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Mitlancer's "Miracle" Atlantis Walll Mount


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Sorry to hear about the elegance, bro. Was gonna ask you if it was doing well when I clicked on this thread, was thinking that if it could do well in your small volume tank, then there's hope for me to get one for my nano tank.

How's your ice pack holding up? I got the idea from you to use a similar product from cold storage, but it lasts barely a few hours, which means I am always not around to change the pack when I'm at work, dunno what the temperature is like in the day.

yeah, it wont last that long. Hence, when i go to work, i would just switch on my LEDs instead of my T5. When the top up tank is running low, i top up with cold distill water (from fridge) support with 2 ice pack. The temp can maintain ard 28 with the fan on.

Well, yes, super disappointed when the Elegance cannot make it. Well, when my water parameters can be more ideal, shall try again. In the meantime, I shall try more on the Brains and Blastos as they are doing better in my tank.


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Hey bro, saw your post about the condition of the tank in another thread :P

For your skimmer woes, how about considering the Tunze 9002? Compact and powerful, can fit it your tank I think, I managed to fit it into the back compartment of my nano tank with little problem.

Also, I find that water change with natural sea water does wonder for the recovery of corals.

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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Coming Soon....

After months of reservist, work n new born..... left with only percular clown, BT, chromis, boxer shrimp, and cleaner shrimp.

Currently doing weekly 20% NSW change, with Reefmax A B C D E.

Existing problem:

- Ich

- Nitrate

Upcoming project:

- Algae Scrubber

- experimenting on how to make my ice cubes last longer.... include metal rod in the ice cube, oil as the medium, etc......

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Hey bro, saw your post about the condition of the tank in another thread :P

For your skimmer woes, how about considering the Tunze 9002? Compact and powerful, can fit it your tank I think, I managed to fit it into the back compartment of my nano tank with little problem.

Also, I find that water change with natural sea water does wonder for the recovery of corals.

yah lor... pathetic hor. Sigh.

But I had been very hardworking for the past 2 months. Buying NSW every Saturday n do a 20-30% change. But having Ich problem with my Blue Tang... not giving up on BT yet.

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This is the latest pathetic status of my tank, sad to say, however, had been very hardworking doing 20% NSW change every Saturday night since Jun.... only can do when the kids are asleep....

Had done a re-scaping since and now plenty of holes n hidding areas for the fishes....

Trying to keep it as simple and neat as possible...

Right Tank View, Left Tank View, Centre View




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Longest surviving Clown, Boxer Shrimp and Blastos (not in a good shape but was even worse previously)....

Does my BT looks like suffering from ICK/ICH?

Chromis under camouflage against the background. :P

Cleaner Shrimp hiding under the LR... hard to capture a pic.







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Try not to get hard corals. They won't last long with your set up constraints. I see some of them were pretty bleached, they must be highly stressed before.

Happy reefing!

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Try not to get hard corals. They won't last long with your set up constraints. I see some of them were pretty bleached, they must be highly stressed before.

Happy reefing!

Yes sir... yah, actually i already stopped all corals.... now is only LR with fishes...

Eyeing on an empty space to see if can build a 4 ft tank.... hehehe.... but may have to wait for another 2 years after the baby is older....

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:nc: Considering ya current state of equipts & tanky space constraints, moi suggestions are:

1.) Will U be investing in a chiller soon ?

If not, stop buying hard corals including blastos, lobos, etc.

They won't thrive in ya current setup as ya tank temp is too volatile.

Adding ICE PACKS/CUBES will not help either.

2.) Go for Softies like Mushies & ZOAs. They can at least make ya tanky look presentable & nice.

3.) Ya BT is 'suffering' from ICH. Likely due to tank constraints like temp, water quality, space, etc.

Dun stock up any more fishes or inverts. U may want to consider giving up ya BT altogether.

4.) Last Resort...sorry to say this...DECOM & start a proper well-planned marine tank (4 ft ?).

All the best dude ! ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Time for some updates after much hardwork....

Still continuing my regime of weekly 20% WC with NSW. Starting to see some results with the bleached Blastos improving (see post #57 n compare)... :)


got a Hydor nano wavemaker to increase the flow at the mid tank level.


Right Tank Shot under my revamped 60 Blue LEDs:


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Got some new zoos from a bro here. Doing good, while there is still one piece of huge rock (at least 6" diameter) filled with normal zoos (as per my pic below) are unable to fit into tank, any bro who wants it can pm me, letting go cheap at $5.

anyone know the name of this zoo?

post-14772-1249700863.jpg Under Blue LEDs

post-14772-1249700881.jpg Under 39W T5 White

Normal zoos:

post-14772-1249700905.jpg Under Blue LEDs

post-14772-1249700925.jpg Under 39W T5 White

Is this nasa snail? Bought from AM last Saturday and had been hiding under the SB until I disturb it in order to take a photo!!!!


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Just noticed, I forgot to take a picture of my Khaki Clown, was hoping it could pair up with the Perc Clown but, the old clown still do chase the newbie once a while... other than that, the 2 are doing fine. Anyone tried pairing different species of clowns?

Lastly, tank view.








