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Completed Cycling, Get Wat Fish?

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  • SRC Member

I just completed cycling my tank, thinking of getting fish soon but i want to make sure they survive and my bet would be on getting the most hardy one before adding the rest... I'm thinking of getting the following (one of each)

1. Clown Fish

2. Tang

3. Angel

4. Goby

What do you guys think I should get first? Also, side tracking, does ammonia/nitrite level affect coral survival? eg. polyps.

Thanks for any opinions. :rolleyes:

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The reason for adding smallest fishes first is so that your biological filtration capabilities can slowly adjust to increasing bioload.

Pls try to avoid damsels. They make future additions virtually impossible. ;)

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

thanks for the replies. actually as stated before those were the choices i was considering in my first post. i think i will add a goby first. it's a 3ft tank.

probably goby, clown, blue tang, a cleaner shrimp.

also good point on the damsels. thanks for the reminder.

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Maybe you would like to add some Chromis first such as Green Chromis... they are very peaceful... Den add clownfish..Clownfish can survive without anenome but mine cannot.. you can try lar.. After 2 weeks or so you can add firegoby and angels.... lastly wait for your tank to be matured before you add any tangs..

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  • SRC Member

tank is about 1 month old. added market prawn towards end of 1st week as adviced but then after 3 days, it disappeared... eaten up by little bug like thingys...

anyway there were some snails that came with the live rock all still alive and all over the tank. I'll probably go with the chromis or goby from the looks of things. anything else i should look out for?

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  • SRC Member
IMO,tangs shld be last to introduce...but my experince..everytime i got a tang it sure bring some whitespots in.. hate it!!

maybe i got myself unhealthy fish :P

yah...they are like that...ich magnets...I have introduced six tangs before and they always get ich during the first few days but feeding w garlic-enriched food and good water conditions are definitely plus points...

Moreover, give them 'crevices' to hide...that will bring about acclimatization... :)

So far...they never gave up on me and still surviving and as fit as a fiddle, as hungry as a pig... :lol:

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  • SRC Member

lol, same case as mine!!! strange that only the tangs get them n the rest of my fishes seemed immune to ick. btw, my blue tang is very timid de, see me will hide back into the rocks. :( but feeding time seems to be like superman, see wat snatch wat. lucky for me, my angelfish seems to love ich, it ate the white spots from the blue tang's body. seems like a cross breed of angelfish n doctor fish to me. :)

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