for the statement of obtaining satisfaction and fulfillment like you had mentioned, to see the appreciating smile and immediate effects of the kind deed, just a thot, wouldnt it be that you have to literally help out in purchasing, distributing the textbooks to the needy neighbour in order to obtain that sort of immediate satisfaction? If not, wouldnt it be that you are donating out of good faith (assuming that you are in a charitable mood) that the money goes to buying textbooks or anything of that sort?

i'm just as fallible as most of the ppl out there. Depends on moods to do donations, like dropping a couple of coins for a flag. I am selective like you, to give to organisation that i feel the money can go to them and give out of good faith that the meagre amt that i give, can aid in whatever ways the money can best be used.

I respect your decision and your views on how you wanna donate your money.

FYI, Paya Lebar Kovan CC also adopt society of the aged and sick as their local project and we always welcome donations and volunteers to help out.

Point taken. All the best!

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  • SRC Member

Thank you for your contribution.

For the record, i don't think it is 'wrong' to help neighbouring countries or countries in dire help due to natural disasters etc. In fact i think it is paramount to lend assistance in such times. It is akin to helping to put out a fire of a neighbour's burning house. Everyone and anyone able will help. You will not think of spending that time practicing piano with your child for her grading the next day and justifying your actions by saying you have problems of your own and it is more important than the fire.

And this is not exactly a good time to share the fruits of our fund raising efforts with other nations because we are having a 'fire' at our doorstep, unless you have not felt it or you are not aware.

If your opinion is that the government should not be the only one helping other nations, i wonder if it is fair to place the responsibility of looking after own countrymen on our government. We need to help ourselves. We need our constituencies to help us too. As long as there is honest working person who needs help and has not been rendered adequate assistance, i do not think we are ready to help others.

I do not take this debate personal and i kind of enjoy listening to other views. I hear the valid points and do agree silently to some.

In fact, i have come to understand myself better these few days. I may be called selfish and myopic at worst, but i guess it is only my opinion in the end.


Bro Skinbone,

Your points are taken.

Don't think i ever opined that the responsibility of looking after own countrymen should be on our government. On the contrary, l think eveyone such as govt, NGOs, the people are all chipping in to help our countrymen in a way or another, directly or indirectly. Flag day, charity wk, donations, Sharity, etc etc. l would even reinforced that the responsibility of helping people outside our country should not solely be our govt business. The govt is using tax payers' money and they need to justify who they are helping, and certainly cannot help everyone out there with our finite resources. As a govt, besides national disasters elsewhere, l'm sure the govt cannot just channel funds to help people from other nations affected by, say bad economy. On the other hand, we are free to choose who we want to help, in addition to our own countrymen, and extend that goodwill to people outside. It's a personal choice and i support bro Kelstorm's effort.


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  • SRC Member

Thanks Kevin and Underwater for your support on this thread.

As i mentioned earlier, this thread was started to garner awareness from reefers on this upcoming charitable car wash event and we do hope, like Kevin had mentioned, ppl who happened to be nearby to pop by and support this cause.

Its not abt being selfless or noble, but it is about giving without expecting anything in return :)

Anway, we all have our own perception about overseas comm service and it is not up to me to change that. My personal belief is that as long as i am benefitting at least 1 person (whether with the team im working with or with the beneficiaries) with what i am doing, i am satisfied :) If i get a smile, it is a bonus.

For those who had taken note of the event and intending to support this cause via carwash or donation, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the beneficiaries.

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member

Eh bro kelstorm that place is very near to my house.Is the houses right across the park there.Anyway i don't have a vehicle so yeah guess i'll try to help with the food and money instead.Ahh Saturday even better :) All the best ;)

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  • SRC Member
Eh bro kelstorm that place is very near to my house.Is the houses right across the park there.Anyway i don't have a vehicle so yeah guess i'll try to help with the food and money instead.Ahh Saturday even better :) All the best ;)

Hi Angelfishlover,

Thanks for your offer. We are looking for volunteers to help out. Pmed u already.

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member
Eh bro kelstorm that place is very near to my house.Is the houses right across the park there.Anyway i don't have a vehicle so yeah guess i'll try to help with the food and money instead.Ahh Saturday even better :) All the best ;)

Hey didn't see u active for quite long liao... whr u been? :lol:

1ft cube with IOS [the low tech tank]

1. JBJ C-breeze to keep temp hovering around 27-28'C

2. LED clip on - 120 bulbs


My 3 humble equipments that keeps my tank running... [DRIED OUT]

1. The RSM itself of course 2.My NEW Deltec MCE-300 Skimmer 3. My trusty Arctica Chiller

Tank parameters:

Temperature maintained at 25.3'C to 24.7'C

No3: 10ppm(b4 the use of the deltec skimmer)

No3: 5ppm (after use of the skimmer)

Others? too lazy to measure...LOL

Camera- EOS 50D

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  • SRC Member
this is why i donate to the world wilflife fund.... but hey, its a car wash. thanks for the note. if my car is dirty and i am nearby. I will drop by...

tks for ur support

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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