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My 4 x 2 x 1.5 Reef tank


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Can compare the 3 GSP in above picture..

Top part of picture from GO

Bottom left from bro Hijackng

Bottom right from SLfe

Superb GSPs!

GO's one i think it's called skin polyps? and i think it's very very ex right? more than 3 reds if im not wrong.

One day, i would very much love to see your tanks!

you selling any stuff??

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



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Superb GSPs!

GO's one i think it's called skin polyps? and i think it's very very ex right? more than 3 reds if im not wrong.

One day, i would very much love to see your tanks!

you selling any stuff??

Yup.. white colour base.. bought a few months ago.. But 'greeness' lose to bro Hijackng's one lor!

Will be selling some extra pumps & skimmer soon (but lower end ones).. will probably be giving away some lower end paly & GSP to make space for new gems...

But too busy to arrange..

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very nice tank bro! :)

Thanks bro

Did you managed to find buyer for Mystery Wrasse?

I ended up buying one from RD at a good price..

Previous one (from Irwana) was eaten by my Green carpet anemone (found digested remains) :pinch: ... as it was chased by my 6-line wrasse!

6-line wrasse now banished to quarantine tank!

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hi bro, owner took it back.

iwarna 1 was hawaii or vanuatu 1?

6line is fierce! same as disappearing wrasse killed my mystery too

Hawaii one... havent seen a vanuatu one (except for your pic).

Only difference is the red coloration right?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Reefer
Tragic end...

Went overseas for 3 days last week and came back to see it jammed in my Tunze 6055...

Lucky did'nt rot and contaminate the water though..

oh dear, my fav leh lol.

that zoo is not very rare btw. saw it in iwarna's indo zoo tub before =\

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oh dear, my fav leh lol.

that zoo is not very rare btw. saw it in iwarna's indo zoo tub before =\

The anemone started wandering around after I moved the 2 wavemakers to the front part of the tank..

..when wandering around, it has eaten a tube worm, a mystery wrasse, a fire goby & a purple goby.

After moving the wavemaker, the rics, yumas, mushrooms & clams seem to do much better now.. The RBTA has also found its spot..

sigh... sacrificed 1 for the sake of others lor..

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  • SRC Member
Tragic end...

Went overseas for 3 days last week and came back to see it jammed in my Tunze 6055...

Lucky did'nt rot and contaminate the water though..

Sad :( to hear about yr carpet anemone...it was like the center of attraction...

Nonetheless, your tank still look divine :bow::bow: I hope yours will be nominated for TOTM for month of April 2009!!! :D:D

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