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WTS: Equipment and some normal corals

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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

have some stuff to sell.

1. American Marine Pinpoint PH Monitor - Full set comes with unused calibration fluids and brand new AC Adapter Kit which i have never used b4 - $130

2. American Marine Pinpoint Wireless Thermometer - $30

3. Resun Chiller CL300 - $50

Also some corals for sale cheap. No pictures cos lazy to take them now, however dun expect fantastic colours ya.

1. Lobo - $10

2. Acans - $20 to $30 (Have a few to let go)

3. Prata - $20

4. Acan Maxima - $15

5. Florida Ricordea - $25 (Have a few to let go)

6. Open Brain - $25

7. Favia - $30

PM me if interested. Cheers!

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  • SRC Member
Hi guys,

have some stuff to sell.

1. American Marine Pinpoint PH Monitor - Full set comes with unused calibration fluids and brand new AC Adapter Kit which i have never used b4 - $130

2. American Marine Pinpoint Wireless Thermometer - $30

3. Resun Chiller CL300 - $50

Also some corals for sale cheap. No pictures cos lazy to take them now, however dun expect fantastic colours ya.

1. Lobo - $10

2. Acans - $20 to $30 (Have a few to let go)

3. Prata - $20

4. Acan Maxima - $15

5. Florida Ricordea - $25 (Have a few to let go)

6. Open Brain - $25

7. Favia - $30

PM me if interested. Cheers!

Collection place pls.

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  • SRC Member

bro chk your Pm : Florida Ricordea - $25 (Have a few to let go)

---2Ft Cube by MarineLife---2008-2009

http://w w w.absolutereef . com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12369

Skimmer: Deltec APF600 feeder by Eheim 1250

Lighting: Solite 150MH 14k

Supplement: Giesemann T5 Razor, Actinic Plus ~22k

Top-up: Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155

Return: Eheim 1260

Reactor: Skimz FR Rowaphos


---1.5Ft Cube by Iwarna---2010- ???


Tank: 1.5Ft Cube,Sump with Chengai Wood Cabinate

skimmer: Reef Oct Nw110

Return: Eheim 1250

Chiller: Hailea HC150A with feeder Eheim Compact 1000

Reactor: Phosphan with Rowaphos

Lighting: MaxSpec G2 110w,DELighting T5 ATI*2,Giesemann T5 Razor ATI*2

WaveMaker: MP10 VorTech

Top Up : ATO with Tank

-------------------------Your Advice is my Success

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  • SRC Member

Ok guys, there are quite a few PMs asking for corals. Firstly, let me state upfront that they are normal looking ones, so pls pls dun expect fantastic colours. The prata is brownish gold in colour. Come take a look and u will see what i mean. The rics are assorted in colour, there is green, blue, emerald green and orange. the orange one is bleached and is not doing well now. the acan maxima is pure red but it is slightly injured. the acans are mixed in colour with red and grey. the open brain is red and the favia is the standard kind - green with red mouths. Sorry hope to state upfront so that everthing is clear before u guys head down.. thanks for all the interest mates... my intention is just to clear them.. at a loss of course..

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  • SRC Member

Hmm reserve the prata for me.

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  • SRC Member
Guys, i've decided to make the corals available on a FCFS basis cos they are too many ppl asking for them and its very hard for me to keep track. Hope u guys understand. thank you so much!! =)

Ok no problem bro.Anyway how to contact you?

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  • SRC Member
Hi guys,

have some stuff to sell.

1. American Marine Pinpoint PH Monitor - Full set comes with unused calibration fluids and brand new AC Adapter Kit which i have never used b4 - $130

2. American Marine Pinpoint Wireless Thermometer - $30 (SOLD)

3. Resun Chiller CL300 - $50

Also some corals for sale cheap. No pictures cos lazy to take them now, however dun expect fantastic colours ya.

1. Lobo - $10

2. Acans - $20 to $30 (Have a few to let go)

3. Prata - $20

4. Acan Maxima - $15

5. Florida Ricordea - $25 (Have a few to let go)

6. Open Brain - $25

7. Favia - $30

PM me if interested. Cheers!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi guys,

have some remaining equipment to sell.

1. American Marine Pinpoint PH Monitor - Full set (comes with unused calibration fluids and a brand new AC Adapter Kit which i have never used b4) - $130

2. Resun Chiller CL300 - $50

PM me if interested. Cheers!

Chiller still available? how is the condition? collection location as well. TQ

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