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Keeping seawater

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  • SRC Member

Hi All,

I plan on buying seawater from Irwana. Bearing in mind the distance from my house, I'm thinking of buying as much as I can carry and then storing what I don't need for the time being. Is there any problem with storing the seawater for an extended period of time before using it? E.g. 2 months?


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  • SRC Member
E.g. 2 months?

Have been doing this for over 6 months now but I never kept the water for 2 month ( maybe 1 month) so far no problem. I used those 40 gal plastic container to store and change maybe 2-3 liters per week of my 2ft tank water. So far so good.

cheers :)


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  • SRC Member
Hi All,

I plan on buying seawater from Irwana. Bearing in mind the distance from my house, I'm thinking of buying as much as I can carry and then storing what I don't need for the time being. Is there any problem with storing the seawater for an extended period of time before using it? E.g. 2 months?


What Irwana once advised me was not more than 2-3 days in the plastic bags. If you need to store longer, aeration is required. You can always check with them.

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