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do remember that Carl Zeiss is a specialist in linking their lenses seamlessly to other makes. like Contax. Hassleblad. Sony. although I heard Sony paid a shit load of money to have CZ making their lenses. and it isn't even the top of the line one. *shrugs*

I still love my 35mm Contax. the images taken from it can beat a Canon 1D. and that one is a 12megapixel monster which I dream of owning. for now, I got to settle with my D30.

if only Sony made larger memory media, I will support them. but I don't see how on earth are they going to make their memory stick cheaper or upgrade the sizes of their sticks. I'm still a convinced Microdrive user, judging from the fact that I exhausted 1gig worth of space during the NDP shots last year with my unit.

but I think Sony is doing a brave thing. bringing high tech photography to people who cannot afford a Canon or a Nikon. or maybe even a Hassleblad.

and regarding the Leica thing. that was because Panasonic screwed up and made the body a huge and bulky one. I love Leica cameras. check out the old Leica cameras. wah lau. old school stuff. solid. I still have my Leica catalouge somewhere. I think its the Leica M3 I was obsessed over. mmmmmmmm.

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  bwilly said:
hey.. I talk n talk n talk...

so far no chance to go n peep leh..

pai sei din follow the long long backtrack thread..

is that in your new 6ft tank or the old one..?

wah lau.. the ric.. so many.. !

I only got two ric..! haha..! just now one drop n hidden somewhere from view.

I move "heaven n earth" to search for it.. haha!!

i very organised...all these stuff are in my 6ft.....those in my 4ft thread are strictly in the tank there..hehe

yeah...i love ricordias...maybe crossed over from my love for grapes...seedless please..hehe..

bro dersuz passed me a pink/red ricordia that both of us feel that its quite sickly already..but i am trying my best to nurse it back to health....hope it doesnt melt away..

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  roidan said:

tat time at suntec was the prelaunch....and preorder..but till now i think not here yet...prelaunch have a special metallic case that has your name engraved and can house all the camera stuff and the camera itself..

er...the fun of photography without water? hope u dun go in the direction like one prominent guy in our news....hehe.. :off::off:

Was told the same promo pitch too.

Haha... :lol:

I"ll take your advice for sure! :lol:


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  terryansimon said:
if only Sony made larger memory media, I will support them. but I don't see how on earth are they going to make their memory stick cheaper or upgrade the sizes of their sticks. I'm still a convinced Microdrive user, judging from the fact that I exhausted 1gig worth of space during the NDP shots last year with my unit.


some other memory card are going upz to 1G..

myself I have been using a 512meg Compact flash together with a Sandisk SD (256meg). SD now hit up to 1G, but I wonder how it going to cost. I got my 256meg SD almost near $200.

Comparing to the more bulky microdrive.. thought at one time to get one to fix with my pocketpc.. but gave up the idea after larger memory units come abt. :D

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XD claims its making an 8gig one. I'm eyeing that one with a lot of interest. mmm.

but actually, I like my microdrive. coz I bought a portable HDD so that the images can be transfered onto it. sort of like a picture tank. with a 20gig notebook HDD inside. hehz.

and even if some other memory media is going up to 1gig, you think Sony will abandon their baby *memory stick* and go for something else? I doubt so.

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nothing beats the economical compact flash or microdrives lor....

that's why sony is launching the f828 as dual slot...to capture the supporters of cf/md....coz the inertia to move to sony is very great if the consumers have alot of cf cards on hand....they tend to just stay in the canon/nikon realm..hehe

i started digital photography from digital ixus...to ixus v2...to ixus v3 and then f717 and now sony v1....hehe

those digital slrs are too hardcore for a light user like me lah....my gf that time commented that not practical to buy the bazooka f717...and reluctant as i may say, i do agree with her as it is a hassle to lug it around...

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once you tried the power of swapping lenses, you will never go back to a simple point and shoot. although I rely heavily on my G3. :P but I still depend on my D30 to earn my money once in a while. hehz.

this stupid fish hobby has robbed me of precious money to buy quality lenses for my camera baby. I was saving up so hard for a Canon F2.0 lens....but. oh well. =(

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:off: anyone know if there's a compactflash multi-adaptor bo..?

(interchange for SD, SM, MMC, CF etc)

if like tat I can transfer files to n fro from different format n store in my pda..

my oly can accept only SM.. hmm.. SM.. no wonder I like my Oly..!

haha.. paisei totally out liao.. :paiseh:

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dunno I still wouldn't use a Sony. maybe I'm the traditional sort of person who worked his way up from the 35mm realm and sort of trust the other brands. I know its biased, but when you started shooting on a pathetic Minolta 7 something...forgot...*considered a crap SLR. something like mid level* you tend to like to stick to reknown brands with opportunities to upgrade to cheaper third party lenses like Tokina/Tamaron. :P

oh well. long live Hassleblad! hehz.

Hassleblad rules!

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yeah lor...sony is a consumer products conglomerate..not the hardcore camera company...so the level of camera history and tradition is something that sony definitely doesn't have..hehe...

i also heard some comments that true photographers only use Leica...but well, that may be biased also..hehe

but like i say, for normal users like me...any brand will do as long as the pictures come out nice..hehe...but for discerning photographers like you..only the best will satisfy...hehe

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true photographers. Leica? they must have very deep pockets. thats a very old statement by the way. you rarely see Leica users nowadays. coz it is so damn expensive. one Leica camera can probably buy a whole fish tank setup. then again the same can be said about a Hasselblad. *you're talking about $4000-$5000 for BODY ONLY. lens, depending on f/stop. average $1300* why must I return mine to the company. could have sold it away and made a hefty profit. :P

oh well I started a photography thread. so all the camera/tech talk can go there (=

I can hear my head screaming now. "Terrence. why the f*** have you gone into the expensive hobbies like photography and fish keeping."


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