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My very healthy, stable blasto receding


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  • SRC Member

My very stable, healthy, 8-head red blasto that has been with me for many months just started receding and looks like it's gonna melt completely.

No change in flow, lightings, water condition, feeding schedule, position. No parasites.

Any reason why this would happen? Is it natural death of an LPS?

Anything I can do about it?

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My very stable, healthy, 8-head red blasto that has been with me for many months just started receding and looks like it's gonna melt completely.

No change in flow, lightings, water condition, feeding schedule, position. No parasites.

Any reason why this would happen? Is it natural death of an LPS?

Anything I can do about it?

Any fishes added recently?....Lookout for Angefish as It may nip the basto, brain..prata :whistle .


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • SRC Member
My very stable, healthy, 8-head red blasto that has been with me for many months just started receding and looks like it's gonna melt completely.

No change in flow, lightings, water condition, feeding schedule, position. No parasites.

Any reason why this would happen? Is it natural death of an LPS?

Anything I can do about it?

Any change in temperature? Too much fluctuations in temp is bad.

Other corals doing ok? Make sure other corals are not melting also.

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  • SRC Member

The rest are doing ok. It's just the blasto.

I do have a brazilian flameback and a coral beauty, but they leave my corals alone. Also have a yellow tail cleaner wrasse, which also leaves my corals alone.

Really can't pinpoint why this is happening

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