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Week Update - 22th to 28th Dec 08

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  • SRC Member
i bought a helfrichi, din even make it pass acclimatization :(

u r not alone, i did not inspect properly and got myself a mystery and only found out it had swim bladder problem and frayed fins upon reaching home, after 1 day up lorry. LFS was clever to put the fish in plastic bags to cover the faults. Brought the issue up to the LFS but they act blur lor, haha as expected. Well what to do? im only a small fry who cannot afford to spend much mah. Lan lan take it as a lesson learnt lor, will be more cautious in future and will only buy from ethical LFS.

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u r not alone, i did not inspect properly and got myself a mystery and only found out it had swim bladder problem and frayed fins upon reaching home, after 1 day up lorry. LFS was clever to put the fish in plastic bags to cover the faults. Brought the issue up to the LFS but they act blur lor, haha as expected. Well what to do? im only a small fry who cannot afford to spend much mah. Lan lan take it as a lesson learnt lor, will be more cautious in future and will only buy from ethical LFS.

Hi bro, LFS is not clever nor out there to pack fishes in the bag to cover the fault. They import fishes in big quantity. Just imagine that if they have 20 mystery wrasses, 20 flame angel. Only 20 tank to hold the LS. Every tank holds different type of fishes, from not aggressive to very aggressive type. They can’t be putting all mystery wrasses in a tank or mixed them with the other. In the end the fishes will either stress or attacked by the other. That mean they can’t sell, you won't buy. They lose. They are business people, they pack, and you choose and buy. Please don't blame them, I am sure they did not select the fish for you and tell you this species is healthy. That is why you mention they act blur. How to justify this. Yes don’t lan lan la, really it a lesson we all will go thru. When select fish that are in the bag, make sure that the fish is healthy ie: no bloated stomach, pinned head, sunken stomach, and colour fade. Make sure that the fish breathing is steady not rapidly, moving curiously and active and curious eye. Importantly your feeling (sometime can sense the fish can make it thru or not) Fishes that are pack in the bag, water must be fully replace and with new air (oxygen) and not more than 3 days. Check with the LFS when the fish arrive. If you have no confident don't buy.

Forgive me if I make you think that I am supporter. I am stating the fact of why LFS did this and to prevent misunderstanding. I believe that all reefers here long enough in this hobby will understand. We all learn from mistake.




Tank 1 : 36 x 36 x 30

Tank 2 : 30 x 36 x 30

Sump : 43 x 30 x 15

Light 1 : LumenAqua LED lighting systems 72W

Light 2 : LumenAqua LED lighting systems 72W

Wavemaker : 1 x Tunze wavebox

Skimmer : Deltec 701 and Deltec TS 1250 Turbo Skimmer

Chiller : Arctica 1/4

Return pump 1: Rio 32

Return pump 2: Rio 20

Pinpoint : PH meter

Pinpoint : Temp meter

Pinpoint : ORP controller

Ozonizer : Sander C200

Tank1 and 2 : 308gallon




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Hi bro, LFS is not clever nor out there to pack fishes in the bag to cover the fault. They import fishes in big quantity. Just imagine that if they have 20 mystery wrasses, 20 flame angel. Only 20 tank to hold the LS. Every tank holds different type of fishes, from not aggressive to very aggressive type. They can’t be putting all mystery wrasses in a tank or mixed them with the other. In the end the fishes will either stress or attacked by the other. That mean they can’t sell, you won't buy. They lose. They are business people, they pack, and you choose and buy. Please don't blame them, I am sure they did not select the fish for you and tell you this species is healthy. That is why you mention they act blur. How to justify this. Yes don’t lan lan la, really it a lesson we all will go thru. When select fish that are in the bag, make sure that the fish is healthy ie: no bloated stomach, pinned head, sunken stomach, and colour fade. Make sure that the fish breathing is steady not rapidly, moving curiously and active and curious eye. Importantly your feeling (sometime can sense the fish can make it thru or not) Fishes that are pack in the bag, water must be fully replace and with new air (oxygen) and not more than 3 days. Check with the LFS when the fish arrive. If you have no confident don't buy.

Forgive me if I make you think that I am supporter. I am stating the fact of why LFS did this and to prevent misunderstanding. I believe that all reefers here long enough in this hobby will understand. We all learn from mistake.



Thanks bro Bigbird for the buying tips.

