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  • Senior Reefer

Anybody know where i can get a Royal Gamma Loreto??

Thanks! :)

I bought mine from LCK 201. Near coral farm. $20 though, quite expensive IMO. but gramma loreto quite rare. i have been looking for 5 months and finally found it. Not sure if LCK still have or not.

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hi bro, i think 20 dollars is actually very reasonable. most of the shipment i come across range from 30-40. just my opinion.

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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  • Senior Reefer
hi bro, i think 20 dollars is actually very reasonable. most of the shipment i come across range from 30-40. just my opinion.

30-40? :ph34r: Wow, for a gramma, that hardly seems cheap, as u know, royal grammas are fairly common and are a staple in many aquariums. But some how, they are quite rare in SG? i only managed to find ONE shop selling it. LCK there. Perhaps ur right, 20 is quite reasonable ^^ My gramma is very lovely, and $20 is a small price to pay for a nice fish now that u mention it

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  • SRC Member

if its the real loreto , $20 is cheap

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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  • Senior Reefer
yea.. $20 is very very reasonable.

Well, royal gramma cost more than most normal fishes, so far, those that i have purchased. Compared to a pair of clowns i bought from #####, at $15. So, yea $20 is reasonable, im just saying compared to other fishses i buy, it is more "expensive". Sorry if i have described wrongly. haha. cheers! =)

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  • SRC Member
Well, royal gramma cost more than most normal fishes, so far, those that i have purchased. Compared to a pair of clowns i bought from #####, at $15. So, yea $20 is reasonable, im just saying compared to other fishses i buy, it is more "expensive". Sorry if i have described wrongly. haha. cheers! =)

They cost over $50 when i first started out in this hobby back around 1996. Was still schooling then and it was my holy grail. :rolleyes:

A clarion angel can cost $5000, so expensive is very subjective. A royal gramma is one of the most beautiful fish in my opinon, and 20 is definitely cheap.


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  • SRC Member
They cost over $50 when i first started out in this hobby back around 1996. Was still schooling then and it was my holy grail. :rolleyes:

A clarion angel can cost $5000, so expensive is very subjective. A royal gramma is one of the most beautiful fish in my opinon, and 20 is definitely cheap.


U must be a rich student at that time, bro :eyebrow:

Main Tank: 5 x 1 x 1

Return from overflow: Eheim compact+ 5000

Lighting: 2x 54W T5

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1350

Chiller: Arctica 1/10

Wave Maker: Tunze Nano Wavebox & Tunze 6055 with Photocell
Monitor 1: American Marine Pinpoint pH monitor
Monitor 2: American Marine Pinpoint Temperature monitor

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