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many kind of tangs lah....

difficult to keep yellow, purple, sailfin and scopas together...same family...if established...a newer addition can be bullied ...

I have a well established yellow T, so I bought a Purple that is bigger than my yt...it survived the initial harressment and tail nipping, spine slashing moves...

try not keep tangs of the same family...

and sohal....add last....my sohal is fierce man :lol:

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I have seen schooling YTs(young ones) ....but once they are established with nothing much to do in a tank...they get bored and...like kids...they fight :lol:

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  • SRC Member

when i was re-setting my 3 ft tank, i'd to put my blue tang in a 2 ft tank. it started attacking other fish due to the lack of space. therefore, nvr keep tangs if u can't provide enuff space for them to swim. it'll be worst if u keep 2 in a small tank.

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