I trust that everyone of us had been thru different lessons learnt. Neither am I siding anybody. I had my bad experience from other LFS too. Just have to be more cautious with our buying. Stay cheer and happy reefing. :eyebrow:

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  • SRC Member
Hi bro, LFS is not clever nor out there to pack fishes in the bag to cover the fault. They import fishes in big quantity. Just imagine that if they have 20 mystery wrasses, 20 flame angel. Only 20 tank to hold the LS. Every tank holds different type of fishes, from not aggressive to very aggressive type. They can’t be putting all mystery wrasses in a tank or mixed them with the other. In the end the fishes will either stress or attacked by the other. That mean they can’t sell, you won't buy. They lose. They are business people, they pack, and you choose and buy. Please don't blame them, I am sure they did not select the fish for you and tell you this species is healthy. That is why you mention they act blur. How to justify this. Yes don’t lan lan la, really it a lesson we all will go thru. When select fish that are in the bag, make sure that the fish is healthy ie: no bloated stomach, pinned head, sunken stomach, and colour fade. Make sure that the fish breathing is steady not rapidly, moving curiously and active and curious eye. Importantly your feeling (sometime can sense the fish can make it thru or not) Fishes that are pack in the bag, water must be fully replace and with new air (oxygen) and not more than 3 days. Check with the LFS when the fish arrive. If you have no confident don't buy.

Forgive me if I make you think that I am supporter. I am stating the fact of why LFS did this and to prevent misunderstanding. I believe that all reefers here long enough in this hobby will understand. We all learn from mistake.



bro, how long have u been keeping fishes and how much u know about this trade? Whether u r the supporter or not i am not interested as i am only voicing out what i have experienced during this transaction. Well i am not blaming anyone. In fact i am blaming myself for being so suey n careless. Should have inspected the fish thoroughly before purchasing. The feeling sucks when u found ur newly purchased fish struggling to swim with a bloated stomach and frayed fins even before introducing into the tank, and worst still, died within 24 hrs. True, we all learn from mistakes and luckily 78 is not really a high price to pay. But for me is once bitten, twice shy. Do forgive me as well if i sounded rude.



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  • Senior Reefer
Thanks bro Bigbird for the buying tips.

I trust that everyone of us had been thru different lessons learnt. Neither am I siding anybody. I had my bad experience from other LFS too. Just have to be more cautious with our buying. Stay cheer and happy reefing. :eyebrow:

Yea its good to learn buying tips. Last time i kena before. Don't buy things too cheap..... last time i kena from one LFF in pasir ris. dun wan asy which one. They sell yasha goby and candy pistol shrimp pair in plastic. both for $10 only. i tot wa so cheap buy. bring home, the yasha dissapear. i think die. Few days later i went to ML, was having a chat with henry and brought up this issue. He say my yasha probably caught with cyanide thats why so cheap. Yashas dont usually go for $10... summore got pistol shrimp pair? I tio bad purchase lor. everybody learns =) its part and parcel of the hobby!


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bro, how long have u been keeping fishes and how much u know about this trade? Whether u r the supporter or not i am not interested as i am only voicing out what i have experienced during this transaction. Well i am not blaming anyone. In fact i am blaming myself for being so suey n careless. Should have inspected the fish thoroughly before purchasing. The feeling sucks when u found ur newly purchased fish struggling to swim with a bloated stomach and frayed fins even before introducing into the tank, and worst still, died within 24 hrs. True, we all learn from mistakes and luckily 78 is not really a high price to pay. But for me is once bitten, twice shy. Do forgive me as well if i sounded rude.



To answer to your first question, in this hobby since 1984. Very sure cause i work part time in marine industry every school holiday for many term. I learn how to sort out fishes into the tank, whether can mixed or cannot mixed and fishes character and behaivour. It took me many years in fact almost 15 years to learn how to select fish. I understand your feeling very well, not the money issue, it is, you cant even see the fish swim in your tank and then the next thing up the lorry. I had such exprience this, wow countless time and lot of $ involve. Haha i still remember, back in 10 years ago, it was my first time owning a Queen angel and French angel, hard earn money. So happy and contented as i had my dream fulfilled. When i bought the two fish back, my heart sunk, you know what? The French was breathing very hard and lying in the bottom of the bag, the queen look stunned( resting the body on the side of the bag when i reach home. As expected, both COE expired in the late evening and the next day. Total lost $400. Also same things, i went back to the shop and told the boss, that time he don't act blur, only said, he will give me discount on next purchase. So lesson learn, "confident then buy" If newly arrive, make sure they are already stable.

You dont sound rude neither, We all understand, this feeling. No worries bro, just be more careful next time. $78 is not a expensive lesson, $78 you gain something, Know how to select fish liao. You pass liao.

Happy New Year bro. And Happy New Year to all Reef kakis.


