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Best way to reduce NO3

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actually i get this info from someone that is very experience in marine fish keeping..... :lol:

it is entirely possible. you must remember that water changes actually do reduce nitrates.

but is it feasible in terms of finance and longevity of it? ah...thats another issue altogether.

nitrates may be at 0ppm but that is only temporarily. whereas letting your tank filtration like DSB/macroalgae do its job may be a more viable long term solution. (=

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  • SRC Member


30% changing water wkly can reduce a certain amt of NO3. However, from my experience, changing more than 25% of yr water from tank can affect the corals, etc. example, yr hammer or goni stop opening for a few days due to stress. I find that changing 10-20% is the most.

By changing water weekly is still not the ultimate solution to reduce NO3.

example NO3 increases by 30ppm per wk and u change 30% water weekly.

Wk 01- NO3 =30ppm change water = 21ppm

Wk 02- NO3=21+30 =51ppm change water = 35.7ppm

Wk 03- NO3=35.7+30 =65.7ppm change water = 46ppm

Wk 04- NO3=46+30 =76ppm change water = 53.2ppm

and so on....what if something died?????? Are u going to do a 100% water change & the cycle to go on again in the near future???

Starving yr system by not feeding isn't going to do any gd to yr fishes, corals or inverts either. I find it to be the worst thing to do. I rather change more water. We want to keep healthy fishes, unless the theme for yr tank is "AFRICA". Malnutrition fishes swimming ard.

The best way is still to have those bacteria to break them dwn. Let the bacteria established somewhere within yr system.

It can be DSB, denitrator or chemically.

Wei :)

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Without DSB and refugium, i always have a hard job to change water once a week to reduce the nitrate level <50ppm, but nitrate level increased quite fast after 2 or 3 days. After that, decided to do major change on the sump to have a DSB and refugium, now the nitrate level can maintain around 50ppm and keep reducing now.... Suggest those reefer with nitrate problem to try this. Do once to solve all.


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My NO3 use to shoot from 50 to 100 in just a week or 2 eventhough I have a refugium with macroalgae.

Finally after some advise, I removed all the bioball, left only the bioRing, and put LR into the sump.

Now the NO3 is stable at 25ppm after couple of water change. I believe another 50% water change will bring down to 12ppm already.

Tank 4x2x2.5

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