Yes, you'll notice the BT is still alive and kicking... recovering from the Ich.... hope it can continue to fight the bacteria... with my dosage of good bacteria and anti-oxidants.....

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Go get Seio 8200 or something as its quite cheap and effective.Helps my 3ft tank a lot :D

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curious. Hw u install that nano wavemaker?

Also, what happen 2 your skimmer?

Hi bro, the nano wm comes with the magnet, good enough for 10mm thick glass. U also AT wall mount right, if i dun rem wrongly. just take out the filter media on the right side of the overflow sump (cotton wool, carbon, coral chip, etc) until u feel the height is enough for the other part of the magnet to be placed. Tats it... simple. :)

The mini skimmer damaged both of my LEDs.... cos keep sprinkling water onto it, n the cable wasn't really waterproofed and rusted, snapped... gone. $$$$ so now I totally removed it and do water change every sat night between 20-30%... which is more effective... the skimmer do help but the cup is really small n needs to be cleared almost everyday, with kids around no such time. . I rather change water once a week...

But i m still not giving up on a mini cooler/chiller. just shipped in a small gadget which is like half of an Ice Probe, less the probe.. n still figuring how to mod it to fit into the left chamber of the top up sump to cool the water.... u wanna help me brain storm????

How's your tank going on? Managed to clean the backdrop??? I now also seldom brush it, depending on my snail to do the job, quite hardworking guy... haha......

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Post your chiller pic c c.

I also don't scrub Liao. Got 1 turbo snail do it but I think it's appetite is limited :P

my tank now has anemone, seafan, zoa. They seem to slowly deteriote also. Now trying slowly topup calcium see if it help. Gd thing is I finally got a surviving cleaner shrimp & Sailfin tang :)

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Post your chiller pic c c.

I also don't scrub Liao. Got 1 turbo snail do it but I think it's appetite is limited :P

my tank now has anemone, seafan, zoa. They seem to slowly deteriote also. Now trying slowly topup calcium see if it help. Gd thing is I finally got a surviving cleaner shrimp & Sailfin tang :)

Wow.... seafan not easy to see it with buds of flowers.... I tried once but failed. Hey, don't forget other minerals like Stronium, iodide, Magnesium, Phytoplankton for your anemone and of cos maintaining the PH. With Zoos and shrimp, these dosage would be good for all. If lazy to dose one by one, just get the SEACHEM Reef Complete (includes Calcium, Stronium, Magnesium, Iodine), I m using this for my office PICO Tank. :eyebrow: :eyebrow: Only $8 (from 328 Clementi LFS) for the 250ML which can last super long for our wallmount tank.

I stop getting Tang liao cos our tank really too small for tang which I agree with one of the bro who left a comment here. That may explain why they are always ich infected due to stress from constraint space. Now my blue tang if get too big, I will need to let go of him so that he dont suffer.... :(

No pics of the mini cooler yet. Still on experimental stage. Not easy, have been reading alot on the different material to act as the probe.... sigh.

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Hmm... noticing there's alot of hairline red worms wriggling in the sandbed. Any idea what are those worms? Harmful?

No pics though cos my camera cannot zoom in so much... unless any bro here can lend me a Macro Len (Canon Mount).

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Btw, forgot mention I started putting those white cotton filter beneath the pump. Seems vy effective in trapping dirt from the return flow. Tank less dirty nowdays. I also off pump when feeding so that food don't flow into the left side. Try if u want.

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Btw, forgot mention I started putting those white cotton filter beneath the pump. Seems vy effective in trapping dirt from the return flow. Tank less dirty nowdays. I also off pump when feeding so that food don't flow into the left side. Try if u want.

Wow... i still leave the pump on when I feed, my greedy fishes eats all the pallets even before the pallets could sink down!!!! The shrimps have to swim up to the surface to fight with them for food... haha....

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Latest Updates..... Had been getting some frags from a few bros here. :)

1. Speckled Zoa??



2. Sunflower Zoas


3. Mixture Frags.... Left: Sunflower Zoas / Centre: ?? / Right: Golden Zoas


4. Sparky Zoas?


Can anyone help me to confirm their IDs... I seriously got short term memory. :P

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Some Mushroomsssss blooming....

Red Mushrooms... they are growing everywhere.... how to frag them out????


A runaway decided to host with the CLAM!!!!! :)


Sexy Shrimps waiting to be migrated to the Office PICO Tank....



A peep into my 1 month old office PICO... :)

Just chg water, some polys not opening yet though.


Enjoy and any suggestions welcome.....

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Some Mushroomsssss blooming....

Red Mushrooms... they are growing everywhere.... how to frag them out????


a small hammer n flat screw driver will do the job.. Take them out from the tank, put the rock on some newspaper and hack them apart...

Main Tank: 5 x 1 x 1

Return from overflow: Eheim compact+ 5000

Lighting: 2x 54W T5

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1350

Chiller: Arctica 1/10

Wave Maker: Tunze Nano Wavebox & Tunze 6055 with Photocell
Monitor 1: American Marine Pinpoint pH monitor
Monitor 2: American Marine Pinpoint Temperature monitor

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