Tank 1 : 36 x 36 x 30

Tank 2 : 30 x 36 x 30

Sump : 43 x 30 x 15

Light 1 : LumenAqua LED lighting systems 72W

Light 2 : LumenAqua LED lighting systems 72W

Wavemaker : 1 x Tunze wavebox

Skimmer : Deltec 701 and Deltec TS 1250 Turbo Skimmer

Chiller : Arctica 1/4

Return pump 1: Rio 32

Return pump 2: Rio 20

Pinpoint : PH meter

Pinpoint : Temp meter

Pinpoint : ORP controller

Ozonizer : Sander C200

Tank1 and 2 : 308gallon




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  • Senior Reefer
To answer to your first question, in this hobby since 1984. Very sure cause i work part time in marine industry every school holiday for many term. I learn how to sort out fishes into the tank, whether can mixed or cannot mixed and fishes character and behaivour. It took me many years in fact almost 15 years to learn how to select fish. I understand your feeling very well, not the money issue, it is, you cant even see the fish swim in your tank and then the next thing up the lorry. I had such exprience this, wow countless time and lot of $ involve. Haha i still remember, back in 10 years ago, it was my first time owning a Queen angel and French angel, hard earn money. So happy and contented as i had my dream fulfilled. When i bought the two fish back, my heart sunk, you know what? The French was breathing very hard and lying in the bottom of the bag, the queen look stunned( resting the body on the side of the bag when i reach home. As expected, both COE expired in the late evening and the next day. Total lost $400. Also same things, i went back to the shop and told the boss, that time he don't act blur, only said, he will give me discount on next purchase. So lesson learn, "confident then buy" If newly arrive, make sure they are already stable.

You dont sound rude neither, We all understand, this feeling. No worries bro, just be more careful next time. $78 is not a expensive lesson, $78 you gain something, Know how to select fish liao. You pass liao.

Happy New Year bro. And Happy New Year to all Reef kakis.

Very well explained. Hope this will teach all reefers (including me) a lesson. Failure is a stepping stone to success, if u dont fail now, u will never learn.

Happy reefing

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Any nice left over LiveStock at AM katong yesterday/today?? Thought of dropping by after work.

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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  • SRC Member
To answer to your first question, in this hobby since 1984. Very sure cause i work part time in marine industry every school holiday for many term. I learn how to sort out fishes into the tank, whether can mixed or cannot mixed and fishes character and behaivour. It took me many years in fact almost 15 years to learn how to select fish. I understand your feeling very well, not the money issue, it is, you cant even see the fish swim in your tank and then the next thing up the lorry. I had such exprience this, wow countless time and lot of $ involve. Haha i still remember, back in 10 years ago, it was my first time owning a Queen angel and French angel, hard earn money. So happy and contented as i had my dream fulfilled. When i bought the two fish back, my heart sunk, you know what? The French was breathing very hard and lying in the bottom of the bag, the queen look stunned( resting the body on the side of the bag when i reach home. As expected, both COE expired in the late evening and the next day. Total lost $400. Also same things, i went back to the shop and told the boss, that time he don't act blur, only said, he will give me discount on next purchase. So lesson learn, "confident then buy" If newly arrive, make sure they are already stable.

You dont sound rude neither, We all understand, this feeling. No worries bro, just be more careful next time. $78 is not a expensive lesson, $78 you gain something, Know how to select fish liao. You pass liao.

Happy New Year bro. And Happy New Year to all Reef kakis.

thks for d reply bro, haha so u r not that young liao hor.......ahahaha....... :lol: probably we r about d same age, or maybe im a little older:P. it's great to hear ur experience and which reefer dun experience death of their beloved fishes before? I have lost thousands of dollars already since i picked up this hobby many years back and i've certainly paid enough school fees liao :paiseh: i have no problems indentifying healthy stocks just that this time round i was in a rush and was too kanchiong to bring the fish back and i wasn't pleased with the lfs's reply when i brought the issue up to them.anyway mistake already made liao so bo bian have to accept it and just have to learn to be more careful on my next purchase.

Happy New Year to u too bro and maybe we can arrange to go fish hunting when u r available.



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  • SRC Member

@ AM katong

if u're looking for mystery and flame, its all gone le....

maybe u wana look at their cleaner wrasse, somehow they look different from the blue streak, seems there's a golden strip from their head to body, very nice, i bought a pair, feeding on mysis

in fact i test feed couple of em b4 purchasing, most of em are feeding

if not, there are colorful wrasses u might wan to look at, but i dunoe their names..some bali black clown... =)

good luck.

Any nice left over LiveStock at AM katong yesterday/today?? Thought of dropping by after work.
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@ AM katong

if u're looking for mystery and flame, its all gone le....

maybe u wana look at their cleaner wrasse, somehow they look different from the blue streak, seems there's a golden strip from their head to body, very nice, i bought a pair, feeding on mysis

in fact i test feed couple of em b4 purchasing, most of em are feeding

if not, there are colorful wrasses u might wan to look at, but i dunoe their names..some bali black clown... =)

good luck.

