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Roidan's Reef (I)


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your 'this month' is Jan 04 or Feb 04.....so you can still be in time for the PR next shipment...probably abt beginning of Mar 04.... :rolleyes:

no lah..i have enough for now liao..unless they decide to leave me :(

okok...i mean this month february...no more photos of my dancing queens for this feb liao...wait some bros here see until sian liao

will post pics of my queens in march again :)

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I'm so jealous .. I still have to tear down my tank again next week! :cry2:

dun jealous lah bro...

your tank will be much nicer, i have noted that you have many interesting and unique ideas in this hobby...like the glass bead sandbed..u can be proud to say you are probably the only one in singapore to have that... :bow:

never mind, start again can redo some stuff that you couldn't do when the tank was running in motion....as for me, i know the day will come when the anemone splits and i will have alot of headache...lol

now just waiting for that very day <_<

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wow sebuay chio man!

What else chio bu you have in your tank? quick owe up!!!

Hey can I go view your tank or not :P

hehe....ok..once i shift the corals into their nicer positions first..hehe

so far...lemme think...how many bros saw the tank...

bro orgasbt

bro blenny

bro bwilly

bro NgaoCi

bro Tanggy

bro sugi

bro EastOcean

think thats all..hehe

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but hor...

if wanna see the whole horde of the queens, must come at dawn or dusk lighting time...then the whole horde will come out...normal timing...around 5 to 6 queens will be around....especially the 3 alpha males..lol

if wanna see the sea fans opening up....normally in the dark...but sometimes siao siao in the day also can see them open..

sun corals full bloom...dark period.....they auto open when the lights go off.... :lol:

the tangs....anytime, anyday can see them...lol

the percula pair, only when the anemone is out basking in the sun..when the anemone goes back into the rocks at night, the clowns disappear with them...

the rest...sometimes see them..sometimes dun...lol

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heheh from those photos can tell your tank also super tong kong type lar!!!

BTW how to do make a tang start to eat?

My yellow tang just eat a bit of norti.

My powder blue lagi worst don't even eat norti.

They are pecking the LR everytime but don't want my mysis soaked in Kent Garlic. Tried norti soaked in kent garlic also no help.

Pang cai also no effect.

My blue tang kinda eat everything.

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theheh from those photos can tell your tank also super tong kong type lar!!!

BTW how to do make a tang start to eat?

My yellow tang just eat a bit of norti.

My powder blue lagi worst don't even eat norti.

They are pecking the LR everytime but don't want my mysis soaked in Kent Garlic. Tried norti soaked in kent garlic also no help.

Pang cai also no effect.

My blue tang kinda eat everything.

er....ok..if u insist...

if u realise..those who have seen my tank din say anything here, so it must have been way below their photo expectations... :lol:

tang eating ah...i really not tang expert....but to make things easier for me and the tangs...i buy them knowing that they are eating...meaning...i try to buy my tangs from coralfarm, and i see the tangs feeding on their pellets before my very eyes before i net them out...

that is already more than half the battle won....then when they are in the tank, i feed them marine environment formula 1 pellets..but i recently stopped to coax them to eat the sea lettuce from my sump which is growing and growing....a very good way of harvesting-->feed the tangs...

the tangs also peck my rocks..they are grazers..meaning bo dai bo ji...they swim around...mouth itchy..then they start pecking here and there....of coz meaty foods will fatten them up considerably..

my AhBui yellow tang and AhNeh sailfin both eat anything....and i mean anything..but my sohal feeds on my sea lettuce on the red clip...

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tang eating ah...i really not tang expert....but to make things easier for me and the tangs...i buy them knowing that they are eating...meaning...i try to buy my tangs from coralfarm, and i see the tangs feeding on their pellets before my very eyes before i net them out...

My yellow tang bought from CF one, I test there and they eat the CF's pellet like pig. Come home and then dun eat liao.

Wonder where can buy the CF's pellet. Anyone know? The brown sinking type. Now I using the light green kent's platinum Reef herbivore. Maybe must use the CF one.

My blue tang seems to be getting pui pui liao but must compare photo then can actually tell. I feed them on food timer with the pellets 5x a day and 2x on 6 cubes of mysis each day.

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maybe coz they adjusting to new environment thats why never eat...and after adjusting...your tang decided not to eat pellets liao..hehehe

i also tried asking them (the workers/lady) ...but either they reluctant to tell or they really dunno....the pellets look like a brand of marine spectrum pellets..but i cannot confirm..and i see in some shops selling..but its more like for tropical fish than for marine fish...

so i also blur...maybe that's their trade secret for feeding the tangs...and that's why we are prepared to pay a HIGH premium to get our tangs from there.... <_<

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I asked the aunty if CF got sell then she say go "outside" buy. I tell her to sell me a bit to help the fish adjust to the new enviroment but she refuse lei.

Wow lau, don't tell me go where buy and don't give me some sample, sell also cannot then how?

Maybe next visit must kapo one or two pellets then go around LFS to compare smell liao :P

Else you buy the tang eat there but bring back adjust to new enviroment don't eat then no point buying from there.

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true also...their response suggest that they do indeed know but they not willing to reveal....but i seriously think the size of the pellet and the plastic jar looks like the brand something Spectrum or Spectrum something......but the sticker on the jar shows discus if i am not wrong..... :blink:

i think petmart got sell....go and see the pellet size and colour and the plastic jar and come back let me know if you agree with me that this is the closest match to their pellets..hehe ;)

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