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Hey! Guys...need some expert advice, would like to know what can we do when the marine fish is having white spot?

thanks & Regards,


white spots can be caused by stress or disease.


do check if any of your LS is stressing the infected fish and seperate them if possible.


can try feeding your fish with food mixed with garlic juice. It helps to improve the fish immune system to fight the white spot.

you can also use medication but some of them are not suitable for tanks that have corals.

good luck!


A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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Hi what is your P.H ? how low does your P.H get at 2am or 3 am in the morning, as this can also give your fish white spot.Due to stress as mentioned in the previous post.Do all of your fish have white spot ?

I have a Blue Tang i get white spot when either my P.H drops too low or i get a new fish.

Nothing to stress about as the fish get immuned to the white spot.

I hope this helps

Cheers Andrew

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