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FOR BID: TUNZE Wavemaker


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Since there was little response for the sales thread, decided to put the above up for bid.

Tunze Turbelle 6000 and single controller only. Comes with holder(for the 6000) and box.


1) Starting bid is $100, each bid is $5 increment.

2) Buy now price at $220.00

3) Reserve price at $200.00

3) Bid ends at 2359 hours on friday(07/11/2008)

4) This auction is off if my reserved price is not met after Bid ends.

5) Buyer can opt to buy the following -

Tunze magnet holder - $30

Tunze Photocell - $20

Collection and testing at Jurong.


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abit misleading..

reserve price = price that u want to sell it off right?

so anybids that is lower than $200 = auto rejected?

pls clarify

Reserve price is the minimum price im selling away.

Buy now price is the price which stops the auction once someone bids this amount.

Im sure those familiar with eBay should know...

I cant be selling the Tunze if the highest bid is only $120 right?


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Reserve price is the minimum price im selling away.

Buy now price is the price which stops the auction once someone bids this amount.

Im sure those familiar with eBay should know...

I cant be selling the Tunze if the highest bid is only $120 right?


If that's the case your starting bid should be 200 since that's the lowest that you will let go. Makes no logic to start at 100 right?

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If that's the case your starting bid should be 200 since that's the lowest that you will let go. Makes no logic to start at 100 right?

Juz passing by...

Agree with ultraman, if you are starting at $100, that means you are ready to let go if there is only one bidder who offers $100. If your min. selling @$200, why make people waste time and wave band to bid all the way to $200? afterall, below $200 is rejected?

Mebbe u gotta relook at it. :blink::heh::paiseh::P

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Juz passing by...

Agree with ultraman, if you are starting at $100, that means you are ready to let go if there is only one bidder who offers $100. If your min. selling @$200, why make people waste time and wave band to bid all the way to $200? afterall, below $200 is rejected?

Mebbe u gotta relook at it. :blink::heh::paiseh::P


Then let this auction be void.

Thread closed.

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