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Roidan's Reef (I)


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Think i made a pump selection mistake for my aquaC ev240....

the ev240 recommended pumps are

Sen 900

Mag Drive 1200

Little Giant 4 MD

Iwaki 40 RLT

Mak 4

Just take Little Giant 4MD, it produce 3000 litres/hour at 6ft head....

my current Laguna Utility 5 produce 4750 litres/hour at 0ft head..but when you actually see 6ft head flow rate at the box...it is barely 500 litres/hour...

wah liew....tomorrow i must try a pump that produce around 3000 litres/hour at 5 to 6 ft head liao...

really jialat....have been using the wrong pump... :blink:

i can't wait to see the foam produced by the stronger pump...

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I tot I selected the wrong pump too cos not happy with the skimmate, yes it's dry and dark but did not skim out a lot.

Where did the white bubbles end at the chamber?

Mine ends abt 1/2 way up with the water level set at the inner platform. Then it just builts up the foam from half-way up the chamber.

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I tot I selected the wrong pump too cos not happy with the skimmate, yes it's dry and dark but did not skim out a lot.

Where did the white bubbles end at the chamber?

Mine ends abt 1/2 way up with the water level set at the inner platform. Then it just builts up the foam from half-way up the chamber.

i think all aquaC users must relook at the pumps they are using....

go see all the recommended pumps for your model and then go and see the basic flow rate of the recommended pumps at 0 head loss....

and then go and see your manual to see your aquaC injector head simulates how much head loss...

for my ev240, the injector actually creates a head loss of 6ft! :blink:

so really must use pressure rated pumps....little giant 4MD produce less than 4000 litres/hr at 0 head...but yet can sustain around 3000 litres/hr at 6ft...

my current laguna pump produce 4750 litres/hr at 0 head..but yet only flow out 500 litres/hr or LESS at 6ft height.

wah liew...guys ...better change your pump to improve your skimming perfomance

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Where did the white bubbles end at the chamber?

i set my water level to where the manual said, at the top of the internal mixing box..meaning you shouldnt set the water level at the foam tower bottom even....

but because most of us use non pressure rated pumps.....we end up cleaning the foam tower more than cleaning the collection cup...although foam does rise all the way up at times....

in a bid to make the stuff collect at the cup....i guess some of we guys here turn the gate valve to increase the height of the water in the foam tower where actually we are not supposed to....

when you set the water level higher using the gate valve....it actually affects the mixing....ie...affects the way and fierocity that the water jet hits the water in the mixing chamber....

i go and try these few days..if performance really improve...i let you aquaC users know again

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currently I am using the oceanfree 9000 which is actually the SEN900.

Thought using the right one.

Yes all along I was aware of the 6ft head pressure induced by the injector and just wondering why the performance not so great.

Maybe use the MD55 to drive the EV240 then tee off the excess flow to drive my chiller.

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currently I am using the oceanfree 9000 which is actually the SEN900.

Thought using the right one.

Yes all along I was aware of the 6ft head pressure induced by the injector and just wondering why the performance not so great.

Maybe use the MD55 to drive the EV240 then tee off the excess flow to drive my chiller.

yeah..and if you notice....even amongst the recommended pumps..there is slight difference if you go do some searching about the flow rates and head losses of those pumps....

i actually wanted to get the little giant 4md...there is a company that brings in this pump....

Bay Pneumatics at Kaki Bukit Industrial Park..

I called them up but the guy answering the phone wasn't really helpful on the other end...i guess they do not have this model of little giant pump also...not sure...anyway, his tone really put me off..

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roidan, you may want to check out ocean runner 6500. Churns out 6.5k per hour and a max head of 3.8m. In addition, it only sucks in 115w of power. May solve you problem. just my humble 2 cents worth

yeah..i did consider that ..saw at aquamart.but 300plus to 400 i think...quite expensive..

but i am not sure wat's the flow rate at 6ft..that's all the matters now...high flow rate at 0 head loss no use for this aquaC ev240....sigh...

for only 200plus i can use a german pond pump that can churn up to 5000litres/hr at 0 head and 3000plus litres/hr at 6foot....i think...not sure ...

will go scout for a pump tomorrow late afternoon

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hehe...bro ah..the oceanfree 9000 flow at 6ft is how much ah....can see the box and let me know?

It eats 80W rated at 4500 l/h max head 5.5m but these specs makes no sense right?

No flow chart was avaliable.

The shape was the same as the SEN900 and SENDRA 900. I actually wrote to asked them the distributor of Singapore and they told me Yi Hu so eventually I bought this ocean free 9000 which they OEM under that brand.

My water level is adjust to the inner level box and the white foam stops at the red line.

Then it slowly builds the dark dry foam all the way up into the collection box. Dunno correct or not. Guess I better write to AquaC and ask :P


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actually you can see the water flow if you shine a torch at the injector side. Looks and feels very strong to me for my case.

I think can easily see the difference between 2000 and 4000 l/h flow.

I've written to AquaC and ask for comments based on my photo. Hope they reply soon.

The MD55 supposed to be used as return pump for my tank.

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:huh: do I see a 'Roidana' onboard? That must be the missus :D

Nice Roidan, I see lots of potential, fill up the spaces with some cleverly scaped rockworks and its shopping time again.

About the pump for EV, consistency is important, if you have the resources, the Iwaki is the way to go. Even if using a non-pressure rated pump, just up the pull rate (= wet skimmate)

IMO, as long as it pulls out the gunk and NO3 are kept low, I personally wouldn't be too concerned with the efficiency of the pump. Mind you that is coming from someone who keeps LPS, so unless you need nutrient free water ... that is another thing.

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Rumor, I agree with you on that. But since already spend a big sum (for me) on the skimmer then I want to maximise it's full potential by using a more suitable pump. That's provided if the one I am using is very unsuitable for the skimmer.

I think it is doing a good job since my NO3 are between 0.2-0.5ppm (can't tell the color difference on the salifert test kit) and my tank is abt 2 months old (DSB not matured yet) and I feed quite heavily.

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:huh: do I see a 'Roidana' onboard? That must be the missus :D

Nice Roidan, I see lots of potential, fill up the spaces with some cleverly scaped rockworks and its shopping time again.

About the pump for EV, consistency is important, if you have the resources, the Iwaki is the way to go. Even if using a non-pressure rated pump, just up the pull rate (= wet skimmate)

IMO, as long as it pulls out the gunk and NO3 are kept low, I personally wouldn't be too concerned with the efficiency of the pump. Mind you that is coming from someone who keeps LPS, so unless you need nutrient free water ... that is another thing.

hehe...yeah man....

hope i stay in this forum long enough to have roidanettes and roidandudes....hehehe

thanks for the suggestions bro...hehe...but i really do not want the centre as a rock wall also as it somehow will take away more swimming space...hehe

i want to keep the center of the tank free from rocks so that it can be a spot where the more active fishes can come swim in the open area whereas the shy ones have the side slope hills to hide...hehe

yeah man....i think pressure rated pumps are really good for this aquaC application...either that...or i get a pump that is really rated at around 3000 litres/hr at SIX FOOT HEIGHT....never mind what is the maximum flow rate at 0 head...hehe...

many thanks again bro :bow:

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bro weileong..finally got hold of information of the pumps at 6ft head loss....


sen 900 612 GPH

Mak4 897 GPH

Iwaki 40 RT2 690 GPH

Little Giant 4 713 GPH

i just put 6 under the vertical length in feet..

as you can see...sen900..really the lowest flow...maybe thats why you are not happy with the performance

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