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Yelow Tang not greedy anymore, why?


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  • SRC Member

hi reefers,

i've got a problem here, i have 5 tangs in my tank, 2 of em is YT, when i added em, they were feeding like pigs, but lately, they hasnt been filling their stomach when ever i feed em, they show no interest in the pellet tht i've been feeding em with, even if its right in front of 'em. <_<

N ya, they only eat seaweed when i place it rite @ it's doorsteps, but i dun have so much of seaweed to spare...

it hurts to see their stomach flat ~ =(

any idea how to regain their greediness on pellet back b4 they turn to 'ethiopia tang' ??

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hi reefers,

i've got a problem here, i have 5 tangs in my tank, 2 of em is YT, when i added em, they were feeding like pigs, but lately, they hasnt been filling their stomach when ever i feed em, they show no interest in the pellet tht i've been feeding em with, even if its right in front of 'em. <_<

N ya, they only eat seaweed when i place it rite @ it's doorsteps, but i dun have so much of seaweed to spare...

it hurts to see their stomach flat ~ =(

any idea how to regain their greediness on pellet back b4 they turn to 'ethiopia tang' ??

Same goes to my YTs. It eats like pig when i first got him. After a week, it started to lost its appetite and end up dead the next day. :( All of my other tangs are still surviving. I have no luck with YT.

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
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  • SRC Member
Same goes to my YTs. It eats like pig when i first got him. After a week, it started to lost its appetite and end up dead the next day. :( All of my other tangs are still surviving. I have no luck with YT.

omg, bro, u're scaring me, am i gona expect my YT dead when i go back hme today? *touch wood

i am sure there are ways to salvage this problem..

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omg, bro, u're scaring me, am i gona expect my YT dead when i go back hme today? *touch wood

i am sure there are ways to salvage this problem..

lol, pray ur YT wont die lio.

YT is a hardy fish. No idea why i have no luck keeping them. Why don't u try soaking the food with garlic guard, etc. Hopefuly urs will start eating soon! :peace:

...and check ur water parameter too.

Reefing since 2003
 4ft x 2ft x 2ft Mixed Reef (BB):-
50 Gal Sump,

Apex Controlled System (Lab grade),
Deltec SC1455 Protein Skimmer,
Vortech MP40wQD,

Jebao RW-15

Maxspect Razor 320w
Eheim 1260 Return Pump,
Hailea HS-66A 1/4HP chiller,
TLF Reactor 150, running HydroCarbon 


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  • SRC Member
hi reefers,

i've got a problem here, i have 5 tangs in my tank, 2 of em is YT, when i added em, they were feeding like pigs, but lately, they hasnt been filling their stomach when ever i feed em, they show no interest in the pellet tht i've been feeding em with, even if its right in front of 'em. <_<

N ya, they only eat seaweed when i place it rite @ it's doorsteps, but i dun have so much of seaweed to spare...

it hurts to see their stomach flat ~ =(

any idea how to regain their greediness on pellet back b4 they turn to 'ethiopia tang' ??

Try feeding them with lettuce.

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I have noticed the same happens sometimes to my tangs. I just try to vary their diet all the time. Frozen, pellet, flakes, seaweed, chaetos(this was unintentional. floated in the main tank in a net, hoping to reduce nitrate and phosphate, but ended up as Tang FOOD! and they seemed to like it a lot!).

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Hi there, my troubled friend!! U may like to try out different types of pellets for your tangs. I have been toggling between Ocean Nutrition Formula 1 & 2 pellets for my Tangs and they hv been feeding well. It will be advisable to give em frozen brine/mysis shrimps and dry veg nori/flakes (OSI/Ocean Nutrition) in every meal.

For my feeding habits which they hv already got used with goes like this... 3-4 tablespoonful of Formula pellets + 2 blocks of brine/mysis shrimps+ dry Veg nori/flakes. Live brine shrimps per pack every once or twice weekly.

I always believe this... Even human will get sick if certain food is serve everyday!!! Thus, spare a thought for your babies... Hehe :) Good Luck!!!

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  • SRC Member

in case u run short of food, i have alot of dried seaweed to spare, can share with you in case u urgently need it.. just drop me a PM..

but i do believe in varying their diet.. so good luck bro.. :)

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  • SRC Member

nwyk153, norman19, sheltiejazz, beelim : yea sure bros, i will seek ur advices, varying their diet.

In fact i am in the midst of introducing new stuff as part of their diet, i've been feeding 'em with pellet, (frozen fd, seaweed once in awhile).

vt_snowman87: haa thnx bro for ur offer, will pm u if i really need it! =)

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