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A Little Tank Update

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Wah love the depth. can do so much rock scape. And the depth will make the tank look so good from front to back... :heh:

On a balcony?? not worried meh?? ke ke.... :lol:

looks better in person then the photo...guess I'm not a good photographer... :cry2: Yah...on Balcony but against the wall....near beam....choi...choi....but wrote to HDB already safe.... :D

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  • SRC Member
Nice Tank!!

Just curious cos abit "cocked eye".... the center pce at the bottom... is that a roti prata or a short tentacle plate?

and where u get that?!!  :yeah:

thats a short plate tantacle at the bottom piece...just bought recently not fully opened yet...thanks , bought from PMA saw some diferent colored ones there :D

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:thanks: Dr.Evil.... ;) Actually my LFS across the street brought in a CR with no brand on it and is sellling it for $85.00. It has a 400lit capacity with a bubble counter. I thought of getting 2 to make it a double reactor chamber which will provide about 800lits which is ample enough..... :D

total will be 800 ltrs...... :( where got enough for ur tank??

since 1 unit is 85, why not settle for macro?? 1 macro unit can support 800ltr lioa......only $100+.....

cheers ;)

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the biggest for Macro is 800lits. and it seems they don't have it at the moment.... :( Actually was thinking about it but not intending to buy at the moment in case something else better comes up.... :D maybe 800lits x 2 would be good

u are very patient in getting ur stuff.......... :lol: not like me.....die die must get... :lol:

ever thought of getting those diy CR?

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he...he... actually I am impatient too.... :lol: It's hard to be patient reefing.... :lol: but I don't want to rush and gradually build this tank up. Waiting to add more hard corals and thinking of making my sand bed deeper with more LR at the side of the tank. This set up is making me spend alot of money.... :lol: I think the DIY's are costly because if you add a bit more it comes up to the original CR's thats out there too. Up 'till today have not heard any reviews about the DIY CR's.... :D

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