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Roidan's Reef (I)


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i saw some ang moh tanks.. they got new tanks.. yet keeps acro.. mayb wad u siad is true.. good water parameters?

new tank quite hard to keep acro..because the acro have to fight off the algae phases in the tank which may cover its polyps...so normally better wait till all the algae phase gone...or your macroalgae have a strong foothold on the tank nutrients before you try going major sps lor...

i only got 1 right perched on the left top to try...as the ahpek told me to take coz that time so many...

well, whether your algae phase over or not...maybe cant really tell...but at least make sure ammonia, nitrites and phospates are zero and nitrates as low as possible, even zero before you spend all your money buying those nice sps frags lor...

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is it that a big refugium with lots of macroalgae helps?


i am running one now..i have all kinds of funny algae growing in the refugium..but the main tank very clean..even the diatoms were on the wool compartments in the refugium which i religously take out to wash every 2 days....

i think watever nutrients from the system is absorbed by the macroalgae in the refugium before it wrecks havoc in the main tank...

and my macroalgae growing quite fast...thats why the nitrate test done a few days ago was very very low....

get a good skimmer to skim as much stuff as you can...then after that let the macroalgae trap the rest...be it phospates...nitrates..or watever.. :)

and for the macroalgae to absorb and grow fast, u need strong lights.....i actually wanted to put a 150W MH to light the refugium also..but dun really like the idea of the heat enclosed in the cabinet...so i went T5s and the macroalgae, clams and rics in there are loving it.

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i do reverse photoperiod....meaning when the main tank starts to dim off ....the refugium starts its day cycle...

i tried 24 hours last time in my 2ft refugium...pretty ok....but it seems that some dark photoperiod is good for the macroalgae also...there are some topics here last time about it....

some bro here mentioned the dark phase is needed for the algae to engage in some cellular activity that completes the growth phase

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no best types lah..i think u just trial and error till u get one that can thrive in your system....everyone's system is different...but you can stay away from those grape species lor..nice to look at..but create a small mess when they decide to crash......

but your system may be able to support it though...so just try abit here and there and then when you get one type that really grow alot and never melt away..then it's the macroalgae for you.. :)

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Hi Rodian, saw the 2 purple queen Anthias in your post of tank shots, did you managed to feed it? Juz curious


yeah...actually 6 of them....2 with yellowish stripes..4 totally purple..

they have been eating on cyclopeeze, hikari daphnia, small Hikari mysis, even the brine shrimp provided the size is small....

i even bought the zooplankton from PR to standby...but in the end never got to use it....

as i mentioned in the thread...they hid for close to a week behind the rockworks before they came out to roam...

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