Will do. Thanx for the info!

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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thks for d reply bro, haha so u r not that young liao hor.......ahahaha....... :lol: probably we r about d same age, or maybe im a little older:P. it's great to hear ur experience and which reefer dun experience death of their beloved fishes before? I have lost thousands of dollars already since i picked up this hobby many years back and i've certainly paid enough school fees liao :paiseh: i have no problems indentifying healthy stocks just that this time round i was in a rush and was too kanchiong to bring the fish back and i wasn't pleased with the lfs's reply when i brought the issue up to them.anyway mistake already made liao so bo bian have to accept it and just have to learn to be more careful on my next purchase.

Happy New Year to u too bro and maybe we can arrange to go fish hunting when u r available.



Hi bro, still young la. Hollywood actor Richard Gere became more sexy when he is 30 plus. I felt i become more sexy and fit. Everyday squat up and down arranging live rock, Sometime really, Kan chiong really affect our observation. Tell the Lfs to give you a better discount lor. I just went to katong, no Mystery wrasses there but a pair of H. goby very swee. Haha one day must meet you up. Cheers.


Tank 1 : 36 x 36 x 30

Tank 2 : 30 x 36 x 30

Sump : 43 x 30 x 15

Light 1 : LumenAqua LED lighting systems 72W

Light 2 : LumenAqua LED lighting systems 72W

Wavemaker : 1 x Tunze wavebox

Skimmer : Deltec 701 and Deltec TS 1250 Turbo Skimmer

Chiller : Arctica 1/4

Return pump 1: Rio 32

Return pump 2: Rio 20

Pinpoint : PH meter

Pinpoint : Temp meter

Pinpoint : ORP controller

Ozonizer : Sander C200

Tank1 and 2 : 308gallon




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  • SRC Member
Hi bro, still young la. Hollywood actor Richard Gere became more sexy when he is 30 plus. I felt i become more sexy and fit. Everyday squat up and down arranging live rock, Sometime really, Kan chiong really affect our observation. Tell the Lfs to give you a better discount lor. I just went to katong, no Mystery wrasses there but a pair of H. goby very swee. Haha one day must meet you up. Cheers.

haha Mr. Sexy, i will go going lck 201 today ard lunch time. How abt meeting u there?

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haha Mr. Sexy, i will go going lck 201 today ard lunch time. How abt meeting u there?

Working bro. Full day. Hope you will get some nice fish back. Cheers.


Tank 1 : 36 x 36 x 30

Tank 2 : 30 x 36 x 30

Sump : 43 x 30 x 15

Light 1 : LumenAqua LED lighting systems 72W

Light 2 : LumenAqua LED lighting systems 72W

Wavemaker : 1 x Tunze wavebox

Skimmer : Deltec 701 and Deltec TS 1250 Turbo Skimmer

Chiller : Arctica 1/4

Return pump 1: Rio 32

Return pump 2: Rio 20

Pinpoint : PH meter

Pinpoint : Temp meter

Pinpoint : ORP controller

Ozonizer : Sander C200

Tank1 and 2 : 308gallon




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thought bro orsony had given the hint on what are coming.....lol. Any bro going to LCK can confirm whether they are open tomorrow? A bro here might be going and dont want him to make a fruitless trip....thanks inadvance.

Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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thought bro orsony had given the hint on what are coming.....lol. Any bro going to LCK can confirm whether they are open tomorrow? A bro here might be going and dont want him to make a fruitless trip....thanks inadvance.

Open la coz the boss stayed there lah. ;)


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Mr Bigbird! So you are back from your duty and getting the "itch" izit? :lol::lol::lol:

Yes bro, away for oversea detachment. Cannot tahan liao.


Tank 1 : 36 x 36 x 30

Tank 2 : 30 x 36 x 30

Sump : 43 x 30 x 15

Light 1 : LumenAqua LED lighting systems 72W

Light 2 : LumenAqua LED lighting systems 72W

Wavemaker : 1 x Tunze wavebox

Skimmer : Deltec 701 and Deltec TS 1250 Turbo Skimmer

Chiller : Arctica 1/4

Return pump 1: Rio 32

Return pump 2: Rio 20

Pinpoint : PH meter

Pinpoint : Temp meter

Pinpoint : ORP controller

Ozonizer : Sander C200

Tank1 and 2 : 308gallon




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ooppppsss.....stay there can dont mean opening everyday mah....maybe he wants to take a break....but think he still got the 2 swee swee workers....lol...bro, u got lobang for sunburst must inform me ok.....lol

Open la coz the boss stayed there lah. ;)

Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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